Med Rec #4
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
Imprinter Plate | A plastic plate, similar to a charge card, on which identifying information, such as the patient's name, age, account number, and medical record number, are embossed. The embossed card is then used in a machine with ink ti imprint the information from the
Permanent File | The file area for records whose documentation is complete
Preadmission | Collection of patient demographic and insurance information prior to the patient's admission
Record Retrieval | Identifying the location of a record and pulling from the files
Requisition | A Document used in an outguide to identify the record that has been pulled
Thinned Record | Removal of the oldest portions of a record from the nursing unit binder when the record becomes too large for the binder
Temporary Folder | A file folder created to house an incomplete medical record until it is ready to be filled in the original folder
Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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