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Spanish 231
Intermediate level spanish
Question | Answer |
la etnia | ethnic group |
el grupo etnico | ethnic group |
la gallina | hen |
la paloma | Dove |
el leon | lion |
el gato | cat |
el perro | dog |
el conejo | rabbit |
el caballo | horse |
el toro bravo | the bull (for bull fighting) |
la serpiente | snake |
la minoria | minority |
la poblacion | population |
el empresario | businessman |
traducir | to translate |
viajar | to travel |
encender | to turn on |
apagar | to turn off |
cada vez mas | more and more |
asimilarse | to assimilate |
antiguo | old, ancient |
viejo | old |
el acantilado | cliff |
el amanecer | sunrise |
la bahia | bay |
el chubasco | heavy rain shower |
el huracan | hurricane |
la isla tropical | tropical island |
la jungla | Jungle |
la palmera | palm tree |
la choza | the hut |
los mercados financieros | financial markets |
creer | to believe |
aceptar | to accept |
preguntar | to ask |
la bolsa | stock market |
desempleo | unemployment |
crisis | crisis |
el mar mediterraneo | Mediterranean sea |
el mar caribe | Caribbean sea |
cambiar | to change |
peinarse | to comb |
toser | to cough |
el relampago | lightning flash |
la tormenta | storm |
la nube | cloud |
el trueno | thunder |
permitir | to allow |
limpiar | to clean |
cortar | to cut |
responder | to reply |
el volcan | volcano |
estar despejado | to be clear (skies) |
humedo | humid |
plano | flat |
rocoso | rocky |
seco | dry |
llover | to rain |
lloviznar | to drizzle |
como es la clima? | what is the climate like? |
que es lo mas tipico de tu ciudad? | what is the most typical thing of your city? |
a mano derecha | on the right hand |
a mano izquierda | on the left hand |
correr | to run |
fumar | to smoke |
olvidar | to forget |
cercano | close |
el payaso | clown |
mimar | to spoil (a child) |
el reloj | clock, watch |
el anillo | ring |
los pendientes | ear rings |
los aretes | ear rings |
el collar | necklace |
la hora | time |
el minuto | minute |
el segunda | second |
estar aburrido | to be bored |
estar enfermo | to be ill |
estar listo | to be ready |
ser listo | to be clever |
estar seguro | to be sure |
tener...anos | to be...years old |
tener calor | to be hot |
tener cuidado | to be careful |
tener éxito | to be successful |
tener hambre | to be hungry |
tener sed | to be thirsty |
tener la culpa | to be guilty |
tener prisa | to be in a hurry |
tener razon | to be right |
tener sueno | to be tired, sleepy |
perdonar | to forgive |
odiar | to hate |
esperar | to wait and to hope |
saber | to know |
desear | to wish |
nadar | to swim |
antepasados | ancestors |
la clase social | social class |
destacar | to distinguish (oneself) |
establecerse | to establish (oneself) |
influir | to influence |
inmigrar | to immigrate |
superarse | to improve oneself |
pertenecer | to belong to (to pertain to) |
el entusiasmo | enthusiasm |
la pachanga | party |
comprender | to understand |
despertarse | to wake up |
levantarse | to get up |
la pista de baile | dance floor |
el puesto | stand (booth) |
alucinante | amazing |
entretenido | entertaining |
acoger | to welcome |
no cabe duda de que... | there's not a doubt that... |
nuevo | new |
estener | to use for the first time |
catarata | water fall |
cascada | water fall |
castillo | castle |
pirámide | pyramid |
necesitar | to need |
preocuparse | to worry |
mirar | to watch |
encantador | charming |
mono | cute |
hijastro | stepson |
hijo adoptivo | adopted son |
hijo único | only son |
huérfano | orphan |
la niñera | baby-sitter |
primogenito | first born |
papel | paper |
carta | letter |
sobre | envelope |
la expectativa | expectation |
la infidelidad | unfaithfulness |
ser infiel | to be unfaithful |
el malentendido | misunderstanding |
extendido | extended |
lejano | distant |
educar | to educate |
vecino | neighbor |
fracasar | to fail |
fracaso | failure |
independizarse | to become independent |
pelear | to fight |
la pelea | fight |
proveer | to provide |
rechazar | to reject |
soportar | to tolerate |
media naranja | better half |
hacer las paces | make up (make peace) |
anoche | last night |
esta noche | tonight |
ayer | yesterday |
el/la aficionado/a | fan (sport) |
coleccionar | to collect |
el crucigrama | crossword puzzle |
la montaña rusa | roller coaster |
el parque de atracciones | amusement park |
el cine | cinema |
el teatro | theatre |
el museo | museum |
divertido | funny |
disfrutar | enjoy |
reir | to laugh |
engañar | to cheat |
el torneo | tournament |
la competición | the competition |
apostar | to bet |
empatar | to tie |
navegar a vela / en canoa | to sail (a sailboat) / to canoe |
remar | rowing |
remo | row |
volar una cometa | to fly a kite |
¿Te apetece ir al partido de fútbol? | Do you feel like going to the soccer game? |
Sería estupendo | that would be great |
¿Estás libre el viernes? | Are you free Friday? |
¿Qué tienes en mente? | What do you have in mind? |
la cebolla | onion |
la canera | cinnamon |
la olla | pan |
el perejil | parsley |
el recipiente | container |
pescado | fish |
carne | meat |
fruta | fruit |
la yema | yolk |
tomate | tomato |
maiz | corn |
vino | wine |
cerveza | beer |
licor | liquor |
agrio | bitter |
dulce | sweet |
de lata | canned |
maduro | ripe |
picante | spicy |
sabroso | tasty |
