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CMLA Study guide

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

A 24hr creatinine and clearance test is used to determine what function?   Kidney  
The ability to achieve both accuracy and precision is:   reliability  
According to OSHA regulations who must provide PPE?   hospital, employer  
ALL manufactures of laboratory reagents must supply a document stating the hazardous properties of the material and other data regarding the use and disposal of the reagent. What is this document called?   material safety data sheet / MSDS  
What does not cause a false negative on a rapid strep test :   proper storage and collection  
What is NOT a common cause of random errors while testing?   imprecise timing  
All test procedures in the clinical lab must be monitored for accuracy and precision using:   at least two levels of controls  
Although many antiseptics and disinfectants may kill HIV the most practical one used on contaminated equipment is:   10% bleach solution  
Medical term for low blood sugar:   hypoglycemia  
Another type of testing that can ensure accuracy in addition to QC is:   proficiency testing  
Anthrax is:   a bacteria  
An autoclave sterilizes by:   using steam and pressure  
Blood cultures are ordered for:   FUO/ fever of unknown origin  
A cellophane tape preparation specimen goes to which department   microbiology  
A centrifuge is used to:   separate liquid from solids  
The change in the shape of erythrocytes as observed on a peripheral smear is described as:   poikilocytosis  
CLIA does not mandate:   waived testing  
Clumping together of cells or particles is known as;   agglutination  
A compound microscope is used to study all organisms except:   viruses  
A decrease in white blood cells is known as:   leukopenia  
When the body is at a state of physiological equilibrium it is called:   homeostasis  
An electronic cell counter is used for counting:   red and white blood cells  
A false positive nitrate on a urine sample indicates:   improper storage  
A lab that has a provider performed microscopy certificate, what healthcare person would not be allowed to perform microscopic procedures?   medical assistant  
The kidney function is to remove _________ and reabsorb _______   waste product, water  
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidose (GGT) is elevated in:   alcoholic cirrhosis  
Glucose is stored in the liver as:   glycogen  
A gradual change in the mean that proceeds in one direction over six or more consecutive days is known as a:   trend  
Gram negative organisms stain:   red, pink  
A GTT includes what specimen   blood, urine  
Hemoccult testing detects:   blood in stool  
Hemoglobin electrophoresis is used to diagnose:   anemia  
Hemoglobin is found in:   red blood cells  
The HIPPA privacy rule does not protect patient information that is:   accidentally overheard  
How is the most sterile urine sample collected?   strait catheterization by a nurse  
How long must a lab keep requisitions   two years  
How long can a tourniquet be on an arm   no longer than one minute  
How is the most sterile urine collected   strait catheterization by a nurse  
How many stool sample are needed for an ova and parasite (O&P)   three fresh samples  
How long after the Westergern ESR is set up before the result is recorded   one hour  
How is a patient prepared to do a 2 hour post prandial glucose test   patient eats two hours prior to testing  
the human chorionic gonadotropin test kit is used for quick efficient testing for:   pregnancy  
What specimen is collected when checking for a UTI   mid-stream clean catch urine  
If a patient has a seizure during a draw you call for help then:   lay them down and make sure they do not get hurt  
If a urine will not be tested within _______ it must be refrigerated   one hour  
If 2 patients have the same name how would their records be put in order   by date of birth  
if serum or plasma is pink it indicates:   hemolysis  
What is done if a tube is received unlabeled   discard ask for redraw  
in a normal distribution curve more values are   close to the mean  
An increased sedimentation rate is seen in what 3 common conditions   pregnancy, cancer, connective tissue disorder  
The incubator temp should be -------- daily   checked  
infectious hepatitis is caused by   a virus  
infectious mononucleosis is caused by   EBV Epstein barr virus  
Insufficient centrifugation while performing a microhematocrit will result in:   a false higher value  
In the chemistry department the tests are performed on:   auto analyzers  
the substance being measured is known as an:   analyte  
An invisible spray of liquid particles   aerosol  
Laboratory refrigerators should be kept at the following temperature   one to six degree celsius  
