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5th grade Chapter 8 Test Review

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

True or False The Proclamation of 1763 said that all of the land west of the Rocky Mountains belonged to the Native Americans and the colonists had to leave.   True  
True or False After the Stamp Act (a tax on paper documents) colonists cried "No taxation without representation" because they did not have someone represent them in the British Parliament when this tax was decided.   True  
True or False The Boston Massacre resulted in 5 British soldiers being killed after an angry crowd of colonists became aggressive with them.   False  
True or False Patrick Henry was accused of treason for speaking out against the British King and Parliament.   True  
True or False Paul Revere made a picture representing the Boston Tea Party that got colonists angry at the British and their treatment of the colonists. He also warned those in Lexington and Concord that the British were coming.   False  
This group helped the boycott of British goods by weaving cloth and making tea.   Daughters of Liberty  
To protest the tea act, the Sons of Liberty threw British tea into the Boston Harbor. What was this event called?   The Boston Tea Party  
Which meeting of delegates took place in 1774 and it was there that trade would stop with Britain, the colonists would form militias, and a petition was sent to King George III reminding him of the colonists rights as British citizens?   First Continental Congress  
What two towns were battles fought that marked the beginning of the Revolutionary war?   Lexington and Concord  
Which meeting of delegates resulted in decisions made that included the forming of the Continental Army, and George Washington being appointed commander-in-chief of this army?   Second Continental Congress  
Which battle was won by the British, but proved that colonists were going to put up a fight?   Battle of Bunker Hill  
Which petition was sent to King George II asking for peace?   Olive Branch Petition  
What the name of the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that called for a resolution of independence and made many of the colonists call for independence?   Common Sense  
Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?   Thomas Jefferson  
The Declaration of Independence states that all people have certain _______ that cant be taken away.   rights  
The Declaration of Independence lists the colonists _________________ against the King of England.   grievances  
The Declaration of Independence stated that the colonies were free and ___________________ states.   independant  
What was the name of the first constitution that was written after the Declaration of Independence?   The Articles of Confederation?  
A formal agreement among groups or individuals.   alliance  
A representative   delegate  
The lawmaking branch of the British government.   parliament  
A public announcement   proclamation  
A plan for spending money   budget  
Having someone speak or act for you   representation  
The act of working against one's own government   treason  
A formal meeting of representatives   congress  
To refuse to buy goods or services.   boycott  
To cancel, or undo a law   repeal  
Laws and orders issued by the British government   imperial policy  
To work against or object to a certain policy.   protest  
The complete control of a product or good by one person or group.   monopoly  
To use warships to prevent other ships from entering or leaving a harbor   blockade  
To provide or pay for housing.   quarter  
A signed request made to an official person or organization.   petition  
Members of the Massachusetts colony militia   minutemen  
A sudden, complete change, such as an overthrow of an established government   revolution  
A person who is control of all the armed forces of a nation   commander in chief  
A wall made of earth and stone   earthwork  
An ancient symbol of peace   olive branch  
The freedom to govern on one's own   independence  
A formal group statement   resolution  
An official statement   declaration  
An introduction; first part   preamble  
A complaint   grievance  
The British win the French and Indian war and claim nearly all of France's land in North America   1st in chronological order  
British Parliament passes taxes such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act   2nd in chronological order  
Colonists begin to cry, "No taxation without representation!"   3rd in chronological order  


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Created by: Mrs.Knittel
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