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Venipuncture Procedures

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

a vein that has patency   has bounce and resilience to it  
which type of test requisition has been shown to decrease laboratory errors   bar coded  
the time is 07:50 hours. you have received the following test requests on different patients. which test specimen should you collect first?   cortisol ordered for 8:00  
a student ask the patient for permission to draw a blood specimen. which of the following aswers implies that the student does not really have permission?   yes, but I would rather not  
you have a request to collect a stat specimen. a doctor is with the patient when you arrive. what should you do?   excuse yourself and politely ask the doctor if you can do the draw  
you are in the process of identifying an inpatient, the patient's verbal confirmation of name and date of birth matches the requisition but the medical record number is different. what should you do?   do not collect the specimen untill the problem has beed adressed and resolved  
you are a phlebotomy student on rotation at an outpatient site. a patient who seems extremely apprehensive about having her blood drawn tells you that she is afraid of needles. what should you do?   ask an experienced phlebotomist to perform the draw for you  
there are two patients in a room. one of them has a latex allergy. you have a request to collect a blood specimen on the other one, How should you proceed?   do not take anything that contains lates into the room  
the best way to judge patency of a vein is to   roll your finger from side to side while pressing against it  
which of the following statements describes proper venipuncture technique?   fill additive tubes until the vacume is exhausted  
what is the most critical error a phlebotominst can make?   misidentifying a patient specimen  
which needle can be removed from the blood collection unit before disposal?   syringe needle  
when should additive tubes be mixed?   as soon as they are removed from the holder  
you have made two unsuccessful attempts while trying to collect an ASAP specimen on an inpatient. the specimen cannot be collected by skin puncture. what should you do next?   ask another phlebotomist to collect it  
the proper way to transfer blood from a syringe into an ETS tube is to   safely remove needle and attached a transfer device to fill the tube  
how can you tell that you are in a vein when drawing blood with a butterfly?   blood usually appears in the tubbing  
you are performing a venipuncture on a difficult vein using a butterfly. you have an SST and a light-blue-top tube to collect. how do you proceed?   draw a clear tube, fill and mix the light blue top, then fill and mix the SST  
interventions to ease pain in collecting blood specimens from infants include   EMLA  
skin changes in elderly patients can make it harder to   anchor veins  
which type of disease is most likely to cause tremors?   parkinsons  
NPO means   nothing by mouth  
the following test orders for different patients have been received at the same time. which test would you collect first   stat glucose in er  
a member of the clergy is with the patient when you arrive to collect a routine specimen. what should you do?   come back after the clergy person has gone  
you are asked to collect a blood specimen from an inpatient. the patient is not wearing a Id band. what is the best thing to do   ask the patients nurse to put an id band on the patient before you draw the specimen  
if a patient adamantly refuses to have blood drawn, you should   notify the patients nurse or physician  
an inpatient is eating breakfast when you arrive to collect a fasting glucose. what is the best thing to do   consult with the patient's nurse to see if the specimen should be collected  
after cleaning the venipuncture with alcohol, the phlebotomist should   allow the alcohol to dry completely  
the tourniquet should be released   as soon as possible, before the needle is removed from the arm, within 1 min of its application  
what is the recommended angle of needle insertion whan performing venipuncture on an arm vein and on a hand vein, respectively   30degrees or less, 10 degrees or les  
after inserting a butterly needle, the phlebotomist must "seat" it, meaning   slightly thread it within the lumen of the vein  
blood collection tubes are labeled   immediately after specimen collection  
what is the best approach to use on an 8yr who needs to have blood drawn   explain the draw in simple terms and ask for the childs cooperation  
which type of patient is most likely to have an arteriovenous fistula or graft   dialysis  
which of the following is proper procedure when dealing with an elderly patient   make certain to hold adequate pressure after the draw until bleeding stops  
where is the tourniquet applied when drawing a hand vein   proximal to the wrist bone  
specimen hemolysis can result from   using a large volume tube with a 23g needle  
which of the following is the least effective way to immobilize a pediatric patient before a blood draw   allowing the child to sit with one arm bracing the other  
critiria used to decide which needle guage to use for venipuncture include   the size and condition of the vein  
which of the following is proper procedure when dealing with an elderly adult patient   refrain from drawing older adult patients if you have a cold, or else wear a mask  
the process of collecting or "drawing" blood from a vein   venipuncture  
the form on which test orders are entered is called a   requisition  
physician's name, pt first and last name, pt medical record #, type of test to be performed and dob should all be included on a   requisition  
immediately   STAT (first)  
as soon as posible   ASAP (second or third)  
evacuated tube system   ETS  
a eutectic (easily melted) mixture of local anesthetics   EMLA  
Stats that typically have priority over other stats   ER  


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