The average lifespan of a RBC is:   a hundred and twenty days  
What is the liquid portion that remains after centrifuging of a light blue top tube   plasma  
Liver disease will cause increase in   bilirubin  
liver enzymes can easily be assessed through:   blood testing  
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are stored:   accessible to everyone  
A measure of the departure from accuracy is known as:   bias  
The medical term Leuk- means   white  
The medical term osteo- means:   bone  
Microscope slides are placed on the _______ of the microscope   stage  
The common cause of leukocytosis is:   bacterial infection  
The most common fungus found in a dr office is:   ringworm  
The most commonly performed test for anticoagulant therapy is:   prothrombin time  
The most common metabolic disorder discovered by a urine dipstick is:   diabetes  
The most common test performed in the hematology department is:   CBC, complete blood count  
Most hematology tests are performed on:   whole blood  
Normal human body temp is:   37 c or 98.6 degrees f  
Normal urine output in an adult is:   600-2000 ml  
What type of infection is most likely to be contracted in a hospital setting   nosocomial infection  
A packed RBC volume ratio is:   hematocrit  
The pathogen most commonly isolated from a wound infection is:   staphylococcus aureus  
Patients with uncontrolled diabetes will have abnormal results in the following urine parameter(s)   glucose and ketones  
A patient with an allergic reaction will have an increased number of these types of cells:   eosinophils  
A persistent infection with symptoms that come and go:   latent  
A positive leukocyte esterase results in a urine sample indicates:   white blood cells  
A positive nitrate result in a urine sample indicates:   bacteria  
PPE includes:   face shield, goggles, gloves, coat  
The prefix hyper- means   excessive  
Prefix meaning 1/10th   deci  
Privileged communication is the legal term that refers to confidential information:   obtained in a patient/physician relationship  
The process by which a cell engulfs a foreign material such as a bacteria or virus is known as:   phagocytosis  
The protein found in RBC's that carries oxygen is:   hemoglobin  
Protein in the urine indicates   kidney disease  
Quality Control is plotted on a:   Level Jennings chart  
The rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test is most commonly used to detect:   an STD  
A rapid strep kit tests for   Group A streptococci  
The ratio of the volume of RBC to the total volume of blood is known as:   hematocrit  
Removal of tissue from the body for pathological examination is called:   biopsy  
Results when using the N-Multistix 10SG take:   less than 2 minutes  
Semen samples must be reviewed microscopically asap because:   decreased motility  
Serum is separated from the cells as soon as possible to prevent:   hemolysis  
smallpox is caused by:   variola major  
Specimens used to test the accuracy of urinalysis procedures, reagents, and equipment are:   urine controls  
A specimen that is divided into two parts an analyzed in two different laboratories to check for accuracy is:   split specimen  
A spinal tap is also known as a:   lumbar puncture  
Sputum is collected from the:   lungs  
The study of fungi:   mycology  
A sudden shift in the mean that becomes continuous is know as:   a shift  
TB is caused by a:   bacteria  
The term card or card means:   heart  
The term for increased white blood cell count is:   leukocytosis  
A _________ test determines how much of a substance is present.   quantitative  
A test kit that should be stored at 15-25 degrees C is stored where?   storeroom shelf  
A test used to detect the presence of inflammation   CRP, C reactive protein  
There is a pathological condition in which system if a patient has the following urinalysis results? Leuk: positive pH: 6.5 Pro: trace WBC: 15-20 Bacterial: Positive Nitrite: Positive   genitourinary  
Throat swab samples can be used   only once  
A timed specimen is required for theraputic drug monitoring of   peak theophylline level  
To protect confidentiality, what question should a healthcare worker ask themselves before looking at a patient's medical information   Do I need to know this  
Transferring a patient specimen to a culture plate is:   inoculation  
Trichomonas vaginalis is a:   protozoa  
Two or more organisms living together is called:   symbiosis  
An upper GI series requires the patient to:   drink barium  
Urine pregnancy test detects   HCG- human chorionic gonadotropin  
A urine sample can be refrigerated for up to ___________ and must be allowed to warm up to room temperature prior to testing.   four hours  
A urine test that indicates bacteria in the intestinal tract   urobilinogen  
