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AICP Management

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What are the key elements in the planning director's leadership role?   1. communication of agency goals to subordinates 2. motivation of subordinates 3.reporting agency's work & accomlishments  
What are the strategies planning directors employ to deal with elected or appointed officials?   1.technical expert strategies 2.confidential advisor strategy 3.innovator strategy  
What are the 4 main types of planning agencies?   1.Planning Department 2.Independant Planning Commission 3. Community Development Commission 4. Seperate Line & Staff Departments  
What is the traditional planning agency?   Independent Planning Commission - planning commission members are appt. by governing body or chief exe.; agency staff is solely responsible to planning commission  
What activities are grouped together in a Community Development Commission?   planning, code enforcement, economic development, & housing; economic development often takes precedence  
What are the roles of the line department and the staff department when they are separate?   staff planning performs policy analysis & line dept. performs subdivsion reviews, zoning ordinance amendments, & code enforcement  
What types of planning contain both line & staff?   Planning Dept., Independent Planning commission, & Community development Commission  
What does an effective negotiator focus on?   common interests, building relationships, & creating outcomes that are satisfactory to all involved parties  
What is a coalition?   partnership of groups w/ similar values or missions or interests that unite to achieve a common purpose  
When do planners build coalitions?   when groups share some goals or visions or missions, believe that working together will enhance their ability to reach their goals, & benefits of working together outwiegh the costs of working together  
What are the scheduling techniques?   1. Gantt charts (scheduling tasks) 2.PERT(Program Evaluation Review Technique) 3.CPM (Critical Path Method) 4.Decision matrix  
What is the PERT system used for?   to reallocate available resources (time, labor, etc.); shows how diff. tasks are related  
What is the CPM used for?   models the activities of a proj. as a network & shows which activities are critical to the proj. and which are not  
Which type of scheduling technique uses a table with various alternatives (rows) & impact factors (columns)?   Decision matrix  
Is a line item budget or a performance budget better as a management tool?   performance budget  
What is a performance budget?   organizes expenditures by the services they fund & set evaluation standards for each service  
What is a line item budget?   divides expenditures into categories such as equipment and personnel  
Are work programs tied to a budget?   Yes and should oeprate w/i budgetary contraints  
What are work programs?   Define the steps of each proj. & the scope of work & resources for each level of the proj. necessary to produce a deliverable  
Describe the traditional budget process.   1.analyze ecoonimic&demo. trends ¤t cond. 2.est. gov't revenue & ependitures 3.evaluate expenditure est. relative to policy obj. 4.forecast budgetary needs (4-6yrs) 5. prepare budget doc., implement review process,& adopt budget 6.execute budget  
What are performance budgets?   PPBS-Planning Programming Budgetary System; Zero-based budgeting; & Dayton System  
Who developed the PPBS?   Robert McNamara with DOD in teh 60's & 70's  
What is the Planning Programing Budgetary System (PPBS)?   divides gov't oeprations into program components rather then objects of expenditure  
What are the parts of a PPBS?   focuses on fundamental obj. of a program, id future implications of current budgeting decision, considers all costs, & analyzes alternatives  
What is zero-base budgeting?   developed by TI in 70s; each yr. starts at 0 & each program & expenditure in the budget must be justified annually  
What is the Dayton System?   combination of PPBS & zero-based; programs are rowa & responsible dept., staff time req., previous yrs budget allocation, current yr budget allocation (columns)  
What is the Capital Improvement program (CIP)?   multi-year scheduling of public physical improvements based on fiscal analysis & pop. projections  
What time period does the CIP cover?   usually 5-6 years  
what type of projects are part of a CIP?   street, drainage, parks, public facilites, utilities, & other city func.  
What types of funds are used in the CIP?   sometimes bonds, creation of special districts, & tax increment financing (TIF)  


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Created by: tmneal