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Ch 17 Immunizations and Immunoassays

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

ACELLULAR   Also known as a subunit vaccine.  
ADJUVANTS   Chemicals added to vaccines to improve the effectiveness of antigens.  
AGGLUTINATION   Involve the use of IgG or IgM to form large, interlocking aggregates (lattices) with particulate antigens.  
ATTENUATED   A live, but weakened, microbe.  
COMPLEMENT FIXATION   The process in which complement combines with an antigen-antibody complex.  
CONJUGATED   Vaccines made by combining a weak immunogen with a protein.  
FLUORESCENT ANTIBODY   These techniques combine fluorescent dyes with antibodies to detect the presence of specific antibodies in the serum or the presence of microorganisms.  
HEMAGGLUTINATION   Agglutination reaction involving the clumping of red blood cells.  
HERD IMMUNITY   Protection against illness provided to a population when a pathogen cannot spread because the majority of the group are resisteant to the pathogen.  
HYBRIDOMA   Made by combining a myeloma and a B cell.  
IMMUNIZATION   Refers to the administration of any antigenic inoculum.  
IMMUNODIFFUSION   These tests are precipitation reactions carried out in an agar medium.  
IMMUNOTOXIN   A monoclonal antibody that has been combined with a toxin.  
INACTIVATED   Microbes that have been killed by heat or chemical methods.  
MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY   Product of a hybridoma.  
NEUTRALIZATION   An antigen-antibody reaction in which the harmful effects of a bacterial exotoxin or virus are blocked by antibodies.  
PRECIPITATION REACTIONS   Involve the use of IgG or IgM to form large, interlocking aggregates (lattices) with soluble antigens.  
RECOMBINANT   Subunit vaccines that are produced by genetic engineering.  
SEROCONVERSION   A change in a person's response to an antigen in a serological test.  
SUBUNIT   Vaccines that only use antigenic fragments of a microorganism.  
TITER   The concentration of serum antibody.  
TOXOIDS   Inactivated toxins.  
VACCINATION   Immunization.  
VACCINE   A suspension of organisms or fractions of organisms that is used to induce immunity.  
VARIOLATION   A crude method of vaccination using infected material from a patient.  
WHOLE AGENT   A vaccine that uses an intact organism.  


Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
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Created by: drmicro
Popular Biology sets