Formula Name | Category | Indications | Ingredients if required |
Qing Wei San | Clear heat from organs | ST fire or heat in yang ming ch-tootache, bleeding gums, swelling, fever, bad breath, dry mouth, RT w/ Y coat, slip, large, rapid P | Gui Zhi Tang plus Ge Gen and Ma Huang |
Xie Qing Wan | Clear heat from organs | Excess heat in LIV-no D-H. red eyes, irritable, dark urine, constipation, flood and wiry P, maybe tremors or convulsions | |
Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang | W-C | W-C-D with int. heat and body aches | |
Bai Tou Weng Tang | Clear heat from organs | Dysenteric disorders from toxic heat in ST and Intestines-abd. pn, tenesmus, burning anus, diarrhea w/ blood>pus, thirst, RT w/ Y coat, wiry, rapid P | Cong Bai, Dan Dou Chi |
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang | Clear heat and resolve toxicity | fire poison in 3 jiaos-high fever, irritable, thirst, dark urine, RT w/ Y coat, rapid, forceful P. Also bleeding from excessheat, sores, dysentary, jaundice | |
Xing Su San | Moisten and disperse dryness | cool dryness attacking the L-chills, HA, cough w/ watery sputum, stuffy nose, dry throat, dry WT, float or wiry P | |
Mai Men Dong Tang | Moisten Dryness, nourish yin | L atrophy, St xu heat scorches L-maybe hunger with no appetite, cough, dry throat and mouth, dry T little coat, SOB, xu P | |
Liu Yi San | Clear deficiency heat | Summerheat w/ damp or urine retention-fever, sweat, thirst, irritable, urine diff, diarrhea, nausea, yellow, greasy T, soggy rapid P | |
Run Chang Wan | Downward draining-moistening | chronic constip. and dryness, more blood xu, maybe elderly, blood loss | |
Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin | Expel damp and warms | Goa Lin-cloudy urine | |
Zhi Zi Dou Chi Tang | Clear heat from Qi level | irritability from residual excess heat-lingering fever, nausea, restless, sl rapid P, sl Y T | |
Zuo Jin Wan | Clear heat from organs | LIV burning the ST-hypoch. pn, gnawing hunger, focal dist. rebel ST Qi, bitt taste, dry mouth, RT w/ Y coat, wiry, rapid P | |
Cang Er Zi San | W-H | sinusitis-white or yellow | |
Zhi Sou San | Trans phlegm & extinguish wind | wind attacking L (ext. treated, persisting cough)-more cough than sputum, maybe runny nose, itchy throat and other leftover wind invasion sxs | |
Cong Chi Tang | W-C | early stage | |
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin | Clear heat and resolve toxicity | mature carbuncles-"all types" of sores, maybe deep rooted and hard, localized erythema, swelling, heat, pn, fever, chills, RT w/ Y coat, P-rapid | Shi Gao, Zhi Mu, Geng Mi, Zhi Gan Cao |
Bei Mu Gua Lou San | Trans phlegm & moisten dryness | dryness in L, injures fluids, causes phlegm-deep, white sputum, hard to expectorate, dry, sore throat, rapid, thin, strong P | |
Zhu Ling Tang | Expel damp: Promote urination | Heat from febrile disease causes yin xu & congested fluids-urine diff., yin xu sxs, irritability, insomnia | |
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang | Downward draining-cold-tx heat | yang ming fu with less abd. sx's-milder than other cheng qi tang's | |
Shao Yao Tang | Expel Damp | DH intestines causing blood and Qi xu-abd. pn, tenesmus, R & W diarrhea, burning anus | Xi Jiao, Sheng Di, Chi Shao, Mu Dan Pi |
Ji Chuan Jian | Downward draining-moistening | constip. from K yang xu-infrequent BM, loose or dry, weak and cold person, K xu sxs, esp. copious clr urine | |
Wen Dan Tang | Trans phlegm & clear heat | GB/ST disharmony or GB timidity-MJ phlegm, esp. nausea, plus trembling, palps, anxiety, dizzy. Indecision, maybe bitter taste | |
Wei Jing Tang | Clear heat from organs | L abscess(phlegm-heat & blood yu in L) cough, foul smelling sputum, maybe blood, fever, chest pn, RT, greasy Y coat, slip, rapid P | |
Jing Fang Bai Du San | W-C | W-C-D w/ general body aches | |
Bu Fei E Jiao Tang | Moisten Dryness, nourish yin | L yin xu with vigorous heat-bloody sputum | |
Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang | Clear heat-Summerheat | summerheat injuring Qi & fluids-fever, sweat, irritable, thirst, scanty urine, fatigue, SOB, rapid, xu P | |
Yu Ye Tang | Moisten Dryness, nourish yin | wasting and thirsting-K yin xu & ST dryness | |
