Am.History ch 6 Matching
What was the agreement between the Saints and Strangers called? |
In 1593 Parliament passed a law aimed at persecuting the Catholics and the ... |
Those on the Mayflower elected ___as their first governor? |
Where in the NW did the Puritans land in 1630? |
The first English colony in the NW was established at ... |
Said a man ought not to pray with anyone not saved---even his wife and children.... |
Why isn't the Speedwell famous for landing the Separatists in 1620? |
It leaked so badly that it had to transfer it's passengers to the Mayflower and return to England. |
A soldier of fortune who fought the Turks in Hungary, ruthless, headstrong and disliked, he made the people of Jamestown work for food. |
This colony was never large and its influence on American history was not great... |
Although the king later gave Mass. Bay colony a royal governor, the ____ ____ continued to legislate with elected men. |