Question | Answer |
Which SI point treats TMJ, tinnitus, and lockjaw | SI 19 |
He Sea | SI 8 |
Lower He Sea | ST 39 |
SI 4 action | activates channel and alleviates pain, clears heat and reduces swelling, clears damp-heat and treats jaundice |
SI 19 point category | Exit |
1Exit point | SI 19 |
from the mastoid process it | ascends to behind the ear where a sub - branch enters the ear |
from the axilla it | travels behind the axilla and surrounds the scapula |
SI 11 action | activates the channel and alleviates pain, moves Qi and unbinds the chest and lateral costal region, benefits the breasts |
another branch separates from the previous branch on the cheek | and ascends to the infra-orbital region SJ 18 then along the lateral aspect of the nose to the inner cants where it meets with the BL channel at UB1 |
SI 9 location | posterior shoulder, 1 cun superior to the posterior axillary crease when the arm hangs in the adducted position |
Primary Channel of the SI connects with which ZangFu organs | Heart, Stomach, Small Intestines |
SI 7 point category | Luo Connecting |
What does SI 3 open | the Du Channel |
From GB 1it travels posteriorly | toward the ear, where it intersects with GB channel at GB 11 and the SJ channel at SJ 20 and SJ 22 and enters the ear at SI 19 |
HT mother, horary and son points | HT 9, HT 8, HT 7 |
where does the SI channel originate | at the ulnar side of the tip of the little finger at SI 1 |
What kind of fever does SI specifically treat | Malarial fever |
What are the 2 points and indication related to receiving, transforming and separating fluids on the SI channel | SI 2 and SI 3 |
SI mother, horary and son points | SI 3 + SI5 = SI 8 |
Which SI point clears heat | SI 2 |
from the scapula it ascends | the neck, anterior to the bladder sinew channel, to bind at the mastoid process |
What are the Xi Cleft points for HT and SI | HT 6 and SI 6 |
Jing river | SI 5 |
SI 10 location | posterior shoulder, in the depression inferior to the scapula spine, directly superior to the posterior axillary crease when the arm hangs in adducted position |
SI 8 action | clears heat and dissipates swelling, calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain |
SI 4 point category | Yuan Source |
from SI 10 it zig zags from the | inferior fossa to the superior fossa of the scapula through SI 11 and SI 12, and then to the medial aspect of the scapular spine at SI 3 |
SI 8 location | in the depression between the tip of the olecranon process and tip of the medial epicondyle of humerus |
Mu point | CV 4 |
Yuan source point | SI4 |
Son | SI 8 |
from the Heart it descends | along the esophagus, intersects the CV at Ren 17 and passes through the diaphragm to the Stomach |
Which SI point is used for jaundice | SI 4 clears damp-heat and treats jaundice |
SI 3 location | on the ulnar border of the hand, in the substantial depression proximal to the head of the 5th metacarpal bone |
SI 2 action | clears wind-heat and reduces swelling, benefits the eyes-ears-and throat, activates channel and alleviates pain |
a branch ascends from the | supraclavicular fossa to cross the neck and cheek to the outer canthus of the eye where it meets the GB channel at GB1 |
SI 6 point category | Xi Cleft |
from the outer canthus it | ascends to bind at the corner of the head near ST 8 |
Confluent point of Du | SI 3 |
from the wrist it ascends | the ulnar is of the forearm to the elbow where it binds at the medial condyle of the humerus |
Which point are the start and end of the luo connecting channel of the SI | it starts at SI 7 and ends at LI 15 |
SI 19 action | Benefits the ears, calms the spirit |
What disorders are their no points indicated on the SI channel | disorders of the digestive system |
Locally what can SI 3 treat | can go deep with needle to treat trigger finger and joint problems |
What invasion does SI 7 treat | exterior invasion of cold or heat before it gets deeper |
SI 16 point category | Window of Heaven |
SI 3 action | benefits the occiput, neck and back, activates channel, alleviates pain, clears wind and heat and treats malaria, calms the spirit and treats epilepsy, clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices, regulates the governing vessels |
Shu point | UB 27 |
continues to ascend behind the ear to | the region above the ear where it then descends to bind at the mandible |
Where does the SI Sinew channel originate | on the dorsal of the little finger |
Jing well | SI1 |
Window of Heaven | SI 17 |
SI 7 location | on a line connecting SI 5 and SI 8 , 5 fun proximal to SI 5, in the groove between the anterior border of the ulna and the muscle belly of the flexor carpi ulnaris |
SI 7 action | clears heat and releases the exterior, calms the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain, benefits the finger joints |
Which SI points create a triangel | SI 9, 10, 11 |
SI 1 location | dorsal aspect of the little finger, base of nail ulnar side,.1 cun from the corner of the nail |
SI divergent channel connects with which ZangFu organs | the HT and SI yin -yang pair |