The value of QC material provided by the manufacturer is known as:   target value  
The value of the normal control for potassium is 3.2mEq/L. If 1 standard deviation (SD) is +/- 0.2, which of the following value is out of range   4.1mEq/L  
The variation from the mean of a sample is the:   coefficient of variation  
Variation in red cell size observed on a peripheral smear is described as:   anisocytosis  
What acts as a decolorizer in the gram stain procedure   alcohol-acetone  
What additive is in a green top tube   heparin  
What carries oxygen away from the heart   arteries  
What causes an ammonia smell in urine   excessive bacteria  
What cells are involved in hemostasis   platelets  
What cells produce antibodies   B- lymphocytes  
What color tube is a PT collected in   light blue  
What color tube is used for a CBC   lavender  
Which department studies blood cells in the bone marrow   hematology  
What does an elevated ESR/ erythrocyte sedimentation rate indicate   inflammation  
What does the term syncope mean   fainting  
What does universal precaution mean to a healthcare worker   treat everything as contaminated  
What indicates a UTI in a clean catch mid stream urine   100,000 colonies/ml  
What indicates bacteria in the urinary tract   nitrites  
What critical information has to be clearly noted in a prominent area of a patients file, such as on front cover or immediately inside the cover   known drug allergies  
What is a carcinogen   cancer causing agent  
What is a contact transmission hazard   needles, contaminated hands  
What is added to a urine specimen to prevent breakdown before testing   preservative  
What is an example of a physical hazard   broken glass  
What is a patients most common mistake while collecting a 24 hour urine sample   not collecting all the urine  
What is a urinary tract prefix   ren  
What is it called to be free from infectious organisims   aseptic  
What is not a physical property of urine   glucose level  
What is produced by the breakdown of hemoglobin   bilirubin  
Which tube is the choice for hematology tests   lavender (EDTA)  
What is the coefficient of variation used to determine   precision  
What are the steps for performing a microscopic urine   centrifuge, 1 drop on slide, observe under low power, report  
What is the highest percentage of WBC in a peripheral smear   neutrophils  
What is the main function of white blood cells   protect against infection  
What is the major Hgb found in the RBC's of patients with sickle cell anemia   Hgb S  
What is the major type of WBC seen in the peripheral smear of a patient with aplastic anemia   lymphocyte  
What is the minimum number of values that must be obtained before calculating standard deviation   20  
What is the most important factor in controlling the spread of disease   hand washing  
What is the name of the chest muscle   pectoralis major  
What is the normal pH of urine   4.5 to 8.0  
What is the normal range for urine specific gravity   1.010 to 1.025  
What is the normal WBC differential lymphocyte percentage in the adult population   20% to 44%  
What is the number one STD in the USA   Chlamydia  
What is the oxygen carrying component of red blood cells?   hemoglobin  
What is the path of urine through the urinary system?   kidney, ureters, bladder, urethra  
What is the preferred specimen for a differential   EDTA  
What is the RBC's primary function?   carry oxygen  
What is the proper way to carry a microscope?   one hand under base one hand holding the arm  
This is used to enhance the visibility of formed elements   stain  
What does ICD-10 CM coding used for   describe a diagnosis  
What is the total magnification of the microscope using a 10x eye objective and a 40x power objective   400 times  
What vein is the most commonly used for venipuncture   median cubital  
What is used to calibrate instruments   standards  
What laboratory finding is seen in a patient with appendicitis   elevated WBC count  
What microscope objective is used when initially focusing   coarse adjustment, low power  
What mineral is essential for hemoglobin production?   Iron  
What objective is used to read a gram stain   100x oil immersion  
What organism is the smallest   virus  
What organ is responsible for the production of urine   kidney  
What parts of the microscope affect the amount of light through the specimen   diaphragm, condenser  
What patient filing system provides for the greatest degree of patient confidentiality   numeric by medical record number  
What percentage of blood are RBC's in an average adult   40%-45%  
What reagent is part of the gram stain   crystal violet  
What results from leaving a tourniquet on too long   hemoconcentration, false elevated potassium  
