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Liver Patterns

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Created by: dntcello
Popular Acupuncture sets



diseaseAbdominal Masses and Gatherings - Ji Ju Ji literally means accumulation. In TCM, Ji has a specific shape, a fixed positionand its pains are fixed in a certain place. It is a Zang organ syndrome and the _____ is in the Blood.10true
consumingLiver Yin Deficiency - due to constitutional weakness, or enduring illness/febrile disease _____ liver yin, or emotional factor leading to liver qi tansform21true
epigastriaQi Gu: RN 17,RN12, RN 6, ST 36,LV 3, GB 34, SJ 6 Shui Gu:BL 20, BL 23,RN 9, KI 7, SP4, DU 4, BL 24 Xue Gu: LV 14, LV 13, SP 6, RN 5, ST 21, (_____ distension)51true
pulse, thinHEADACHE Headache which is intense, fixed and stabbing, occurs on exposure to Wind. The pain may extend to the neck and back regions, accompanied by wiry and tight _____ white tongue60true
bitterpain in hypochondriac or mass, _____ taste in mouth, ab dis, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdomil distension,erratic bowel movement, scanty yellow urine. In addition there may be yellow eyes yellow discoloration of the skin, or alternating chills or70true
cholelithiasisMain Points: reducing method Danshu (BL 19), Zhongwan (RN 12), Zusanli (ST 36), Yanglinquan (GB 34), Dannangxue (Extra 39), Qiuxu (GB 40) For vomiting add Neiguan (PC 6). For retention of Damp-Heat: add (SP 9) For _____: add (LV 3)81true
is affectedPhlegm heat disturbing GB: Due to emotional factors, liver’s function in promoting and maintaining Qi circulation _____ which also affect the function of gallbladder; phlegm is generated and transforming into heat91true
JaundiceJaundice - Huang Dan Heat Dominance,Damp Dominance,Ji Huang (Fatal _____), Yin Huang110true
NEURALGIAINTERCOSTAL _____ - .Stagnation of Liver Qi,Retention of Blood stagnation,Distending pain in the chest and hypoch with unfixed location, slightly alleviated by belching and aggravated by depression or anger, thin and white tongue coating, wiry pulse.120true
BL1 retentionMain Points:LI11,LV3,GB20 Yin def Kidney Liver, KI6, _____ Damp-Heat, ST40, SJ6131true
drycoatingHigh fever, stupor/coma, upward turning of the eyes, tightly closed jaw, stiff back neck,agitation or mania/vesania, limb spasm, even Opisthotonos. The tongue is red or deep red and dry, yellow or black and _____. The pulse is taut/wiry and rapid.140true
burningheadache, dizzininess tinnitus, irritability, insomnia, red complexion, red eyes, dry mouth, bitter tast, _____ pain in hypochondriac region, dark urine, constipation Red yellow coating T, wiry forceful rapid P150true
activeLiver Yang rising due to Yin def liver & kidney which fails to confine liver yang and cause hyper active liver yang, or enduring liver stagnation to over _____ liver yang161true
bilateralHEADACHE Headache, severe pain on the _____ sides of the head, irritability, short temper,flushed face, bitter taste in the mouth, wiry and rapid pulse, red tongue with yellow coating.170true
SpleenQi Stagnation and Dampness,Cold Damp suppresses the Spleen, Damp Heat Accumulation, Liver and _____ Blood Stasis, Spleen Yang Deficiency and Kidney Yang Deficiency,Liver Yin Deficiency and Kidney Yin Deficiency181true
irregularFullness of ches, mental depressiong, sighing, distending pain of the chest & hypochondrium, _____ menstruation, dysmenorrhea, distending breast pain , thin white T, wiry pulse190true
deficiencyLiver blood _____ - due to weakness of spleen or kidney, sorce def leading to poor production of blood, enduring illness , othat over consumes blood201true
diseasesGoiter - Ying :Chronic lumpy _____ in neck. Equivalent to thyroid diseases:210true
dizzinessSevere _____, headache, limb numbness or trembling. In serious cases,speech difficulty, abnormal gait, or sudden loss of consciousness (syncope), convulsions, deviated mouth and eyes and hemiplegia. Red tongue white greasy coating, wiry pulse.220true
pathogenCold congeilling in liver - due to Cold _____ invading into liver meridian causes cold congealing in the meridian which leads to obstruction of meridian.231true