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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

1. Name the parts of Radiology   diagnostic interventional therapeutic  
2. Define the parts of Radiology   diagnostic- uses the definite/different types of radiationand mechanical vibration to study the structure and function of normal and abnormal organs and tissues of the human body  
3. Name the parts of Diagnostic Radiology   x-ray/roentgenology nuclear medicine-radioisotope diagnostics diagnostic ultrasound NMR/ MRI thermography  
4. When did W.K.Rentgen invent X-rays?   1895  
5. When did H.Bekkerel invent Radiactive rays?   1896  
6. When was the thermal image used for diagnosis for the first time?   early sixties  
7. When did G.Haunsfield perform the first CT study?   1972- 70's  
8. Who generated the idea of NMR phenomenon possible application for diagnostic imaging?   p. lauterbure  
9. What’s the basic concept of Diagnostic Radiology?   make investigated organ visible get the image of the investigated organ  
10. Name the consistent parts of the principal scheme of radiological studies   patient radiologist source of radiation/mechanical vibration receiving device  
11. What can we achieve increasing Signal/Noise Ratio?   increased sensitivity  
12. How can we decrease the noise?   filtration (dont show below certain amplitude) averaging (average all waves)  
13. Name the types of rays, used in Diagnostic Radiology   em--> gamma, x ray, infrared, radiowaves corpuscular--> beta mechanical--> ultrasound to study structure and unction of normal and abnormal organs and tissues of the human body  
14. What is the physical nature of rays, used in Diagnostic Radiology?   electromagnetic corpuscular mechanical  
15. Name the X-rays main properties   1. em radiation 2. straight lines 3. penetrates tissues 4. different attenuation 5. not perceived 6. ionizing 7. photochemical effect 8. fluorescent effect 9. ability to change charged particles 10. affects gm tube/scintillation detector  
16. Name the parts of the X-ray tube principal scheme   anode cathode collimator produced by converting electrical energy into em waves electrons accelerated from -ve cathode to +ve anode strike the target decelerated rapidly lost energy converted to heat + X rays  
17. Is the X-Ray radiation uniform, homogenous?   can be homogenous and heterogenous heterogenous after leaving the body  
18. X-ray generation principal:   conversion of kinetic energy of electrons  
19. What is generally the meaning of “beam attenuation”?   decrease of roentgen beam intensity decrease of roentgen beam energy by absorption, reflection, and scattering through a medium  
20. What is the physical basis for X-ray beam attenuation?   absorption scattering absorption is the interaction with the electrons in the substance through which it passes, causing ionization  
21. What does X-ray absorption depend on?   chemical composition density thickness greater the molecular weight, density, thickness, greater the absorption  
22. What is the source of diagnostic contrast on X-ray studies?   specific degree of attenuataion of roentgen beam by different tissues  
23. Name the sensitive elements of receiving devices, used for X-ray studies   photographic film fluorescent screen charged semi-conductor plate scintillation detector  
24. What is the relationship between X-ray film darkening and attenuation?   the greater the x ray density passing through, the darker the image (less attenuated, more dark) (the more the attenuation, the lighter the image) (so bone appears light)  
25. What is the relationship between fluorescent screen shining and attenuation?   x-rays pass through a patient's body and cause the fluorescent screen to light up when they strike. Some parts of the body attenuation is more than others, so the amount of x-rays hitting the screen at any one spot depends on what they had to pass through  
26. What is the meaning of the term “superpositioned image”, which is referred to plain X-ray study?   the 3 dimensional structure is merged into one plane to give a 2 dimensional image so you cannot say which is in front or behind everything is overlapped  
27. How can we get the image of one plane performing X-ray planigraphy (conventional tomography)?   movement of the xray tube and the film cassette in certain specified directions produces an image which shows the structures in detail in the predetermined plane while blurring the structures in the other planes  
28. What is the main advantage of spiral CT versus conventional one?   -no superimposed image -more detailed due to high contrast (t1/2; proton) -3D image with saggittal, coronal, and axial views  
29. What is the concept of natural X-Ray contrast?   the differences in attenuation of the beam by adjacent tissues is significant enough to be seen by the human eye on the x ray image  
