DU Point Location Matching
Location of DU-14 DÀZHUĪ Great Vertebra |
Location of DU-13 TÁODÀO Way of Happiness |
Which Du Mai points are transverse superior or inferior insertion at 0.5 - 1 cun? |
Location of DU-3(YĀOYÁNGGUĀN Lumbar Yang Gate), DU-4 (MÌNGMÉN Gate of Life) and DU-5 (XUÁNSHŪ Suspended Pivot)
DU-3 is below L4
DU-4 is below L2
DU-5 is below L1 |
Location of DU-12 SHĒNZHÙ Body Pillar |
Location of DU-2 YĀOSHŪ Lumbar Shu |
On the midline, in the sacro-coccygeal hiatus |
Which DU points have only perpendicular insertion 0.5 - 1 cun? |
Location of DU-16 FĒNGFǓ Palace of Wind |
On midline at nape of neck in soft area immediately inferior to occiput
This point lies approximately 1 cun above the posterior hairline. |
DU-24 is 0.5 cun posterior to anterior hairline
DU-23 is 0.5 cun posterior to DU-24 |