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Phlebotomy Essentials Ch 7

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

ACD   Additive used for immunohematology tests such as DNA and HLA typing  
Additive   Substance added to a blood collection tube  
Anticoagulant   Substance that prevents blood from clotting  
Antiglycolytic agenct   Additive that prevents the breakdown of glucose by the cells  
Antiseptics   Substances used for skin cleaning that inhibit the growth of bacteria  
Bevel   Point of needle that is cut on a slant for ease of skin entry  
Butterfly needle   Winged infusion blood collection set  
Clot activator   Coagulation-enhancing substance, such as silica  
Disinfectant   Solutions used to kill microorganisms on surfaces and instruments  
EDTA   Anticoagulant that preserves cell shape and structure and inhibits platelet clumping  
ETS   Abbreviation for the collection system typically used for routine venipuncture  
Evacuated tube   Premeasured vaccum tube that is color-coded based on its additivie  
Gauge   Number that is related to the diameter of the needle lumen  
Glycolysis   Breakdown or metabolism of glucose by blood cells  
Heparin   Anticoagulant that inhibits the formation of thrombin  
Hub   End of the needle that attaches to the blood collection device  
Hypodermic Needle   Type of needle used when collecting blood with a syringe  
Lumen   Internal space of a vessel or tube  
Multisample needle   Type of needle used to collect several tubes during a single venipunture, beveled needle on each end that screws into the holder. One end beveled and short end has a sleeve that retracts as the needle goes through the tube stopper  
Order of draw   Special sequence in which tubes are filled during a mulitple-tube draw  
Potassium oxalate   Anticoagulant commonly used with an antiglycolytic agent  
PST   Heparinized gel tube for separation of cells and plasma  
Shaft   Long culindrical portioin of a needle  
Sharps conatiner   Special puncture-resistant leakproof disposable container  
Silica   Clot activator  
Sodium Citrate   Anticoagulant commonly used to preserve coagulation factors  
Sodium Flouride   most common antiglycolytic agent  
SPS   Additive used in blood culture collection  
SST   Gel tube for seperation of cells and serum  
Thixotropic gel   Synthetic substance used to separate cells from serum or plasma  
Winged infusion set   Butterfly needle  
Citrate, EDTA, Potassium oxalate   Binds calcium (anticoagulant)  
Most common skin antiseptic for routine blood collection   70% isopropyl alcohol  
Results in Hemoconcentration   the tourniquet if left in place for more than 1 minute  
The smaller the gauge   The larger the diameter of the lumen  
Selection of evacuated tube depends on these factors   age of patient, amount of blood needed for the test and the size and condition of the patient's vein  
Short draw   underfilled tube  
Syringe transfer device   allows the safe transfer of blood into the tubes without using the syringe needle of removing the tube stopper  
Use this method of collection when the patient has small or difficult veins such as hand veins, veins for the elderly or pediatric patients   winged infusion set (butterfly)  
Lavendar tube contain   EDTA, 8-10 inversions, hematology tests  
Green tubes contain   Heparin, 5-10 inversions, chemistry tests  
gray tubes   Potassium oxalate & sodium flouride, 8-10 inversions, antiglycolytic tests  
Carry over   transfer of additive from one tube to the next  
prevent carry over and reflux by   filling tubes so the blood fills in the bottom of the tube first, blood should not touch the stopper during filling  


Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.

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Created by: rslagter
Popular Phlebotomy sets