30. The region, where natural X-ray contrast is the most prominent, is:   pelvis then thorax?  
31. How can we differentiate the tissues with the same degree of X-ray beam attenuation on the X-Ray image?   use contrast agents to produce artificial roentgenocontrast  
32. What is the concept of artificial X-Ray contrast?   change the attenuation of the roentgen beam by the investigated area or the background SIGNIFICANTLY so that the difference is enough to be visualized on the x-ray image  
33. How can we change signal to noise ratio using the contrast agents?   increase it by: strengthening the signal reducing the noise: by filtration and averaging  
34. What is the meaning of “single”, “double” and “triple” contrast?   single- using a single contrast media in the patient at 1 time double- using 2 contrast media or routes in a patient at 1 time triple- using three contrast media or routes in a patient at 1 time routes can be: oral, IV, rectal. media: air, dye  
35. What kind of sensitive element is used in CT equipment?   scintillation detector  
36. Principle of “In-Vivo” and “In-vitro” studies   In vivo - investigation performed by administering the patient with NM contrast media study is done using the living body in vitro- (glass) done on patient's blood,tissue sample,excretions in a controlled env. outside the living body  
37. Basic principle (concept) of Nuclear Medicine studies   detection and subsequent processing of radioactive radiation of the investigated probe (human body/tissues)  
38. What is the meaning of the term “radioactivity”?   ability of some chemical elements for spontaneous nuclear break-up accompanied by specific radioactive radiation +formation of a new chemical element  
39. Is the radioactive radiation uniform, homogenous?   homogenous-->in a beam of radiation containing photons of the same wavelength heterogenous--> in a beam/bundle containing photons of many wavelengths  
40. Name the types of radioactive radiation   corpuscular: alpha, beta electromagnetic: gamma  
41. What is the penetration ability of radioactive rays?   alpha- cannot penetrate thin sheet of paper beta- 1cm/ skin gamma- whole body/few cm of lead  
42. Which type of radioactive radiation is not used for diagnosis and why?   alpha highly ionizing non-penetrating  
43. Which type of radioactive radiation is corpuscular?   alpha beta helium nucleus; electron  
44. Which type of radioactive radiation is electromagnetic?   gamma high frequency; short wavelength  
45. What is the meaning of the term “half-life time”?   the period of time for the radioactivity to decrease to half of the initial amount  
46. What is the meaning of the term “effective semiexcretion period”?   the time taken for the radioactivity of the administered RPP to be halved to its initial value by physical break-up and biological excretion processes  
47. What is the source of diagnostic contrast on NM studies?   difference in radioactive radiation emitted by the investigated organ and the surrounding more the difference, better the contrast, better the sensitivity  
48. What are the requirements the NM contrast media (RPP) have to meet?   radiopharmacopreparation nontoxic strong β or γ emission property of specific uptake (relationship to definite organ/tissue) optimum ESP (effective semiexcretion period)  
49. What are the possible ways of NM contrast media (RPP) administration?   peroral/enteral parenteral inhalent  
50. What is the advantage of “In-Vitro” studies?   no exposure to ionizing radiation can determine different substances at critically low concentrations  
51. What kind of detectors are used for NM studies?   scintillation detector gas discharge counter  
52. What is the sensitive elements scintillation detector?   NaI crystal photomultiplier (gamma rays)  
53. How is the radioactive radiation detectyed by gas-discharge counter?   sealed metallic tube -ve cathode(tube) and +ve anode (rod) -filled with argon gas -no current b/w the anode and cathode -if there is radiation, argon gas ionized -current flows/ electric discharge -measured as a sound/reading on screen (b rays)  
54. What is the advantage of gas-discharge counter?   small size of the sensitive element  
55. What is principle of functional studies in NM?   administer RPP monitor accumulation and lead out processes  
56. What is principle of morphological studies in NM?   administer RPP monitor distribution in studied organs and construct image  
57. Name the end-information types, might be received on NM studies   numerical data (radiometry) curves (NM radiography) scannograms (NM scanning) scintigrams (scintigraphy)  
58. What is the concept of thermography?   distant registration of spontaneous infrared radiation of investigated patient  
59. What kind of radiation is detected on thermography studies?   infrared  
60. What is the main advantage of thermography?   non-invasive  
61. Name 2 main factors, the heat production by tissues depends on   blood supply metabolism  
62. What is the physical nature of sound?   mechanical oscillation of a medium (vibration) represents mechanical energy  
63. Name the sound wave variables   pressure density temperature particle motion  
64. What are the main parameters of any wave?   frequency wavelength period amplitude propagation speed intensity  
65. Define, what is the wave period   the time taken for one complete wave  
66. Define, what is the wavelength   the distance between two consecutive points in the same phase on a wave eg. trough or a crest  
67. Define the Ultrasound   sound waves with frequency greater than 20KHz above the range of human hearing (20-20,000 Hz)  
68. What is the frequency range, mainly used in Diagnostic Ultrasound   1-20 MHz  
69. What does the sound propagation speed depend on?   depends on the medium (medium stiffness and density)  
70. What medium parameters determine the wave propagation speed in this medium?   medium stiffness medium density  
71. What is the sound propagation speed in soft tissues?   1.54 mm/μs 1540 m/s  
72. Which parameter determines the medium acoustic properties?   acoustic property is measured as impedence (impedence = density X propagation speed) (z=pc)(row c) so density?  
