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Created by: candc06
Popular Acupuncture sets



damagespainful read swollen throat due to end deficiency or access fire which _____ in10true
dang gui - huang qiQuestion: qi and blood def, low grade fever, sores and welling abscesses, aemorrgages DT qi and blood def21false
qing hao & bei jiaQuestion: steaming bone, night sweats, cough dt yin def. Malaria. Later stage of warm fevered disease31false
Gui ban - Bie jiaQuestion: Tidal fever, steaming bones and night sweats dt yin def. stirring LV wind. Hypertention, HA, vertgo DT liver yang rising.41false
sweat. collapseHt disease w cold linbs cold _____ of qi jue yin synd in Shang han lun cold limbs50true
sputumcough w copious clear bubbly _____ and pain, fullness in the chese dt cold phlegm chronic cough/phlegm in elderly and def patients60true
painfulblood heat hematemesis epistaxis menstrual irregularities or postpartum abdominal pain due to blood heat causing blood stasis. Continuous low-grade fever due to in deficiency. hot red swollen and _____ joints due to heat bii70true
accumulationconstipation, abdominal pain, aversion to coal, and cold winds due to cold _____80true
menstrualCardiac and chest pain DT blood stasis. _____ issues and dark clots dt blood stasis. fixed stabbing pain dt blood stasis90true
xiang fu - wu yaoQuestion: abdom pain dt cold sonstraint adn qi stag. acute chronic dysentery tenesmus101false
menstruationblood heat, chronic low-grade fever. In and body fluid deficiency, dry mouth, red and painful eyes. Chest and hypochondriac pain, abdominal pain. irregular _____ or amenorrhea due to blood deficiency and stasis with heat110true
defensivesweating aversion to wind and fever DT disharmonny Ying constructive and wei _____. fatigue, lack on strength120true
insomniairritability and agitation, _____, and vexation during or after a warm disease febrile. External contraction of when the heat of the febrile disease130true
ban xia & Chen PiQuestion: cough dt accumulation of Damp Phlegm chest oppression nausea and vimiting dt ST disharmony and damp phlegm accumulation141false
surging4 bigs high fever, profuse sweating, a great thirst, _____ pulse due to heat in the Chi level. xiao KE with poly-tipsy at, a dry mouth and tongue, and great thirst due to excessive lung heat150true
measlesfever, thirst and irritability due to warm febrile disease or wind heat. cough and wheezing due to Lung heat early-stage _____ due to toxic heat. Urinary tract infection accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting due to stomach heat160true
zhi ke - jie gengQuestion: chest oppression and dist or chest Bi dt phlegm and qi stag. dist of acending and descending.171false
jing jie fang fengQuestion: exterior pattern for either wind cold or when heat. Early stage of measles and skin eruptions with itching. Early stage of carbuncles or boils complete with chills and fever blood in the stool or urine. Excessive menstruation diarrhea or dysentery181false
sourcecommon cold with headache, nasal congestion, and runny nose you to win the cold. Deep _____ nasal congestion with headache, loss of smell, and turbid nasal phlegm. Chronic acute rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and frontal sinusitis190true
fu zi - gan jiangQuestion: cold sweat, cold limbs and a minute pulse dt yang collapse201false