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los quehaceres

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barrer (El Piso)Answer: sweep (the floor)10false
work in the gardenQuestion: trabajar en El jardin31false
fold (the clothes)Question: doblar (la ropa)41false
shakeQuestion: sacudir51false
keepQuestion: guardar61false
trapearAnswer: mop70false
vacuumingQuestion: pasar la aspiradora81false
regar las plantasAnswer: water the plants90false
planchar (la ropa)Answer: iron clothes100false
secar los platosAnswer: dry the dishes110false
prepare (the food)Question: preparar (la comida)121false
lavar las ollasAnswer: wash the pots130false
make the bedQuestion: hacer la cama141false
sacar la basuraAnswer: take out the trash150false
make the tapasQuestion: hacer las tapas161false
cortar El cespedAnswer: cut the grass170false
colgar (la ropa)Answer: hang (the clothes)180false
make preparationsQuestion: hacer los preparativos191false
fregarAnswer: scrub210false
dustQuestion: desempolvar221false