73. What is the physical nature of “Echo”?   sound reflection  
74. What is the relation between sound beam incident and reflection angle?   incident angle = reflected angle  
75. What is the relation between incident and transmission angle?   If speed increases 1% as sound enters medium 2: transmission angle ~1% > incident angle  
76. What is the meaning of the term “refraction”?   change in direction of the wave when it enters a new medium (bending)(due to a difference in speed in the different mediums)  
77. What is the Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF)?   no. of pulses of repeating signal produced in one second (unit time)  
78. What is the Pulse Repetition Period(PRP)?   time between the beginning of one pulse and the beginning of a second pulse  
79. What is the Pulse Length?   length covered by one pulse  
80. What are the causes of sound beam attenuation?   reflection absorption scattering  
81. What is the unit of sound attenuation?   decibel dB  
82. How can we calculate the sound attenuation in tissues, knowing the sound frequency?   attenuation= (1/2)(frequency MHz)(path length cm) =1/2fl  
83. What is the main principle of ultrasound study?   echolocation  
84. What is the physical nature of Doppler Effect?   the incident sound frequency is different from the reflected sound frequency for a moving reflector  
85. What is the “Doppler Shift”?   the difference between incident and reflected frequency  
86. Does Doppler Shift depend on insonation angle?   Yes, doppler shift Fd = 2f0 Vcos α\c if the angle is 0, Fd=1 if the angle is 90, Fd=0 α = 0 , Fd = 1 α = 90 , Fd = 0  
87. How is the sound beam generated by Ultrasound Transducer?   the transducer has a piezoelectric element in between two electrodes an oscillating current is applied this causes the piezoelectric element to vibrate rapidly producing ultrasound waves the summation of all the waves produces an ultrasound beam  
88. What are the main (basic) 2 formats of ultrasound transducers?   linear sector  
89. What is concept of detail (spatial) resolution?   depends on the smallest separation between two reflectors which can produce separate echoes on the instrument display  
90. Name the types of detail (spatial) resolution   axial lateral  
91. How is the axial resolution of pulse-waive ultrasound system calculated?   Axial resolution = spatial pulse length (SPL)/2 where SPL = λ × no. of cycles improved by higher frequency (shorter wavelength) transducers at the expense of penetration Higher frequencies--> image structures close to the transducer  
92. What is the axial resolution of 2 cycle pulsed waive 3 MHz ultrasound (the propagation speed is 1,53 mm per microsecond)   Speed =F x wavelength (calculate wavelength use SPL equation And then the axial resolution equation =0.51 calculate and double check once more   
93. What is concept of “Real-Time Imaging”?   temporal resolution: measurement with respect to time  
94. Name the basic types of Ultrasound study   A mode- amplitude B mode- brightness M mode- motion  
95. Name the basic types of Doppler study   Continuous wave Doppler Pulsed wave Doppler (CW-->spectral) (PW-->spectral, color, power (amplitude and echo energy)  
96. Name the basic components of MRI equipment   strong magnet strong computer generator of RF pulse receiving coil  
97. Name the advantages of MRI study   no ionizing radiation air and bone not a hindrance for visualization lot of criteria for imaging (T1T2 relaxation times, proton density) possibility of IN-VIVO NMR spectroscopy  
98. Which chemical element is used for MR diagnosis and why?   H (hydrogen) -->most common element found in the human body -->highest sensitivity for magnetic resonance  
99. Define the concept of “Spin” and “Spin magnetism”   spin-->inherent rotation of a particle about its axis spin magnetism--> due to spin (of charged particle), a magnetic field is produced, with a north and south pole it is a vector quantity as it has direction and magnitude  
100. What is the net magnetization of spin ensemble without external magnetic field?   0  
101. The magnetization vector M appears, when the investigated probe (patient) is applied to ……………….   an external magnetic field?  
