English | Spanish | Spanish Sentence | English Translation |
fear | miedo | Ella siente miedo al hablar en público. | She feels fear when speaking in public. |
love | amor | El amor que siente por sus hijos es inmenso. | The love she feels for her children is immense. |
joy | alegría | Siento una gran alegría cuando estoy con mi familia. | I feel great joy when I'm with my family. |
empathy | empatía | La empatía la ayudó a entender sus problemas. | Empathy helped her understand his problems. |
curiosity | curiosidad | La curiosidad lo llevó a explorar nuevos lugares. | Curiosity led him to explore new places. |
shame/embarrassment | vergüenza | Sintió vergüenza al cometer el error frente a todos. | He felt embarrassed when he made the mistake in front of everyone. |
complicity/closeness | complicidad | La complicidad entre ellos era evidente. | The closeness between them was evident. |
hope | esperanza | La esperanza de un futuro mejor lo motiva. | The hope for a better future motivates him. |
surprise | sorpresa | Su visita inesperada fue una gran sorpresa. | His unexpected visit was a big surprise. |
anger | enojo | Su enojo fue evidente cuando levantó la voz. | His anger was evident when he raised his voice. |
guilt | culpa | La culpa no lo dejaba dormir tranquilo. | Guilt wouldn't let him sleep peacefully. |
contempt | desprecio | Miró con desprecio a su rival. | He looked at his rival with contempt. |
anxiety | ansiedad | La ansiedad le impedía concentrarse. | Anxiety prevented him from concentrating. |
astonishment | asombro | Miró con asombro el espectáculo de fuegos artificiales. | He watched the fireworks show in astonishment. |
indifference | indiferencia | Su indiferencia me dolió más que sus palabras. | His indifference hurt me more than his words. |
resentment | resentimiento | Guardaba resentimiento por lo que le hicieron. | He held resentment for what they did to him. |
doubt | duda | La duda lo hizo cambiar de opinión. | Doubt made him change his mind. |
relief | alivio | Sintió alivio cuando escuchó las buenas noticias. | He felt relief when he heard the good news. |
sadness | tristeza | La tristeza se notaba en sus ojos. | The sadness was noticeable in his eyes. |
loneliness | soledad | La soledad se volvió difícil de soportar. | Loneliness became hard to bear. |
trust/confidence | confianza | Tiene plena confianza en sus habilidades. | He has full confidence in his abilities. |
nostalgia | nostalgia | La nostalgia de su infancia lo hizo llorar. | Nostalgia for his childhood made him cry. |
compassion | compasión | Mostró compasión por las víctimas del accidente. | She showed compassion for the accident victims. |
disappointment | decepción | La noticia fue una gran decepción para él. | The news was a great disappointment to him. |
frustration | frustración | La frustración aumentaba con cada intento fallido. | The frustration grew with every failed attempt. |
envy | envidia | La envidia nunca trae felicidad. | Envy never brings happiness. |
hatred | odio | No entiende el odio entre esas familias. | He doesn't understand the hatred between those families. |
pain | dolor | El dolor de la pérdida fue insoportable. | The pain of the loss was unbearable. |
pride | orgullo | Tiene mucho orgullo en su trabajo. | She takes great pride in her work. |