Term | Definition |
group maintenance behaviors | actions taken to ensure the satisfaction of group members, develop and maintain harmonious work relationships, and preserve the social stability of the group |
Alderfer's ERG theory | human needs theory postulating that people have three basic sets of needs that can operate simultaneously |
framing effects | decision bias influenced by the way in which a problem or decision alternative is phrased or presented |
illusion of control | peoples beliefs that they can influence events |
democratic | leadership where the leader gets input from subordinates |
job enlargement | giving people additional tasks at the same time to alleviate boredom |
optimizing | achieving the best possible balance among several goals |
bridge leaders | a leader who bridges conflicting value systems or different cultures |
valence | the value an outcome holds for the person contemplating it |
team training | training that provides employees with the skills and perspectives they need to collaborate with others. |
termination interview | a discussion between a manager and an employee about the employees dismisal |
goal displacement | a condition that occurs when a decision making group loses sight of its original goal and a new, less important goal emerges |
LEADER-MEMBER EXCHANGE theory | highlights the importance of leader behaviors not just toward the group as a whole but toward individuals on a personal basis |
motivation | forces that energize, direct, and sustain a persons efforts |
arbitration | use of neutral third party to resolve a labor disput |
behavioral approach | leadership perspective that attempts to identify what good leaders do |
management by objectives | process in which objectives set by a subordinate and a supervisor must be reached within a given time period |
goal-setting theory | a motivation theory stating that people have conscious goals that energize them and direct their thoughts and behaviors toward a particular end |
extrinsic rewards | rewards given by the boss or company |
recruitment | development of a pool of applicants for jobs in an organization |
Vroom Model | situational model that focuses on the participative dimension of leadership |
nonprogrammed decisions | new, novel, complex decisions having no proven answers |
labor relations | system of relations between works and management |
reinforcers | positive consequences that motivated behavior |
servant leader | leader who serves others' needs while strengthening the organization |
performance appraisal | assessment of an employees job performance |
lateral leadership | style in which colleagues at the same hierarchical level are invited to collaborate and facilitate joint problem solving |
Level 5 leadership | a combination of strong professional will and humility that builds enduring greatness |
development | helpings managers and professional employees learn the broad skills needed for their present and future jobs |
bounded rationality | less than perfect form of rationality in which decision makers cannot be perfectly rational because decisions are complex and complete info is unavailable |
right-to-work | legislation that allows employees to work without having to join a union |
discounting the future | bias weighing short-term costs and benefits more heavily than longer-term costs and benefits |
union shop | organization with a union and a union security clause specifying that workers must join the union after a set period of time |
expectancy | employees perception of the likelihood that their efforts will enable them to attain their performance goals |
psychological contract | set of perceptions of what employees owe their employers and what their employers owe them |
trait approach | leadership perspective that attempts to determine the personal characteristics that great leaders share |
task performance behaviors | actions taken to ensure that the work group or organization reaches its goals |
Vision | A mental image of the possible and desirable future state of the organization |
job analysis | tool for determining what is done on a given job and what should be done |
custom-made solutions | new, creative solutions designed specifically for the problem |
comparable worth | principle of equal pay for different jobs of equal worth |
conflict | opposing pressures from different sources, occurring on the level of psychological conflict or of conflict between individuals or groups |
shared leadership | rotating leadership |
job maturity | level of the employees skills and technical knowledge relative to the task being performed |
cafeteria benefit program | employee benefit program in which employees choose from a menu of options to create a benefit package tailored to their needs |
assessment center | managerial performance test in which candidates participate in a variety of exercises and situations |
autocratic leadership | leader makes decisions |
task-motivated leadership | leadership that places primary emphasis on completing a task |
outcome | consequence a person receives for his or her performance |
equity theory | a theory stating that people assess how fairly they have been treated according to two key factors; outcomes and inputs. |
authentic leadership | a style in wihch the leader is true to himself or herself while leading |
Maslow's need hierarchy | conception of human needs organizing needs into a hierarchy of five major types |
substitutes for leadership | factors in the workplace that can start exert the same influence on employees as leaders would provide |
selection | choosing from among qualified applicants to hire into an organization |
transformational leader | a leader who motivates people to transcend their personal interests for the good of the group |
training | teaching lower-level employees how to perform their present jobs |
dialectic | a structured debate comparing two conflicting courses of action |
procedural justice | using fair process in decision making and making sure others know what the process was as fair as possible |
diversity training | programs that focus on identifying and reducing hidden biases against people with differences and developing the skills needed to manage a diversified workforce. |
Quality of work life programs | programs designed to create a workplace that enhances employee well-being |
path goal theory | theory that concerns how leaders influence subordinates perceptions of their work goals and the paths they follow toward attainment of those goals |
