What effect does making an Inference upon reading an unknown word have?
Assists the reader with identifying the meaning of the unknown word.
"also", "as", "identical", "like", "likewise", "resembling", "same", "similar", and "too" are examples of what type of Context Clue?
What are, Synonym context Clues
"for example", "For instance", "including", 'like", "such as", 'that is', 'specifically', "to illustrate" are examples of what type of context Clues?
What are, Example Context Clues
When you look for the clues over several sentences, what type of Context Clue are you seeking?
what are, General Context Clues
The sentence: Unlike his quiet and low key family, Brad is garrulous. Is an example of what type of Context Clue?
Antonym or Contrast Clue
What are Definition or Synonym Clues?
Hint: Most often found in textbooks such as science, history and mathematics.
The unknown word is followed by a comma or dash and a synonym or definition. Additional clues can include words such as "or", "is called", "that is", and "in other words".
The sentence:
"but", "however", "in contrast", "instead of", "on the other hand", "though", and "unlike" are examples of what type of Context Clues?
What are, Antonym Context Clues
What are Concrete Examples?
the unknown word is followed by an example that illustrates and clarifies a difficult concept. Signal words: "such as", "including", "for instance", "to illustrate,'are examples of",and "for example'
What are Context Clues?
Words and Phrases in a sentence which help you reason out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Oftentimes you can figure out the meanings of new or unfamiliar vocabulary by paying attention to the surrounding language.