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Radiation Therapy Quality Assurance

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What is acceptance testing?   A process by which output and performance values are measured and compared to expected values. (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What process follows acceptance testing?   Commissioning (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What is commissioning?   The documentation of output values to maintain consistent machine performance.(Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
Who are interlocks meant to protect?   Patient, personnel, and general public (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
Interlocks are a part of what system?   Record and Verify (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What do ion chambers monitor?   Dose rate and field symmetry (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What apparatus defines electron fields and prevents scatter?   Cone (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
The field size is the actual field measurement at the ________   Isocenter (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
Which particle has a "pencil beam" in its raw form?   Electron (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What component in the linear accelerator flattens out an electron pencil beam?   Scattering foil (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What element is commonly found in a scattering foil?   Lead (Pb) (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What is the tolerance for the distance indicator at the isocenter for linear accelerators?   +/- 2mm (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
What is the tolerance for the distance indicator for cobalt-60 units?   +/- 2mm (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.78)  
How often should laser QA be performed for laser alignment?   Daily (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.78)  
What is the tolerance for laser alignment QA on a non-IMRT linear accelerator?   +/- 2 mm for non-IMRT (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.78)  
What is the tolerance for laser alignment QA on an IMRT linear accelerator?   +/- 1.5 mm for IMRT (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.78)  
What is the tolerance for laser alignment QA on a SRS/SBRT linear accelerator?   +/- 1.0 mm for SRS/SBRT (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.78)  
What is another term for stereotactic interlocks?   Lockout (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.78)  
What is the typical field size maximum for a linear accelerator?   40 cm x 40 cm (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.77)  
How often should safety interlocks be checked?   Daily (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.79)  
Daily QA on safety interlocks is meant to ensure that the interlocks are ______.   Functional (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.78)  
Light field, collimators, and cross hairs are all identified as _______ _________.   Beam indicators (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.79)  
How often should dose agreement with beam indicators be checked on a Cobalt-60 unit?   Monthly (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.79)  
During brachytherapy QA, what do radiation detectors measure?   Dose rate (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
How often should the radiation detectors used in brachytherapy QA be calibrated?   Monthly (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
Does the repair of a radiation detector for brachytherapy QA warrant a calibration?   Yes (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
How often should brachytherapy sources be checked for physical integrity?   Before each use (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
What are three methods of testing the physical integrity of brachytherapy sources?   Visual inspection, leak testing, and activity measurement (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
How can brachytherapy source uniformity be checked?   Radiographic procedures (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
How can brachytherapy source symmetry be checked?   Radiographic procedures (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
Leakage radiation of brachytherapy sources is detected by what required method?   Wipe testing (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
How often should wipe testing of brachytherapy sources be performed?   Upon receipt and then after every six months (semiannually) (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
After radioactive implantation, when should radiation surveys be performed?   Immediately in and around the patient's room (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
Name the components of a brachytherapy quality assurance program.   Written prescription, patient identification, dates, treatment location, pertinent calculations, complications, and deviance from practice standards. (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.81)  
What is the laser tolerance for a conventional simulator?   +/- 2 mm (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
What is the ODI tolerance for a conventional simulator?   +/- 2 mm (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
The tolerance for the accuracy of the CT number of water?   Between -5 and 5 Hounsfield units (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
How often should the HU of water be checked on a CT simulator?   Daily (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
What is the tolerance of the laser alignment with the center of the imaging plane on a CT simulator?   +/- 2 mm (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
How often should the table parameters of a CT simulator be checked?   Monthly (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
How often should the in-plane spatial integrity of the x and y axes be checked on a CT simulator?   Daily (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
What is the tolerance of the spacial integrity of the x and y axes on a CT simulator?   +/- 1 mm (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.82)  
Optimal imaging of portal verification devices is ensured by regular ________.   calibration (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.84)  
_______ devices should be checked by visual inspection to ensure patient safety.   Immobilization (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.85)  
Voids in Cerrobend blocks can be found using ______ .   Radiographs (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.85)  
Should the formation of air bubbles during the pouring of Cerrobend blocks be avoided?   Yes (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.85)  
Should verification of bolus thickness happen regularly?   Yes (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.85)  
How often should the patient's chart be reviewed?   Weekly (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.86)  
What is the tolerance of isodose distributions?   +/- 2% (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.86)  
What is the tolerance in monitor unit calculations?   +/- 2% (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.86)  
What is the mapcheck system?   A tool used in the quality assurance of treatment planning (Mosby's Radiation Therapy Study Guide and Exam Review, p.86)  


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