Xiao Qing Long Tang | W-C | cough and wheeze with copious sputum, chest oppression, difficulty lying down | |
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang | Clear heat from organs | LIV & GB fire, D-H in LIV ch-hypoch pn, HA, dizzy, red eyes, earache, irritable, anger, wiry, rapid P, maybe D-H sx in LJ-UTI, herpes | |
Zhen Wu Tang | Expel damp and warms | 1-K yang xu-abd. pn worse w/ cold, urine diff., H & K yang xu 2-Taiyang w/ yang xu causing fluid build up-ext sx with sweat, palps, dizzy, unsteady | |
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang | Rel. Ext | Dysenteric disorders, burning anus, diarrhea, foul smell, irritable | |
Ma Huang Tang | W-C | chills>fever, NO sweat, wheeze, congestion, body aches, P:float, tight | |
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang | Clear heat from organs | L heat w/ wheeze-4 bigs, cough, nasal flaring, chest pn, thin Y or W T coat, rapid P | |
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San | Expel damp: Dry damp & eliminate turbidity | W-C w/ damp and stag. in interior-fever, chills, HA, fullness in chest & epigas. nausea, diarrhea | |
Qing Gu San | Clear deficiency heat | Steaming bone dis. from LIV/K Yin xu-tidal fever, chronic low grade fever, sensation of heat in bones, not warm to touch, irritable, insomnia, emaciation, fatigue, red lips, malar flush, night sweats, thirst. RT, little coat, thin, rapid P | |
Da Qing Long Tang | W-C | with interior heat, thrist, irritability, fever | |
Er Chen Tang | Trans phlegm & dry dampness | D-phlegm cough from SP xu | |
Yin Chen Hao Tang | Expel damp: Clr heat & eliminate damp | Yang type jaundice | |
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang | W-H | TaiYang going to ShaoYang or YangMing, dry mouth, Increase in fever, decrease in chills | |
Xie Huang San | Clear heat from organs | SP/ST smoldering fire-mouth ulcers(esp around lips) bad breath, thirst, hunger, dry mouth & lips, RT, rapid P | |
Ge Gen Tang | W-C | W-C excess with stiff neck and/or diarrhea | Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Hou Po, Zhi Shi |
Ping Wei San | Expel damp: Dry damp & eliminate turbidity | D-C in ST & SP-distention, loss of appetite, heavy limbs, loose stools, xu sxs | Da Huang, Hou Po, Zhi Shi |
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin | Clear heat and resolve toxicity | fever>chills, redness, swelling or burning pn in head, sore throat, thirst, RT, Y or W coat. P-rapid, floating, forceful | Da Huang, Mang Xiao, Gan Cao |
Wu Ren Wan | Downward draining-warm-tx cold | chronic constip. and dryness, maybe elderly or following blood loss | |
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang | Downward draining-cold-tx heat | milder yang ming fu sx (4 bigs, abd.fullness/hard, constipation | |
Sang Ju Yin | W-H | COUGH, fever>chills, congest, H/A, sl. sore throat | |
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang | Clear heat from Qi level | qi level recovery-lingering fever, nausea, irritable, thirst, cough, RT with little coat, xu, rapid P | |
Hai Zao Yu Hu Tang | Trans phlegm & dissipate nodules | Goiter | |
Sang Xing Tang | Moisten and disperse dryness | warm dryness attacking the lungs-fever, HA, thirst, dry hacking cough, R T tip, float or wiry P | |
Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang | Expel damp and eliminate wind | Bi sx, lower body, LIV/K xu(mostly yang, but xue and yin too)-jt and back pn, better w/ warmth, primarily lower body w/ qi or yang xu | |
Ma Zi Ren Wan | Downward draining-warm-tx cold | constip. w/ hard dry stools and freq. urine, chronic w/ difficulty, dry Y T, deep, rapid or float and chop P | |
Si Miao San | Expel damp: Clr heat & eliminate damp | DH in LJ w/ wei syndrome and swollen, painful feet-like san miao san with more leg pn and unsteadiness | Huang Bai, Cang Zhu, Niu Xi, Yi Yi Ren |
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang | Trans phlegm & extinguish wind | W-phlegm-dizzy, HA, Stifling chest, nausea, sputum, W greasy T, wiry, slip P | |
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang | Moisten and disperse dryness | warm dryness attacking the lungs-usually a couple of weeks, fever, thirst, dry onproductive hacking cough, maybe chest pn, dry T, maybe no coat, xu, big, rapid P | |
