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US Presidents by major events

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Gained national recognition after he delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention; served as the U.S. Senator for Illinois; first African American president of the United States.   Barack Obama  
President during the September 11th terrorist attacks; led the United States into war against Iraq; before becoming president he was managing partner and part owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team   Geroge W. Bush  
passed NAFTA trade agreement; popularity was uneven and his second term was marred by scandal   Bill Clinton  
President when Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended; led the U.S. in the Gulf War against Iraq; was the first sitting Vice President to be elected President since Martin Van Buren.   George H.W. Bush  
Credited with reviving national pride after the turmoil of the 1960s and 1970s; only President to survive after being wounded by a would-be assassin.   Ronald Reagan  
Had success promoting Middle East peace; soaring oil prices, high inflation, and the Iran hostage crisis made him look weak and ineffectual; after term, traveled the world doing charity work   Jimmy Carter  
became Vice President the former Vice President resigned in disgrace, and President after the President resigned; pardon of Nixon was unpopular, probably costing him reelection; only President never elected President or Vice President.   Gerald Ford  
Improved relations with the Soviet Union and China and wound down the Vietnam War; Watergate scandal forced him to resign; only U.S. President in history to resign his office   Richard Nixon  
Passed sweeping antipoverty and civil rights programs; involved the U.S. in the unpopular Vietnam War; was sworn into office on an airplane   Lyndon B. Johnson  
President during the Cuban Missile Crisis; assassinated in the third year of his term; only Roman Catholic President   John F. Kennedy  
Helped end the Korean War and steered a moderate course during the Cold War; one of America's most famous soldiers   Dwight D. Eisenhower  
Made the fateful decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. World War II ended days later. Led the U.S. during the Korean War; had a plaque that said "The Buck Stops Here."   Harry S. Truman  
Led the nation during the Great Depression and to victory in World War II; greatly expanded the size and role of the federal government through his New Deal social programs; only President elected four times   Franklin D. Roosevelt  
Stock market crashed a few months into his term; organized relief efforts in Europe after both World Wars.   Herbert Hoover  
Marked by economic prosperity; ignored signs that the stock market was likely to collapse   Calvin Coolidge  
Died in office, just as massive corruption in the Teapot Dome scandal was about to become public; regarded as the worst President; his election was the first in which women voted.   Warren G. Harding  
Led the U.S. into the war and drafted the peace plan that ended it; fought to create the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations; first President to hold a news conference.   Woodrow Wilson  
Continued many of his predecessor's policies; alienated the progressive wing of his party and lost reelection; only President who became a Supreme Court Justice   William Howard Taft  
One of the most activist Presidents; accomplishments included the building of the Panama Canal, cracking down on business monopolies, and creating many national parks; first President to visit a foreign country while in office   Theodore Roosevelt  
Led the U.S. during the Spanish-American War; only moments after handing a girl his "lucky" red carnation, he was assassinated.   William McKinley  
Caught between reformers who were fighting the spoils system and those who wanted to continue it, and was defeated after one term; grandson of another president   Benjamin Harrison  
Only President to be elected to two non consecutive terms; expanded the Civil Service and ended wasteful government programs   Grover Cleveland  
Unknown before being elected, but surprised people by being honest and responsible; helped create the Civil Service; as a lawyer, he defended a black woman who had been abused on a streetcar and won   Chester A. Arthur  
Set out to reform the "spoils system" by which politicians gave their friends low-level political offices; was assassinated by a disappointed office seeker; first left-handed President.   James A. Garfield  
One of only three Presidents to lose the popular vote but win the office; won the election by one electoral vote; his wife, Lucy, was the first First Lady to graduate from college.   Rutherford B. Hayes  
Top Union military hero of the Civil War   Ulysses S. Grant  
Found himself in bitter battles with Congress over Reconstruction; was impeached and tried by the Senate, but was acquitted by one vote; only southern senator to stay loyal to the Union.   Andrew Johnson  
Led the Union into the Civil War to preserve the nation and end slavery; assassinated just five days after the Confederate armies surrendered; polls show that he is the most admired President.   Abraham Lincoln  
Only bachelor to ever serve in the White House; tried in vain to find a compromise to keep the South from seceding from the Union   James Buchanan  
Wife hated Washington, D.C., so much, that she fainted when she found out he had been nominated for President; supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act   Franklin Pierce  
Approved the Compromise of 1850, allowing slavery in the South; ran for President on the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party ticket.   Millard Fillmore  
Won fame as a general in the Mexican War; soldiers called him "Old Rough and Ready"   Zachary Taylor  
Only President to have served as Speaker of the House; first "dark horse" or little-known nominee to become President; presided over the Mexican War, which added Texas, California, and other territory to the U.S.   James K. Polk  
Had 15 children, more than any President; was expected to be a passive "acting President" while he finished his predecessor's term but he refused to be passive; first President to be threatened with impeachment   John Tyler  
Delivered a marathon inaugural speech during which he caught a cold; died a month later; first President to die in office and served the briefest term.   William Henry Harrison  
First President to be born an American citizen, rather than a British subject; presidency was marred by an economic depression that led to bank failures and food riots   Martin Van Buren  
First President to ride on a train; though he was a rich planter, he was considered the common people's friend; dubbed "Old Hickory" because he was so tough   Andrew Jackson  
Son of a former president; accused of winning the White House through corruption; plagued by accusations of misdeeds throughout his presidency; served nine terms in the House of Representatives, until his death in 1848.   John Quincy Adams  
Lived out his retirement in poverty; term is called the "Era of Good Feeling" because there was little partisan fighting; formulated a famous doctrine, which declared the Americas off-limits to European meddling.   James Monroe  
Father of the Bill of Rights; presided over the War of 1812 with Britain, during which the White House was burned.   James Madison  
Wrote the Declaration of Independence, founded the University of Virginia, and was an architect, a farmer, and a scientist; approved the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, which nearly doubled the size of the U.S.   Thomas Jefferson  
First President to live in the White House   John Adams  
Shaped the chief executive's duties. He refused to run for a third term.   George Washington  


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Created by: coachmitchell
Popular U.S. History sets