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basic nutrition

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Created by: kalyana
Popular Acupuncture sets



Trans isomerQuestion: Molecule with two of the same atoms in the opposite side of the double bond11false
lard; lean porkQuestion: Pork is now fed corn and soy beans, so ____ is usually as toxic as those oils; use only ____ ____.21false
define metabolismAnswer: The chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. Substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.70false
DisacharidesAnswer: maltose sucrose lactose120false
Bitot's spotsAnswer: buildup of keratin located superficially in the conjunctiva, which are oval, triangular or irregular in shape. These spots are a sign of vitamin A deficiency and are associated with conjunctival xerosis.140false
Coconut oil isAnswer: the least fattening of all the oils160false
define calorieAnswer: approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere200false
CIS vs TRANS fatsAnswer: natural vs artificial210false
SS of scurvyAnswer: bleeding, fatigue and weakness, gingivitis220false
high Vitamin K2Answer: a strong and significant decrease in CHD incidence and CHD-related deaths240false
catabolismQuestion: define Deamination261false
SS ricketsAnswer: Delayed growth Pain in the spine, pelvis and legs Muscle weakness Because rickets softens the growth plates at the ends of a child's bones, it can cause skeletal deformities such as: Bowed legs Thickened wrists and ankles Breastbone projection290false
Vit A deficiencyQuestion: most common cause of blindness worldwide321false
Vit B3 niacinQuestion: what vitamin def causes pellagra341false
Casimir FunkAnswer: 'father of vitamin therapy,' identified lack caused the 'deficiency disorders', as he called human beri-beri, scurvy, rickets and pellagra. In 1911, he designated these factors 'vitamins' (vital amines)360false
VItamin K functionAnswer: clotting, synthesis of proteins found in plasma bone and kidneys370false
the cis isomerQuestion: molecule in which two of the same atoms are on the same side of the double bond is known as381false
carbsQuestion: what are antiketogenic, protein sparing, make vital reserve of glycogen and are the #1 fuel source for body391false
bacteriaQuestion: K3- menadiones from411false
CIS formQuestion: Natural fatty acids are451false