The number of senior citizens in the US is expected to increase by _____ percent from 2000 to 2018 due to babyboomers.
How do you sell for volume?
Find the specific niche that the physician is writing it, and create awareness of additional patient types it could benefit.
What does the FDA do?
Regulates the introduction of new drugs and enforces the United States drug laws. Safety & Effectiveness
What does a NAM do?
Negotiate product purchasing contracts with major MCO's and giant PBM's.
Expenditures for both prescription and nonprescription pharmaceuticals are estimated to be less than _____ percent of the total healthcare costs in this country
What do Specialty reps do?
Sell exclusively to niche markets such as physician specialist like cardiologists, endocrinologists, or oncologists.
The country is typically split into how many regions?
5 to 10
General Spectrum of Healthcare Settings
Primary Care (Checkups and General Health Functions)
2)Family/General Practice
Who typically works at pharmaceutical Headquarters?
NAMs, MCO's, PBM's.
Medicines and vaccines for human and animal use. Generic or brand name. Prescription or over the counter.