SI 5 location | at the ulnar border of the wrist, in the depression between the head of the ulna and the triquetrium bone |
from SI 1 it ascends | along the ulnar aspect of the hand to reach the wrist where it emerges at the styloid process of the ulna at SI 6 |
Which SI point is used for back pain | SI3 distal point for back pain |
SI 5 point category | Jing river, Horary |
SI 10 action | benefits the shoulder, activates the channel and alleviates pain |
SI 9 action | expel wind and benefits the shoulder, activates the shoulder and alleviates pain |
SI 6 location | dorsal aspect of the head of the ulna, in a cleft level with and to the radial side of the high point of the styloid process of the ulna |
SI 6 action | activates channel and alleviates pain, benefits the shoulder and arm, moderates acute conditions, benefits the eyes |
Where does the divergent channel separate from | the primary SI channel at the shoulder, enters the axilla, crosses the Heart and descends to the abdomen where it connects with the SI |
from SI 6 it follows the ulna to the medial aspect | of the elbow, where it passes between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus at SI8 |
SI 8 point category | He- Sea, Son |
from the little finger it | binds at the wrist |
SI 1 action | clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices, revives consciousness, promotes lactation and benefits the breasts |
from the Stomach it intersects the | CV at Ren 13 and Ren 12 and enters the Small Intestines |
from DU 14 it descends into the | supraclavicular fossa at ST 12 and connects with the Heart |
The Heart and the SI channel both connect with the Heart and SI but which other organs do they each connect with | the Heart connects with the Lung and the SI connects with the ST |
what kind of specific phlegm and heat in the HT Zang does SI channel treat | mania disorders |
Shu Stream | SI 3 |
Luo connecting point | SI 7 |
SI 1 point category | Jing well, entry |
Xi Cleft point | SI 6 |
SI 3 point category | Shu Stream, Confluent of DU, Mother |
Ying Spring | SI 2 |
from the mandible it | ascends across the teeth to bind at the outer canthus |
SI 19 location | with mouth open this point is located in the depression between the middle of the triages and the condyloid process of the mandible |
Mother | SI 3 |
what does cooling heat and fire and alleviating pain along the channel treat | arm, axilla, shoulder, scapula, neck(including mumps) and throat, jaw, mouth, teeth, tongue, nose, cheek, eyes and ears |
What SI point can you use if you have a hard time moving neck | SI 3 benefits the occiput, neck and back |
SI 16 Location | on the posterior border of the SCM, level with the laryngeal prominence |
Horary | SI 5 |
A branch descends to | ST 39 the Lower He-Sea of the SI |
Which SI channel does not connect with the Heart | the sinew channel |
Which SI points are called the Windows of Heaven | SI 16, S 17 |
SI 2 location | on the ulnar border of the little finger, in a depression just distal to the metacarpo-phalangeal joint |
which SI point benefit the breasts | S11 because opposite side of breasts and S1 |
Mu points for HT and SI | HT 4 and CV 14 |
SI 5 action | clears heat and reduces swelling, calms the spirit |
which SI point is close to HT 7 | SI 5 |
Where does the SI luo connecting channel separate from | the SI channel at SI 7 and connects with the Heart Channel, ascends along the arm and connects with the Shoulder at LI15 |
Why does xi cleft point SI 6 not treat blood | because it is a yang point |
SI 16 action | benefits the ears, throat, voice and regulates Qi and calm the spirit, activates the channel and alleviates pain and clears heat |
Which points are located on the SI channel to treat digestive issues | None |
from SI 8 it runs along the posterior aspect of the | upper arm(intersection ghte LI channel at LI14) to the posterior aspect of the should jt at SI10 |
Window of Heaven | SI 16 |
which to points promote lactation | CV17 and SI 1 |
Entry point | SI 1 |
from the humerus it ascends | the arm to bind at the axilla |
What are the Primary action and indications of the SI channel | clearing heat from pathways of the channel & reducing fever, assisting in transforming phlegm & clearing heat from HT Zang, cooling heat & fire & alleviating pain along the course of the channel, treating disorders of the breast and lateral costal region |
SI 4 location | on the ulnar border of the hand, in the depression between the 5th metacarpal bone and the triquetrium bone. |
Name of SI channel | SI Channel of Hand TaiYang |
SI 2 point category | Ying spring |
from SI 13 is crosses via | SI 14 and SI 15 to Du 14 at the lower border of the spinous process and C7, intersecting the bladder channel at UB 41 and UB 11 |
SI 11 location | on scapula, tender depression one third of the distance from the midpoint of the inferior border of the scapula spine to the inferior angle of the scapula |
How many points of the Small Intestines Channel | 19 |
Which is the Confluent point of Du | SI 3 |