Yin Qiao San | W-H | SORE THROAT, maybe mild cough | Huang Bai, Cang Zhu |
Dao Chi San | Clear heat from organs | Heat in the H transferring to SI-irritable, thirst, red face, dark, scanty urine, painful burning, maybe blood, R T, rapid P. Maybe also mouth sores, palps, insomnia | Huang Bai, Cang Zhu, Niu Xi |
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang | W-H | W-H with rashes, early stage measles | Yin Chen Hao, Zhi Zi, Da Huang |
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang | Clear deficiency heat | Night sweats from Yin xu-tidal fever, night sweats, red face, dry mouth, irritable, R dry T, rapid, maybe thin P | |
Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang | Clear heat from Xue level | fever, bleeding, thirst, maybe not drinking, scarlet T prickles, thin, rapid P. maybe delirium or LOC | |
San Miao San | Expel damp: Clr heat & eliminate damp | DH in LJ w/ leg problems-er miao san plus legs | |
Er Miao San | Expel damp: Clr heat & eliminate damp | DH in LJ-scanty, Y urine. greasy T | Fu Zi |
San Ren Tang | Expel damp: Clr heat & eliminate damp | early damp warm febrile dz-HA, chills, fever, heaviness, generalized pn, stifling chest, no appetite or thirst W T, soggy P | |
Ren Shen Bai Du San | W-C | W-C-D with qi xu | |
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan | Trans phlegm & clear heat | PH-cough with Y sticky sputum, maybe "balls" of phlegm, RT YC, slip, rapid P | |
Xie Xin Tang | Clear heat and resolve toxicity | H & ST fire-fever,irritable, flushed face, red eyes, dark urine, constipation, greasy Y T. Maybe also mouth ulcers, bleeding, abscesses | |
Qing Ying Tang | Clear heat from Ying level | ying-level heat-high fever, worse at night, severe restlessness, scarlet dry T, thin, rapid P purpura | |
Fang Feng Tng Shen San | Rel. Ext | excess heat in int. and ext., thirst, constipation, dizzy, strong fever and chills, clears by stool, urine and sweat | |
Yu Nu Jian | Clear heat from organs | ST fire and Yin xu w/ dryness-toothache, loose teeth, bleeding gums, frontal HA, irritable, fever, thirst, dry RT, Y coat, floating, slip, xu P | |
Bai Hu Gu Jin Tang | Moisten Dryness, nourish yin | internal dryness of L from L/K xu-stronger for tonifying yin, blood streaked sputum, fewer stop cough herbs | |
Wen Pi Tang | Downward draining-warm-tx cold | SP cold from xu w/ accum. of cold causing constipation-somewhat chronic with xu cold signs | |
Da Cheng Qi Tang | Downward draining-cold-tx heat | Yang ming fu-4 bigs, abd.fullness, hardness, constipation, Y or black RT, agitation | |
Gui Zhi Tang | W-C | sweat without getting better, deficiency sx's | |
Bai Hu Tang | Clear heat from Qi level | Yang Ming Jing-4 bigs. H/A, toothache, bleeding gums | |
Zeng Ye Tang | Moisten Dryness, nourish yin | dry intestines(usually after febrile dis.) constipation, thirst, dry red tongue | |
Wu Ling San | Expel damp: Promote urination | 1-tai yang fu, water accum.-ext. W-C with urine difficulty, vomit after drinking 2-SP xu-edema, urine diff., digestive sx 3-congested fluids in LJ-throbbing below umbilicus, vertigo, SOB, vomit | |
Ba Zheng San | Expel damp: Clr heat & eliminate damp | Heat or Blood Lin sx-freq., urgent, burning urination; dark and maybe cloudy or blood tinged. RT w/ Y coat. slip, rapid P | |
Juan Bi Tang | Expel damp and eliminate wind | WCD Bi sx-jt or back pn esp. up body, better w/ warmth, heavy limbs, thick W T, slow, slip, mod P | |
Qing Wen Bai Du Yin | Clear heat and resolve toxicity | strong fever, thirst, dry heaves, severe H/A, irritable, delirium, rashes, purpura, nosebleed, dark R T, P-rapid, submerged, thin or large & floating | |
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San | W-C | with H/A | |
Da Huang Mu Dan Tang | Downward draining-cold-tx heat | intestinal abscesses-LRQ abd. pn, maybe nausea, greasy Y T, slip. & rapid P | Ma Huang, Gui Zhi, Xing Ren, Zhi Gan Cao |
Xie Bai San | Clear heat from organs | L heat w/ Qi accum. causing wheeze-cough, fever, worse in afternoon, dry mouth, little dry sputum, thin, rapid P, RT w/ Y coat | Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao, Zhi Gan Cao |