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Created by: candc06
Popular Acupuncture sets



hua shi & gan caoQuestion: summer heat and dampness marked by fever, restlessness, thirst, diarrhea, and difficulty in urine. Dan Pete or urinary bladder marked with dark urine, difficulty and painful urination or urinary stone11false
gua lou - xie baiQuestion: chest bi , cardiac disease dt turbid phlegm blocking the qi and yang of the chest. Constipation dt dryness of LI or qi stag.21false
vomitingNausea, _____ w no thirst and greasy tongue coating dt damp phlegm in middle jaio Enduring cough w white watery and profuse phlegm30true
ban xia - huang qinQuestion: nausea and vomiting from shao yang syndrome. Pi sund nausea no appetitie, fullness in stomach dt heat/cold41false
ren shen - fu ziQuestion: Ht disease w cold linbs cold sweat. collapse of qi jue yin synd in Shang han lun cold limbs51false
ban xia & Chen PiQuestion: cough dt accumulation of Damp Phlegm chest oppression nausea and vimiting dt ST disharmony and damp phlegm accumulation61false
losingin efficiency heat; afternoon fever, esteeming bones, and night sweats, excessive sexual desire and easy erection due to division fire and hyperactive ming men fire dysuria due to end efficiency and to yang to _____ its ability to transform70true
zhi ke - jie gengQuestion: chest oppression and dist or chest Bi dt phlegm and qi stag. dist of acending and descending.81false
diseasesteaming bone, night sweats, cough dt yin def. Malaria. Later stage of warm fevered _____90true
issuesPain Dt qi/blood stag. Menstrual _____ pain dt retention of lochia or blood stasis100true
lipomaneck lumps/nodules suck as scrofula, _____ swollen glands or goiter dt Phlegm fire can be in inguinal area120true
zhu re & ban xiaQuestion: hiccup nausea and vomiting dt disharmony and counter flow of st qi vertigo agitation and insomnia dt phlegm turbidity nausea/vomit during preg dt dishar of st phlegm heat on st heat131false
allergiccommon cold with headache, nasal congestion, and runny nose you to win the cold. Deep source nasal congestion with headache, loss of smell, and turbid nasal phlegm. Chronic acute rhinitis, _____ rhinitis, sinusitis, and frontal sinusitis140true
tenesmusdysentery with abdominal pain, and _____ du to Damp heat and qi stag in the lower jiao150true
Da Huang & Fu ZiQuestion: constipation, abdominal pain, aversion to coal, and cold winds due to cold accumulation161false
huang qi - Fang jiQuestion: wind edema DT wei qi def Bi Syn DT wind damp w Wei Qi def made by arthritis and numb limbs171false
wu wei zi & xi xinQuestion: cough and asthma DT wind or accumulaiton of cold phlegm in LU chronic cough adn asghma Dt LU and KD def191false
san leng & E zhuQuestion: Abdominal mass Dt qi/blood stagnation menstrual issues dt blood stasis. ab pain dt food accumulation.201false
thirst4 bigs high fever, profuse sweating, a great thirst, surging pulse due to heat in the Chi level. xiao KE with poly-tipsy at, a dry mouth and tongue, and great _____ due to excessive lung heat210true
stasis. HAMenstrual issues Dt blood _____ dt blood def of stasis220true