What should a healthcare worker do if they come across an open shredding bin full of papers revealing patient names, addresses and diagnosis   close and lock the bin and report it to supervisor  
What should a phlebotomist do with a patient that is a difficult stick   try twice then ask for help  
What should happen to a specimen that is not labeled   ask for a new specimen  
What stain is used on a specimen that is not labeled   Wright's stain  
What substance is released with cell damage   electrolytes  
What test is done when electrolytes are ordered   k+, CL-, Na++  
What tests for dehydration and cell starvation in urine   keytones  
Which tube can stabilize glucose for up to 3 days   grey, sodium fluoride  
What type of bacteria is spherical   cocci  
What type of cell will be increased in case of mononucleosis (mono)   atypical lymphocytes  
What type of laboratory must perform proficiency testing   moderate complexity laboratory  
What virus causes mononucleosis (mono)   epstein barr virus  
What will happen to the WBC count in a patient with acute appendicitis   it will be elevated  
What will not protect against HIV   recapping needles  
When a practitioner orders an unusual test, the best way of ensuring a good specimen is   to review the collection guidelines provided by the reference laboratory  
When blood is allowed to coagulate, the liquid portion is known as:   serum  
What is the appropriate way to choose a CPT code for a laboratory test   Choose the specific analyte code, if available  
When diluting an acid   slowly pour acid into water  
When is it acceptable to share your computer login identification and password   never  
Which organ produces insulin?   pancreas  
When the control values on a distribution curve are close to the mean value, but deviate a small amount on either side of the mean from day to day it is known as:   normal distribution  
When using an automated cell counter, the most frequent cause of erroneous test results is:   improper mixing during collection  
When using test kits you should never:   mix lot numbers  
Where should a finger stick be performed   on the 2nd or 3rd finger  
Where should a phlebotomist perform a baby heel stick   on either side of the heel on the bottom of the foot  
Which blood test is drawn from an artery   ABG Arterial blood gas  
Which department has a special patient identification system   blood bank/transfusion services  
Which department performs an ESR Wintrobe method   hematology  
What analyte would be most affected by a hemolyzed specimen   K+ Potassium  
Which of the following are part of a routine urinalysis   physical, chemical, microscopic  
Which Leukocytes are phagocytic   neutrophils and monocytes  
What is not a protein normally found in urine   urobilinogen  
What analyte in blood is not a red or white blood cell   platelets  
What laboratory test is performed in the hematology department   reticulocyte count  
What test is used to detect gout   uric acid  
Which test is used to aid in the detection of cancer of the prostate   PSA  
What is the urine specimen of choice for bacteriological examination   clean catch, mid stream  
Which part of the name Mr. Charles D. Anderson-Jones would be used to alphabetize the patient chart   by Anderson  
Which phagocytic cell produces lysozymes   neutrophils  
Which poses the greatest potential risk of damage to a computer's stored information   downloading nonsecure files  
Which power is used to perform a microscopic UA   40x low power  
Which RBC disorder changes the hemoglobin molecule   sickle cell anemia  
Which term describes the top portion of a centrifuged specimen   supernatant  
Which test is performed in the hematology/coagulation department   PT  
Which tube is not centrifuged   lavender  
Which tube produces a serum specimen   red  
Which urine parameters measures the number of solutes in the urine   specific gravity  
Which urine parameter would be abnormal if a patient has chronic high blood pressure   protein  
Which urine parameter would be abnormal if there were bacteria present in the urine   nitrates  
Which urine parameter would be abnormal in a patient with uncontrolled diabetes   ketones  
Which urine parameter would be abnormal when a patient has been fasting   ketones  
Which urine test measures the glomerular filtration rate - the amount of blood filtered by the kidneys   creatinine and clearance  
Which WBC produces antibodies   lymphocytes  
Who can give consent for treatment if the patient is married minor   the patient  
Which WBC engulf and digest bacteria?   Neutrophils  
Which WBC carries histamine?   Basophils  
Which WBC are active against parasitic infections?   Eosinophils  
Which WBC is active against viruses?   Lymphocytes  
Which blood cells transform to macrophages when they cross from blood to tissue?   Monocytes  