102. The magnetization vector M magnitude depends on the number of oriented spins, which are called …………   excess spins? (phase coherance??) (or spin spin relaxation time??)  
103. What is the unit of magnetic filed strength ?   tesla; T  
104. What is the precession and Larmor frequency?   precession--> change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body (signals from precessing magnets can be received as radio signals) larmor frequency--> spin precession frequency  
105. To what frequency radiofrequency signal should be patient applied in order to get the magnetic resonance phenomenon?   Larmor frequency  
106. Which magnetization creates the MR signal?   the rotating transverse magnetization creates the MR signal M-xy  
107. Name the MR relaxation types   Longitudinal Relaxation (Spin-Lattice Interaction) Transverse Relaxation (Spin-spin interaction)  
108. What are diagnostic criteria for MR study?   sensitivity is based on the difference of T1 and T2 relaxation constants of healthy and pathological tissues depends to a lesser degree on proton density too  
109. What is the concept of MR Image Selected In-Vivo Spectroscopy (ISIS)?   chemical analysis of any sample  
110. The main concept of Interventional Radiology (IR)   radiologist can see the pathology better than a surgeon after invasion into the body IR is diagnostic and low invasive treatment procedures performed under imaging guidance using the percuataneous and endocavity approach and also intra-operative study  
111. Which radiological modalities might be used for IR procedures guidance?   CT, MRI Ultrasound fluoroscopy  
112. Advantages of Ultrasound as a IR procedures guidance tool   in real-time non-invasive (no ionizing radiation) needle aiming and guiding capability doppler capability endocavity approach(endorectal/vaginal) can be done repeatedly cost-saving no surgical trauma no surgical aneasthesia no contraindications  
113. What is the theoretical basis for radiotherapy?   radiobiology--> biological object's response to ionizing radiation --> biological object's paradoxically BIG response to a relatively small amount of absorbed ionizing radiation  
114. Name the electromagnetic rays, used for radiotherapy   x rays gamma rays dampened radiation  
115. Name the corpuscular rays, used for radiotherapy   electrons protons slow neutrons alpha, beta, pi mesons  
116. Define the unit (and derived units) of ionizing radiation energy   corpuscular radiation--> electron volt (KE gained by an electron in an electrostatic field of 1V) KEV (1000) MEV(million) electromagnetic radiation-->quantum (photon) =hv (planck's constantXfrequency)  
117. Name the cell response phases to ionizing radiation, leading to cell death   altered biochemistry altered DNA nucleus swelling membrane disruption  
118. What is RAD and it’s unit   radiation absorbed dose (the energy absorbed by tissues) unit- G gray(s)  
119. What does the tissue radiosensitivity depend on?   metabolic activity tissue oxygen partial pressure mitotic activity  
120. Name the most radiosensitive tissues   hematopoietic tissues small bowel mucosa gonads  
121. Name the most radioresistant tissues   bone muscle neural tissue  
122. The concept of radiotherapeutic interval   the radiosensibility difference between normal tissue and abnormal tissue  
123. The main principle of radiotherapy   maximum impact on tumour minimum damage to normal tissues  
124. Name the effects of ionizing radiation, used for nononcological pathologies treatment   analgesic spasmolytic anti-inflammatory anti-secretory immunosuppresive  
125. Name the types of radiotherapy due to expected results   radical palliative symptomatic  
126. Name the types of radiotherapy due to use with other treatment options   combined complex conjoined  
2. Define the parts of radiology   therapeutic- uses ionizing radiation for treatment interventional- provides the possibility to perform invasive diagnostics and low invasive treatment procedures under imaging guidance  


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Popular Radiology sets