adobar | to marinate |
asar | to roast |
batir | to whip |
cubrir | to cover |
derretir | to melt |
descartar | to discard |
echar sal | to add salt |
enfriar | to cool |
hervir | to boil |
cortar | to cut |
en trozos | in pieces |
¿puedo ofrecerle algo de beber? | Can I offer you something to drink? |
hace (una hora, un día, un mes...) | one (hour, day, month..) ago. |
Cada (hora, día, mes...) | every (hour, day, month...) |
el aniversario | Anniversary |
el bautismo | Baptism |
la cuaresma | Lent |
el funeral | funeral |
melancólico | melancholic |
el nacimiento | birth |
la quinceañera | fifteenth birthday party |
contar chistes | tell jokes |
dar el pésame | to offer condolences |
emborracharse | to get drunk |
envolver regalos | to wrap presents |
estar de luto | to be in mourning |
rezar | to pray |
gastar bromas | to play jokes |
trasnochar | to stay up very late |
aguafiestas | party-pooper |
hasta las tantas | until the wee hours |
el choque cultural | cultural shock |
enfrentarse a los retos | to confront challenges |
extrañar a los amigos / echar de menos a los amigos | to miss friends |
la asistencia financiera | financial aid |
iglesia | church |
el asesor | advisor |
la beca | scholarship |
la fecha límite | deadline |
darse de baja/alta | to add/drop |
el adaptador eléctrico | electricity adapter |
el colegio residencial | dorm |
la tasa de cambio | exchange rate |
el libro | book |
el cuaderno | notebook |
el bolígrafo | pen |
el lápiz | pencil |
el ordenador, el computador | computer |
la pantalla | screen |
el teclado | keyboard |
los cascos | headset |
los auriculares | headset |
novio/a | boyfriend/girlfriend |
la tarjeta de banco | bank card |
retirar dinero | withdraw money |
¿Aló? ¿Dígame? ¿Bueno? | Hello? (phone call) |
¿De parte de quién? | Who is calling? |
¿Puedo hablar con...? | May I speak to...? |
No se encuentra | He/she is not here |
Dejar un recado/mensaje | Leave a message |
De tu parte | I'll tell him/her you said that |
morir | to die |
fallecer | to pass away |
por adelantado | in advance |
por ahora | for now |
por aquí | around here |
por casualidad | by chance |
por ciento | percent |
por cierto | by the way |
por completo | completely |
por dentro | inside |
por desgracia | unfortunately |
¡Por Dios! | oh my God! |
por ejemplo | for example |
por eso | therefore |
por favor | please |
por lo general | generally |
por lo menos | at least |
por lo visto | apparently |
por si acaso | just in case |
por supuesto | of course |
por todas partes | everywhere |
por ultimo | finally |
Acordarse | to remember |
despedirse | to say good-bye |
dormirse | to fall asleep |
negarse | to refuse |
Amar | to love |
el país | country |
el rey | King |
la reina | queen |
el dictador | dictator |
el tirano | dictator |
la república | republic |
el comunismo | communism |
la tierra | Earth |
seguir | to follow |
quitar | to take away |
la rueda | the wheel |
Rentar un carro/coche | to rent a car |
la gente | people |
alumno | student |
estudiante | student |
hermoso | beautiful |
la terminal | terminal |
el hostal | hostel |
el folleto | brochure |
la vacuna | vaccination |
regatear | to bargain |
los impuestos | taxes |
lista de espera | waiting list |
el retraso | delay |
la tarjeta de embarque | boarding pass |
tren | train |
avión | plane |
barco | boat |
motocicleta | motorcycle |
bicicleta | bicycle |
alojarse | to stay |
disponible | available |
¿Cuánto vale...? | How much does it cost |
caro | expensive |
ganga | bargain |
opitmista | optimist |
pesimista | pessimist |
limpio | clean |
guapo | handsome |
barato | cheap |
tarjeta | card |
cartera | wallet |
bolso | purse |
gordo | fat |
tonto | stupid |
delgado | thin |
feo | ugly |
moderno | modern |
ciudad | city |
inteligente | intelligent |
sucio | dirty |
alegre | happy |
antipático | unpleasant |
simpático | nice |
callado | quiet |
calvo | bald |
triste | sad |
tacaño | greedy |
generoso | generous |
arrugas | wrinkles |
la cicatriz | scar |
el pelo | hair |
las manos | hands |
barbilla | chin |
cejas | eyebrows |
nariz | nose |
ser apasionado | to be passionate |
ser atrevido | to be daring |
ser caprichoso | to be capricious |
ser cariñoso | to be affectionate |
ser egoista | to be selfish |
Ser maleducado | To be impolite |
Ser mimado | To be spoiled |
Ser terco | to be stubborn |
Ser vallente | to be courageous |
Ser vanidoso | to be vain |
Ser un sinvergúenza | To be a shameless person |
Tener mala leche | To have a bad temper |
El "qué dirán" | What people say |
No tener pelos en la lengua | not to mince words |
el atuendo | outfit |
el calzado | footwear |
las chanclas | flip-flops |
el abrigo | coat |
la bufanda | scarf |
los guantes | gloves |
zapatos planos | flat shoes |
zapatillas de deporte | sneakers |
la corbata | tie |
la chaqueta | jacket |
la camiseta | t-shirt |
el chaleco | vest |
el jersey | pullover sweater |
el camisón | nightgown |
el pantalón | pants |
los vaqueros | jeans |
el sujetador | bra |
las bragas | panties |
los calzoncillos | underpants |
la marca | brand |
la pana | corduroy |
ropa de etiqueta | designer clothing |
la sudadera | sweatshirt |
algodón | cotton |
el tatuaje | the tattoo |
imprescindible | indispensable |
innovador | innovative |
estar pasado de moda | to be out of style |
hortera | tacky |
desnudo/a | undress |
¡Basta! | Enough! |