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World Cultures - Five Major Religions

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Hinduism   Oldest of the 5 major world religions; main religion of India that developed from the beliefs of the Aryans; it does not trace itself back to Abraham  
Buddhism   Religion that was founded by the ancient Hebrews and originated in India; beliefs and practices are based on the teachings of Siddhartha Guatama (The Buddha)  
Judaism   Religion of the Jews that originated in Israel  
Christianity   Monotheistic religion in which one has faith in God and Jesus Christ  
Islam   Religion of the Muslims  
Polytheism   Belief in many Gods (Hinduism is a polytheistic religion)  
Monotheism   Belief in one God (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are monotheistic religions)  
Henotheism   Belief of Hinduism in which there is one main god with many other gods representing qualities of that main god  
Jesus   Born a Jew and was the founder of Christianity - preached love and caring for those less fortunate  
Siddhartha Guatama   Better known as "The Buddha" and founder of Buddhism  
Rabbi   Jewish religious leader  
Pope   Leader of the Catholic church  
Muhammad   Arab prophet and founder of the Islam religion  
Buddha   Born Prince Siddhartha Guatama, the "enlightened one," who founded Buddhism  
Hebrews   Group of people who founded Judaism  
Allah   Arabic word for God  
Brahman   The highest and supreme God of Hinduism who resides in all things  
Aryans   Cattle-herding tribes who moved into the upper Indus Valley and established the Vedic culture of the Hindus  
Catholic   The only type of Christian when Christianity first began  
Orthodox Jew   The strictest of the 3 main types of Jews  
Reform Jew   The least strict of the 3 main types of Jews  
Conservative Jew   (Moderate) Jew; falls in between Orthodox (very strict) and Reform (least strict) Jew  
Israel   Homeland for the Jewish people  
Torah   Name of the Jewish holy book; first 5 books of a Christian's holy bible  
Quran   Holy book of the Muslims  
Tripitaka   An important written work of Buddhism  
Vedas   Collections of religious scriptures and other teachings of Hinduism  
Gospels   The first 4 books of the New Testament - Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John  
Reincarnation   Hindus' and Buddhists' belief that a person's spirit, upon death, is reborn into another bodily form; also known as samsara  
Moksha   Freedom from the mortal world; release from the cycle of death and rebirth (reincarnation/samsara)  
Nirvana   In Buddhism, it is the highest state that a person can reach - a state of enlightenment (desires and suffering go away) and release from reincarnation  
Dharma   In Hinduism, it is the duties or deeds that a person is expected to perform, which vary and depend upon the person's social standing/caste. In Buddhism, it means "the truth" (teachings of Buddha)  
Karma   In Hinduism and Buddhism, it is the (cause and effect) belief that the results of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence affect his or her fate in future existences (i.e., whether one is born in a higher or lower status)  
4 Noble Truths   A Buddhist philosophy indicating that: Suffering is a part of life; selfish desires lead to suffering; to get rid of suffering is to overcome desires; and follow the eightfold path to avoid and overcome desire  
Eightfold Path   A path preached by Buddha as the way to escape suffering  
Ahimsa   The principle of Hindus in which a person should do no harm to living things; non-injury  
Bar Mitzvah   A celebration that's held when a 13-year old Jewish boy accepts the rules and responsibilities of Judaism For girls (when they turn 12), this celebration is referred to as "Bat Mitzvah"  
Puja   An offering (like fruit or flowers) to a Hindu god or goddess  
Shabbat   Hebrew word for "Sabbath" referring to a weekly day of rest that's observed from sundown on Friday until nightfall on Saturday  
Enlightenment   Having an understanding or wisdom of ultimate reality and escaping the endless cycle of death and rebirth  
5 Pillars   The most important Muslim practices: a. Faith - Belief in only 1 God b. Prayer - Done 5x a day facing Mecca c. Alms - Giving charity to the poor/needy d. Fasting - Done during the entire holy month of Ramadan e. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca  
Alms   Part of the 4th pillar of Islam in which one of wealth gives charity to help the poor and the needy  
Hajj   The last of the 5 pillars of Islam in which a Muslim makes a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca (if physically and financially able to do so)  
Crucifixion   Method of execution whereby the victim is tied or nailed to a cross and is then left to hang until dead; this method was used to kill Jesus  
Ramadan   The 9th month of the Muslim year during which fasting (from sunrise to sunset daily for 1 month) is observed  
Kosher   Food that the Hebrew bible indicates can be eaten. For example, the Jewish do not eat pork or shellfish; nor do they mix milk and meat products together  
Caste System   A strict social and religious order of Hindu society - made up of priests, warriors, skilled workers, servants, and untouchables  
Purgatory   In the catholic religion, it refers to the intermediary state after (physical) death in which those destined for Heaven undergo purification in order to achieve holiness to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven  
Trinity   3 parts of 1 God - the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit  
Synogogue   Jewish place of worship  
Diaspora   The scattering of Jews to different parts of the world  
Minaret   A tall tower from where the call to prayer comes for Muslims  
Moses   Led the Jews out of Egypt  
Therevada and Mahayana   The two types of Buddhism  
Bethlehem   City where Jesus was born  
Kaaba   Black cube-shaped building in Mecca where Muslims go to pray during the Hajj  
Sunni and Shia   The two branches of Islam  
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy   The first 5 books of the Torah (part of the Old Testament)  
CE   Stands for Common Era - Used instead of BC and AD in newer textbooks as a method to identify a year because not everyone believes in Christ  
Sati   A former practice in India whereby a Hindu widow threw herself onto her husband's funeral pyre.  
Mosque   Muslim house of worship  
Gregorian Calendar   Most widely used civil calendar ( named after Pope Gregory XIII)  
Ten Commandments   A guide to proper ethical and moral behavior  
Abraham   Founder/Father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam  


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Created by: tmgilbert
Popular World History sets