garbage can model | model of organizational decision making depicting a chaotic process and seemingly random decisions |
adverse impact | when a seemingly neutral employment practice has a disproportionately negative effect on a protected group |
situational approach | theory where effective leaders vary from situation to situation |
uncertainty | state that exists when decision makers have insufficient info |
cognitive conflict | issue-based differences in perspectives or judgements |
ready-made solutions | ideas that have been seen or tried before |
pseudo-transformational leaders | leaders who talk about positive change but allow their self-interest to take precedence over followers needs |
psychological maturity | employees self confidence and self respect |
risk | when the probability of success is less than 100 percent and losses may occur |
reliability | consistency of test scores over time and across alternative measurements |
organizational behavior modification | application of reinforcement theory in organizational settings |
strategic leadership | behavior that gives purpose and meaning to organizations, envisioning and creating a positive future. |
structured interview | selection technique that involves asking all applicants the same questions and comparing their responses to a standardized set of answers |
two-factor theory | herzbergs theory describing two factors affecting peoples work motivation and satisfaction |
Fiedlers contingency model of leadership effectiveness | situational approach to leadership postulating that effectiveness depends on the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence of the situation |
360-degree appraisal | process of using multiple sources of appraisal to gain a comprehensive perspective on ones performance |
needs assessment | analysis identifying the jobs, people, and departments for which training is necessary |
programmed decisions | decisions encountered and made before having objectively correct answers, and solvable by using simple rules, policies, or numerical computations |
outplacement | process of helping people who have been dismissed from the company regain employment elsewhere |
relationship=motivated leadership | leadership that places primary emphasis on maintaining good interpersonal relationships |
power | the ability to influence others |
negative reinforcement | removing or withholding an undesirable consequence |
employment-at-will | legal concept that an employee may be terminated for any reason |
charismatic leader | a person who is dominant, self-confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his or her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers |
hygiene factor | characteristics of the workplace, such as company policies, working conditions, pay, and supervision that can make people dissatisfied |
orientation training | training designed to introduce new employees to the company and familiarize them with policies, procedures, culture, and the like. |
participation in decision making | leader behaviors that managers perform in involving their employees in making decisions |
extinction | withdrawing or failing to provide a reinforcing consequence |
hersey and blanchards situational theory | life-cycle theory of leadership postulating that a manager should consider an employees psychological and job maturity before deciding whether task perfomance or maintenance behaviors are more important |
satisficing | choosing an option that is acceptable, although not necessarily the best or perfect |
stretch goals | targets that are particularly demanding |
contingency plan | alternative courses of action that can be implemented based on how the future unfolds |
maximizing | best possible outcome |
devils advocate | person who has the job of criticizing ideas to ensure that their downsides are fully explored |
motivators | factors that make a job more motivating |
affective conflict | emotional disagreement direct toward other people |
punishment | administering an aversive consequence |
instrumentality | perceived likelihood that performance will be followed by a particular outcome |
expectancy theory | a theory proposing that people will behave based on their perceived likelihood that their effort will lead to a certain outcome and on how highly they value that outcome |
incremental model | model of organizational decision making in which major solutions arise through a series of smaller decisions |
brainstorming | a process in which group members generate as many ideas about a problem as they can |
intrinsic rewards | reward a worker derives directly from performing the job itself |
flexible benefit programs | benefit programs in which employees are given credits to spend on benefits that fit their unique needs |
positive reinforcement | increasing the likelihood that a person will repeat the behavior that led to it |
law of effect | law by Edward Thorndike, stated that behavior that is followed by positive consequences will likely be repeated |
empowerment | process of sharing power with employees thereby enhancing their confidence in their ability to perform their jobs and their belief that they are influential contributors to the organization |
groupthink | phenomenon that occurs in decision making when group members avoid disagreement as they strive for consensus |
validity | degree to which a selection test predicts or correlates with job performance |
job enrichment | changing a task to make it inherently more rewarding |
human capital | knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees that have economic value |
laissez-faire | Absence of managerial decision making |
growth need strength | degree to which individuals want personal and psychological development |
coalitional model | model of organizational decision making in which groups with differing preferences use power and negotiation to influence decisions |
Supervisory Leadership | behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for day to day activities |
vigilance | a process in which a decision maker carefully executes all stages of decision making |
certainty | the state that exists when decision makers have accurate and comprehensive information |
job rotation | changing from one routine to another to alleviate boredom |
transactional leaders | leaders who manage through transactions, using their legitimate, reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered |
Human resources management | formal systems for the management of people within an organization |