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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What imaging modality is commonly used to evaluate testicular masses or assist in performing prostate biopsies? A. Radiography B. Computed tomography (CT) C. Nuclear medicine D. Sonography    
What imaging modality is used in staging prostatic cancer in men having a positive 4 PSA test? A. Radiography B. Computed tomography (CT) C. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) D. Sonography    
What imaging modality may be used to better evaluate the congenital anomaly of cryptorchidism? A. Radiography B. Nuclear medicine C. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) D. Sonography    
Which imaging modality is most commonly used to evaluate for testicular torsion? A. Radiography B. Computed tomography (CT) C. Nuclear medicine D. Sonography    
What imaging procedure involves the injection of saline into the uterus to visualize any uterine pathologies or dynamics of the reproductive system? A. Hysterosalpingography B. Mammography C. Laparoscopy D. Sonohysterography    
What special method must be used when imaging the augmented breast? A. Craniocaudal projection with compression B. Sonography C. Eklund maneuver D. Mediolateral oblique with maximum compression    
What imaging modality can be used to examine the gravid and nongravid female reproductive system? A. Radiography B. Computed tomography (CT) C. Nuclear medicine D. Sonography    
Which imaging modality is preferred to diagnose early avascular necrosis? A. Radiography B. Nuclear medicine C. CT D. MR    
Eighty percent of all skull fractures are classified as what type of fracture? A. Depressed B. Linear C. Subdural D. Basilar    
The widespread paralysis of brain function that occurs following trauma and is characterized by headache, vertigo, and vomiting is known as: A. Concussion B. Coup lesion C. Contrecoup lesion D. Contusion    
A contusion formed on the opposite side of the skull in reference to the site of trauma is known as: A. concussion B. coup lesion C. contrecoup lesion D. contusion    
Which imaging modality has proven to be the best means of diagnosing GI trauma and is capable of visualizing abdominal organ lacerations, hematomas, and ruptures? A. CT B. Plain abdominal radiography C. UGI D. Nuclear medicine    
A fracture of the arch of C2 and anterior subluxation of C2 onto C3 is a: A. hangman’s fracture B. compression fracture C. Pott’s fracture D. blowout fracture    
Which trauma center classification denotes the most common designation for hospitals that generally serve as community trauma centers and staff radiographers in house 24 hours a day? A. Level I B. Level II C. Level III    
A subdural hematoma is positioned between what two anatomic structures? A. Arachnoid and pia mater B. Arachnoid and dura mater C. Dura and pia mater D. Dura mater and bony skull    
A malignant tumor of the kidney generally occurring in children under 5 years of age is:   Nephroblastoma  
Which of the following statements are true regarding the anatomy and function of the urinary system?   The amount of urine formed in a typical day is about 1 to 1.5 L, and Urine is formed and excreted in the nephron, the microscopic unit of the kidney.  
Urinary system disorders may be suggested by an abnormal:   Blood urea nitrogen level, creatinine blood level, coloration of urine.  
Horseshoe kidney is an anomaly of:   Fusion  
Which of the following statements are true of the urinary system anomalies?   Crossed ectopy exists when one kidney lies across the midline, fused to the other. AND Ureterocles are uretal dialations near the ureters termination.  
Vesicoureteral reflux refers to the backward flow of urine into the:   Ureters  
Arterial and venous renal blood flow in a patient who has received a kidney transplant is best assessed by:   Doppler Sonography  
Which of the following conditions can make the kidneys appear smaller than normal?   Atrophy following obstruction, and hypoplasia.  
Which of the following procedures may be performed to image a nonfunctioning kidney?   CT, and Renal Sonography  
Gradual and chronic deterioration of the renal parenchyma eventually results in:   Renal Failure  
Renal failure is characterized by the abnormal retention of one of the following substances in blood. which is it?   Urea  
What statement is true of renal calculi?   Precipitation of solutes out of urine is the pathogenesis of renal calculi. and stones tend to be asymptomatic until they move or cause an obstruction.  
Significant dilstion of the renal pelvis and cayleces as a result of an obstruction from a stone is characteristic of:   Hyderonephrosis.  


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Created by: RT2017
Popular Radiology sets