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Radiation Protection

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

According to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), the monthly limit for gestational dose-equivalent limit for embryo/fetus is   5 mSv p. 135  
For a mobile radiographic unit the exposure switch should be a two-stage type? T/F   False. has to be a dead man switch p 135  
What is the most radio sensitive cell in the human body?   lymphocytes p 136  
The interaction between the ionizing radiation and the target molecule that is most likely to occur is the   indirect effect p 136  
irradiation of water molecules within the body and their resulting breakdown is termed   radiolysis p 136  
occupational radiation monitoring is required when is is possible that the individual might receive more than what dosage?   one-tenth the annual dose limit p 126  
What contributes most to the occupational exposure dose?   Compton Scatter p 137  
The xray interaction with matter that is responsible for the majority of scatter radiation reaching the IR is   Compton Scatter p 137  
a thermoluminescent dosimetry system would use which of the following crystals?   Lithium fluoride p 137  
All of the following radiation-exposure responses exhibit a nonlinear threshold dose-response except   leukemia p 138  
What is recommended for a pregnant radiographer in regards to dosimeters?   wear a second dosimeter under a lead apron p 138  
Medical and dental radiation accounts for what percentage of human-made radiation?   90% p 138  
What is the minimum lead requirement for lead aprons according to NRCP?   .5 mm Pb or equivalent p 139  
Primary radiation barriers must be at least how high?   7 ft p 139  
what is the term used to describe xray photon interaction with matter and the transference of part of the photon's energy to matter?   scattering p 139  
the annual dose limit for occupationally exposed individuals is valid for   beta. x and gamma p 139  
What unit of measure is used to express ionizing radiation dose to biologic material   Rem (Sv) p 140  
The largest amount of diagnostic xray absorption is most likely to occur in what tissues?   Bone p 141  
The reduction in the intensity of an xray beam as it passes through material is termed   attenuation p 140  
Primary radiation barriers usually require which thickness of shielding?   1/16" lead p 142  
Diagnostic x-radiation may be correctly described as   low energy, low LET p 142  
Aluminum filtration has its greatest effect on   low energy xray photons p 143  
Which acute radiation syndrome requires the largest exposure before any effects become apparent?   Central nervous system p 143  
An increase in the total filtration of the xray beam will increase   beam HVL p 147  
the photoelectric effect is an interaction between an xray photon and   an inner-shell electron p 146  


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Created by: jfwoodard
Popular Radiology sets