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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

fiil (fiiler)   verb (verbs)  
affetmek   to forgive  
almak   to take or to buy  
anlamak   to understand  
anlatmak   to tell or to explain  
aramak   to search  
atlamak   to jump  
atmak   to throw  
bakmak   look at  
beklemek   to wait for  
bildirmek   to tell  
bilmek   to know  
boyamak   to paint  
bulmak   to find  
Açıtmak   to hurt  
Açmak   to open  
Ağrımak   to ache  
Alışmak   to get used to  
Ayrılmak   to leave  
Başlamak   to begin  
Bıkmek   to tire of  
Buluşmak   to meet  
Çalışmak   to work  
Çalmak   to sound or to ring  
Çekmek   tp pull  
Çızmek   to draw  
Cözmek   to solve  
Denemek   to try  
Dılemek   to want or to wish  
Dinlemek   to listen  
Dinlenmek   to rest  
Dökmek   to spill  
Doymak   to be satisfied  
Düsünmek   to think  
Eğlenmek   to enjoy  
Ermek   to achieve  
Etmek   to do  
Fırlatmak   to throw  
Gelmek   to come  
Girmek   to enter  
Gitmek   to go  
Giyinmek   to put on  
Göndermek   to send  
Görmek   to see  
Gülmek   to smile or laugh  
Hissetmek   to feel  
Içmek   to drink  
Inanmak   to trust  
Istemek   to want  
Itmek   to push  
Kalkmak   to stand  
Kalmak   to stay  
Kapatmak   to close  
Karışmak   to confuse  
Kavga etmek   to fight  
Kaybetmek   to lose  
Kırmak   to break  
Kazanmak   to win  
Kızmak   to anger  
Koklamak   to smell  
Konuşmak   to speak  
Kesmek   to cut  
Koşmak   to run  
Kullanmak   to use or to drive  
Niyet etmek   to intend  
Ödemek   to pay  
Ögrenmek   to learn  
Ögretmek   to teach  
Olmak   to be  
Öpmek   to kiss  
Okumak   to read  
Oturmak   to sit  
Oynamak   to play  
Paylaşmak   to share  
Pisirmek   to cook  
Sanmak   to think  
Sevmek   to live or to love  
Silmek   to clean  
Sormak   to ask  
Söylemek   to say  
Susmak   to be quiet  
Tanişmak   to meet  
Temizlemek   to clean  
Tırmanmak   to climb  
Tutmak   to hold  
Uçmak   to fly  
Ummak   to hope  
Uyanmak   to wake  
Uyumak   to sleep  
Varmak   to arrive  
Vermek   to give  
Vurmak   to hit  
Yakalamak   to catch  
Yapmak   to make or do  
Yaşamak   to live  
Yatmak   to go to bed  
Yazmak   to write  
Yemek   to eat  
Yıkamak   to wash  
Yürümek   to walk  
Yüzmek   to swim  
Ziyaret etmek   to visit  


Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.

Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page.

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Created by: kisaiya
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