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British Acts/Taxes

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What is mercantilism?   Colonies exist to benefit the mother country  
What did the colonies give britain in trade?   Raw materials/natural resources  
What did Britain give the colonies in trade?   Finished products/manufactured goods  
What was the trade between the British Colonies, Africa, and West India called?   The Triangular Trade  
In the Triangular Trade, what did the British colonies give Africa?   Rum  
In the Triangular Trade, what did Africa give the West Indies?   Slaves  
In the Triangular Trade, what did the West indies give the British Colonies?   sugar/molasses  
Name the four laws passed in the Navigation Acts.   1) Colonies may only buy goods from Britain 2) Colonies may only sell goods to Britain 3) Colonies may only transport goods on British ships 4) The colonies may not manufacture their own goods  
When did the French and Indian War take place?   1754-1763  
What is the French and Indian War called in Europe?   The Seven Years War  
How many wars did France and Britain fight over land in Europe, India, and North America?   4  
Where in North America did France and Britain fight for land?   Between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian Mountains  
What was the treaty that ended the French and Indian War called and when did it take effect?   The Treaty of Paris/1763  
What land did France own after the French and Indian War?   Haiti  
What land did Britain own after the French and Indian War?   Everything east of the Mississippi River and western Canada.  
What land did Spain own after the French and Indian War?   Everything west of the Mississippi River, the Mississippi River, and New Orleans.  
What where the 2 problems Britain faced after the French and Indian War?   Large British Debt and Conflicts with the Native Americans  
What where the solutions to the 2 problems Britain faced after the French and Indian War?   Taxes on the Colonies and the Proclamation of 1763  
How did the Sugar Act effect the colonies?   taxes on sugar  
How did the colonists respond to the Sugar Act?   smuggling  
How did the Quartering Act effect the colonies?   colonists forced to house soldiers  
How did the Stamp Act effect the colonies?   taxes on all paper goods  
How did the Declaratory Act effect the colonies?   canceled Stamp Act, Parlement could make any laws necessary  
How did the colonists respond to the Stamp Act?   made the Stamp Act Congress, asked for fair rights, boycotts, while still pledging loyalty to Britain  
How did the colonists respond to the Declaratory Act?   where happy that they cancelled Stamp Act, did not notice the Parliament  
How did the Townshend Act effect the colonies?   taxed glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea and writs of assistance  
How did the colonists respond to the Townshend Acts?   boycotts  
How did Britain respond to the Colonies boycotts?   more troops where sent  
Who was on the soldiers side during the Boston Massacre?   John Adams  
How did the colonists react to the repeal of Townshend Acts except for tea?   Committees of Correspondence  
How did the Tea Act effect the Colonies?   colonies can't sell tea, the British East India Company gets a monopoly in the colonies  
How did the colonies react to the Tea Act?   Boston Tea Party  
Who lead the Boston Tea Party?   Sons of Liberty  
What act imposed upon the colonies as punishment for the Boston Tea Party?   Intolerable Act  
What was the Intolerable Act called in Britain?   Coercive Act  
How did the Intolerable Acts effect the colonies?   closed down Boston Harbor, cancelled Massachusetts charter, created Royal Government  


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Created by: mica8819
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