Bacteria that stains deep purple such as staph or strep are known as:   gram positive  
Bacteria that stain pink or red like e coli or gonorrhoeae are known as:   gram negative  
Abnormally low blood Ph or more acidic than normal is:   acidosis  
The arrest of bleeding is called   hemostasis  
The most common type of WBC and first line of defense that is multi lobed nucleus and cytoplasm filled with fine pink granules when stained that kills bacteria and fungi is:   neutrophil  
The most common type of WBC in infants and children creating antibodies to bacteria and viruses is:   Lymphocytes  
The least common type of WBC containing large cytoplasmic granules that stain blue-black with alkaline dyes and secrets histamine is:   Basophil  
Granular white blood cell with a bilobed nucleus and cytoplasmic granules that stain red-orange with eosin. Increase in number during allergic reaction or parasitic infection is:   Eosinophils  
A counting device or counting chamber to count cells such as red or white blood cells is called a :   hemacytometer  
Largest WBC that stains grey-blue with fine granules. They remove dead or damaged cells and fight cancer cells are   Monocytes  
Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils are all:   granulocytes  
The kidney hormone that triggers red blood cell formation, produced when hemoglobin concentration or oxygen saturation declines is called:   Erythropoietin  
The formation of red blood cells is know as:   Erythropoiesis  
A noticeable pattern of error is known as   Systemic errors  
The ability to repeatedly get the same result is know as:   precision  
A chart on which control values are plotted daily, divided into areas of acceptable low and high values, enabling lab workers to easily see/address the normalcy of test results is called:   Level Jennings chart  
The skewing of test results away from the true value is known as   Bias  
How close a test result comes to the true value being measured is known as:   accuracy  
What reagent is part of a gram stain   crystal violet  
What is released with cell damage   electrolytes  
What tests for dehydration and starvation in urine   keynotes  
What happens to the WBC count in a patient with appendicitis   it is elevated  
What type of cell will be increased in case of mononucleosis (mono)   epstein barr virus  
What type of bacteria is spherical:   Cocci  
When blood is allowed to coagulate the liquid portion is known as:   Serum  
Which organ produces insulin   Pancreas  
When using an automated cell counter the most common cause of erroneous test results are from:   improper mixing during collection  
When using test kits you never:   Mix lot numbers  
What department has a specialized patient identification system?   blood bank  
What analyte is most affected by a hemolized specimen   k+ potassium  
What are the parts of a UA   chemical, physical, microscopic  
Which leukocytes are phagocytic?   Neutrophils and monocytes  
What protein is not normally found in urine?   Urobilinogen  
What department are reticulocyte counts run in?   Hematology  
What analyte in blood is not a red or white blood cell   Platelets  
What test is used for gout   uric acid  
Which phagocytic cell produces lysozymes   Neutrophils  
Which poses the greatest potential risk of damage to a computer's stored info?   downloading nonsecure files  
What power is used to view a microscopic UA?   40x low power  
What RBC disorder changes the hemoglobin molecule?   sickle cell anemia  
What is the top portion of a centrifuged specimen called? (urine/bodily fluids)   supernatant  
Which test is performed in the hematology/coagulation department   Pt, PTT  
Which tube is not centrifuged?   lavender/whole blood  
Which tube produces a serum specimen?   Red, gold, tiger top  
Which urine parameter measures the number of solutes in the urine?   Specific gravity  
Which urine parameter would be normal if a patient has chronic high blood pressure?   Protein  
Which urine parameter would be abnormal if there were bacteria present in the urine?   Nitrates  
What urine parameter will be abnormal when a patient has been fasting   Ketones  
Which urine test measures the glomerular filtration rate- the amount of blood filtered by the kidneys?   Creatinine and clearance  
Which WBC produces antibodies   Lymphocytes  
Who can give consent for treatment if the patient is a married minor?   The patient  
Which WBC engulfs and digests bacteria   Neutrophils  
Which WBC carries histamine   Basophils  
Which WBC are active against parasitic infections   Eosinophils  
Which blood cells transform to macrophages when they cross from blood to tissue?   Monocytes  
Which WBC is active against viruses   lymphocytes  


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Created by: CWillems
Popular Laboratory Science sets