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computed radiography

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

CR or computed radiography uses what?   imaging plate  
CR   is indirect capture , cassette-based and film-less.  
CR is used where?   HHPO,POI, TLI, HMC fugi portables, and DR/DF rooms will allow for use of CR imaging plates.  
the tube side of the cassette is made out of what?   radiolucent (black side) carbon fiber or backer light material  
radiolucent   allows xray beam to penetrate  
the back side of a cassette is made out of what?   radio-opaque lead foil which prevents back scatter which would fog the IP (imaging plate)  
radio-opaque   does not allow x ray beam to penetrate  
what is the purpose of a cassette in CR?   it holds and protects the IP (imaging plate) and contains the bar code to ID  
the bar code allows for the detection of what?   the correct patient and histogram (projection)  
IP   imaging plate  
where is the imaging plate?   mounted inside the cassette onto the backside of the cassette  
is the IP reusable?   yes  
the imaging plate is the acquisition or capture of what ?   the latent image  
what is the latent image?   the invisible image on an imaging plate prior to processing  
IP construction/ #1 backing   antistatic layer mounted onto the backside of the cassette which protects from handling artifacts. also contains bar code information  
IP construction/ #2 base   made up of polyethylene terephalate which provides mechanical support for phosphor layer  
IP construction/ #3 anti-halo/reflective layer   anti-halo- blue tint and reflective layer- white color coupled together to prevent laser light from penetrating but allows reflected light to be emitted to phosphor. helps reduce noise (grainy appearance)  
IP construction/ #4 phosphor (active)   photostimulable phosphor (PSP- gives off light twice ), which collects or acquires the latent image  
PSP construction needle/columnar phosphor   phosphor crystals arranged as needles or columns  
PSP construction trubid phosphor   phosphor crystals distributed throughout a phosphor layer. less patient does also lost of detail/spatial resolution  
PSP   barium fluorohalide doped with europium x halide (gives off light) can be bromide,chlorine or iodine, etc  
europium/activator   impurity to allow luminescence has excess e- at ground level  
IP construction/ #5 protective layer   protects from handling artifacts. points towards the tube and allows for cleaning- approx 3 months  
what is used when cleaning the protective layer?   denatured alcohol and gauze pad  
acquisition of latent image   (invis image on IP) x radiation ionizes europium sites causing them to release free e- free e-s are moved to a higher energy band called f center. f center holds e- in bound state. # of trapped e-s is equal to absorbed radiation  
f center stands for what?   fabre, which means color  
what is on the CR console?   exam list screen (Worklist)- patient data and bar code reader  
LUT   look up table is where the gray scale rendered or default visible manifest image appears after processing. where widow width or range can be adjusted. changing the window level changes brightness or density. image data from histogram is rescaled also  
practical tips for CR imaging plate   erase plate if unsure of what is on it or it has not been used in 48 hours. erase plate a 2nd time if double used or large patient/part which prevents ghosting. process within 1 hr of exp to avoid image denigration (fading)latent image loses 25% in 8 hrs  
practical tips continued   do not turn tube w/ grid or you will get grid lines. blue line down if LW/ to your right if CW  
IP sensitive to radiation   to low intensity radiation, back ground exp on stored IP responds to 60 uR. avg back ground in room is 40-80 uR per day  
IP sensitive to scatter   do not leave IP in rooms because of back s/s  
speed class   CR image acquisition operation that affects exposure index and auto rescaling  
auto rescaling   software that rescales image brightness to present level over exposure range of 100  
image appearance   determined by receptor exposure. average value is 200  
S number   is the sensitivity number. inversly related to the level of exposure that the psp plate receives. doubling expo. reduces S value by half. incr. the expo. a PSP plate receives decreases the S #. decreasing tthe expo a PSP plate receives incr. the S #  
image display   konica, FUGI, and phillips range 100-200 (HHMC,TLI,POI) above underexposed, high quantum mottle noise due to low MAs/ below overexposed  
EI   exposure index- logarithm based exposure index directly related to the exposure level a PSP plate receives  
ROI   region of interest - area that you collimate to level of interest  
when does the EXI appear?   when 1 mR reaches the IR varies per manufacturer  
TEI   target exposure index- when image is optimally exposed. determined by facility  
what leads to corruption of EI?   poor centering, incorrect collimation, lead shields, metallic object in the body and if unable to use at least 33% of IR  
Agfa   log base  
lgM   logarithm of a histogram median. directly related to expo. a PSP plate receives an is log based  
IR   image reader device  
processing the latent image   load the cassette into the IRD. IP scanned twice by helium neon laser beam  
1st scan   pre read or slow scan, done at low intensity. used to set boundaries of collimation for the image & determines range of pixel densities  
2nd scan   fast progressive scanning/ 2nd phase of light. main read for fast scan increased intensity. scanned by narrowly collimated laser for maximum detail. laser causes phosphors to emit stored latent image in the form of light photons  
PMT   photo multiplier tube which is the A-D converter  
conversion of latent into manifest image   laser causes trapped e- at f center to be released called photostimulated excitement. e- go back to europium site and give off bluish purple light called photostimulated luminance. light is collected and sent to the PMT. PMT converts light into elect. si  
slow scan   1st scan which uses a constant motor driven system to precisely move IP along long axis of laser which helps reduce banding artifacts. laser scans perpen. to grid lines to prevent aliasing artifacts  
aliasing artifacts/ grid moire   due to imaging grid lines across pixels. choose grids with thinner lead strips  
shuttering/cropping   prevents eyestrain because of the white border. do not crop off anatomy of interest  
stitching   used in scoliosis treatment  
LSR   limiting spatial resolution- an indicator of the detectors ability to resolve small structures  
MTF   measure of spatial resolution. best method to express image quality of detector system  
system malfunctions   ghost image, dead pixels, erasure, readout problems, printer distortion, banding and laser jitter  
ghost image   electrons staying in f center. to prevent double erase  
dead pixels   can cause white spots and or dust  
what corrects banding   high frequency progressive scanning and thinner grid lines prevent banding.  


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Created by: eckoultd1972
Popular Radiology sets