shows amount paid out for the expenses of the business practice
Accounts Payable
no insurance
no phone numbers, address
a motel address
a record of doctor hopping
no referral
unfilled blanks on Pt. registration form
many move of residence
questionable employment record
Deadbeat Patient (What to look for)
arteriosclerotic heart disease
to trust in an individual's integrity to meet financial obligations
paperless computerized system that enables funds to be debited, credited, or transferred; it is pre-authorized transfers that are made from one account to another
Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS)
a combination bill, insurance form, and routing document, which may be given to the patient at the time of the office visit; AKA charge slip, communicator, encounter form, fee ticket, patient service slip, superbill, routing form, transaction slip
Multipurpose Billing Form
collectors must identify themselves and the medical practice they represent; they must not mislead the patient; cannot call before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m.; debtors may only be contracted only once a day
FDCPA- Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Fair Credit Reporting Act
physician offers to pay another physician for the referral of patients- this is ILLEGAL practice between physicians
Fee splitting
consists of all of the patients accounts showing the amounts owed for the services rendered