Sheep and Goat Quiz - VTT 222
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
What is the Genus of sheep? | show ๐
show | Capra
show | Bovidae
show | Ovis aries
show | Capra hircus
show | Sheep giving birth
What does "kidding" mean? | show ๐
Sheep TPR readings: | show ๐
show | Temp: 102ยฐ F
HR: 70-90 bpm
RR: 15-30/min
How much water do goats and sheep drink daily? | show ๐
show | 2(I 0/3 C 0/1 P 3/3 M 3/3) = 32
show | Suffolk
What sheep breed does not produce lanolin? | show ๐
show | Wool
show | Cashmere
Oldest known dairy goat breed, distinct white markings on ears face and legs, best for cooler climates, high milk production | show ๐
All-purpose goat ; Meat, milk, and hide. All color patterns, ears are long and wide, good in hot conditions, not a heavy milk producer. | show ๐
Dairy goat with high butterfat, developed in Oregon, good temperament, hardy, Ears are distinct 2 types, "gopher ear" and "elf ear". | show ๐
show | A strong fiber that is elastic, smooth and takes to dye well, super soft!
South African origin, used for meat, lop ears and a distint white body with red head, twinning is common. | show ๐
Which goat breed has an extended breeding season allowing 3 kiddings every 2 years? | show ๐
show | Pygmy
show | With a 6 foot fence, electric works well, secure doors and gates
Lambing and kidding pens should be? | show ๐
Housing for small ruminants require: | show ๐
show | Free-stall housing to freely move between the resting, eating, and milking areas.
Why must there be good ventilation in the pens/enclosures? | show ๐
show | Due to their social hierarchy and aggressiveness.
show | They have a higher nutritional requirement for milk production.
show | Good hay, Grains and Concentrates (Barley, oats and wheat, etc..) free-choice salt and mineral supplements
Inadequate nutrition during the last trimester can cause? | show ๐
show | 8 to 10 weeks after starting lactation.
When should lambs and kids get colostrum? | show ๐
When are lamb and kids normally weaned? | show ๐
show | 4-5 weeks utilizing creep feed.
show | Vitamins A, D, E, penicillin and streptomycin; selenium
show | 15-16% protein
show | 13-14% protein
Sheep are susceptible to what type of toxicity? What are some symptoms? | show ๐
A deficiency in what mineral leads to milk fever? | show ๐
White muscle disease in lambs is a deficiency in what mineral? | show ๐
show | B Complex vitamins
This vitamin is not required because ruminants synthesize it on their own. | show ๐
Sheep gestation is how long? | show ๐
show | 30 hours, best time to breed is 12-18 hours after onset of estrus.
show | Placing ewe on a higher plane of nutrition a few weeks prior to the breeding season, results in higher ovulation rates.
Goat gestation is how long? | show ๐
Which goats are seasonal breeders and come into heat in the fall? | show ๐
show | Pygmies and some others like Nubians
show | Bleating, tail flagging, reddened vulva, vaginal discharge, occasional riding by other does
show | Yes
show | 1-2 weeks of age
Why do we tail dock? | show ๐
Why do we not chase sheep? | show ๐
show | Examining/trimming the hooves and ventral abdomen, blood draw, shearing, and vaccinations
Where do you auscultate the heart? | show ๐
show | Between 5th and 11th ribs.
Normal rumen contractions are? | show ๐
show | Hold nostrils closed for up to 45 secs, and release when they struggle.
Name some internal parasites: | show ๐
Name some external parasites: | show ๐
What are some vaccines for sheeps and goats? | show ๐
Another name for Enterotoxemia? | show ๐
Clinical signs for Foot Rot of sheep? | show ๐
What are some symptoms of Bluetongue? | show ๐
show | Abortion, neonatal septicemia and death, septicemia and diarrhea in ewes, and neurological disease.
show | Inadequate nutrition to meet the needs of the late-gestation ewe/doe caring twins or triplets, an early sign is listlessness and teeth grinding.
show | Caseous Lymphadenitis (chronic abscessing in lymph nodes) and Contagious Ecthyma (sore mouth)
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