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Srta Lynch Ecología

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Category: Spanish

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Created by: Luvlycaroline
Popular Spanish sets



abejaEnglish: bee10false
los terremotosEnglish: earthquakes20false
una mina de carbónEnglish: a coal mine30false
el carbónEnglish: coal40false
they are meltingSpanish: se están derritiendo61false
un recintoEnglish: an enclosure/exhibition area70false
to wasteSpanish: despilfarrar81false
pollutionSpanish: la contaminación91false
los bosquesEnglish: forests100false
flash floodingSpanish: inundaciones repentinas111false
trampasEnglish: traps120false
a shrubSpanish: un arbusto131false
los glaciaresEnglish: the icebergs140false
se encuentra enEnglish: is found in150false
to investSpanish: invertir161false
to poisonSpanish: envenenar171false
la sequíaEnglish: drought180false
isolated areasSpanish: zonas aisladas191false
stoxic wasteSpanish: los dechesos tóxico201false
Se caracteriza porEnglish: it's characterized by210false