Pelvis and thigh trail guide
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1. Name the three bones that make up the hip (coxal) bone | ilium, ischium, and pubis
2. The ___ and ___ are considered part of both the pelvis and the vertebral column | sacrum, coccyx
3. Describe the difference between a typical male and female pelvis | female pelvis: broader for childbearing,
wider iliac crest
larger pelvis "bowl"
greater distance between ischial tuberosities
4. The ___ can be palpated by following the superior pelvis from the ASIS to the PSIS on the side of the torso | iliac crest
5. Which pair of bony landmarks can be visually identified by two small dimples at the base of the lower back? | posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)
6. The ___ are often called the "sits bones" | ischial tuberosities
7. Which large bony landmark can be located by sliding your fingerpads inferiorly four to six inches along the lateral side of the thigh. | greater trochanter
8. The ___ is located on the medial surface of the ilium and serves as an attachment site for the iliacus muscle | iliac fossa
the pelvis (pelvic girdle) consists of the __, the ___, and the 2 ___. | sacrum, coccyx, and 2 hip bones
each hip bone is formed by the fusion of the of three smaller bones which are | ilium, ischium, and pubis
the ___ is the longest, heaviest, and strongest bone in the body | femur
1. The ___ is composed of 4-5 fused vertebrae and the __ is composed of 3-4 fused bones. | sacrum, coccyx
2. The ridge running down the center of the sacrum is the ___ | median sacral crest
3. the coccyx is located nearest to which topographical feature? | gluteal cleft
4. The ____ joint can be found just inferior and medial to the PSIS | sacroiliac
5. With your partner prone, what passive positional adjustment and motion will help you to feel movement in the sacroiliac joint. | flex partner knee to 90 degrees and rotate the hip laterally and medially
6. Which bony landmark can be found just distal to the greater trochanter and directly lateral to the ischial tuberosity? | gluteal tuberosity
7. What are a couple ways to increase comfort for both you and your partner while palpating in the pubic region? | -explain what you are doing
- ask permission
- use partners hand to palpate with your hand guiding on top
8. The ___ are the bony prominences located on the superior part of the pubic crest | pubic tubercles
9. The superior ramus of the pubis forms a ridge that serves as an attachment site for the ___? | pectineus
10. The rami of the pubis form a bridge between the __ and the ___. | pubic crest, ischial tuberosity
11. What is the recommended position of your partner while palpating the pubic rami? | supine, with your flexed knee under your partners knee
12. The ___ is the horizontal line between the buttock and thigh. | gluteal fold
The __ is a large triangular shaped bone at the inferior end of the vertebral column. it is made up of 4 or 5 vertebra that are fused together. | sacrum
The ___ is a diamond shaped area at the inferior aspect of the pelvis. it is framed by the pubic symphysis, ischial tuberosities, and the coccyx. | perineum
1. The muscles of the pelvis and thigh primarily create movement at the ___ and __ joints. | coxal (hip), tibiofemeral (knee)
2. __ is the only quadriceps muscle that crosses two joints, the hip and knee. | rectus femoris
3. Deep to the iliotibial tract, the ___ is the sole muscle of the lateral thigh | vastus lateralis
4. to follow the path of the rectus femoris, it is helpful to draw an imaginary line from the __ to the ___. | anterior inferior iliac spine, patella
5. While your partner extends his knee, palpate just medial and proximal to the patella for the bublous shape of the _____. | vastus medialis
6. All three hamstrings share a common origin at the ____. | ischial tuberosity
7. The hamstrings are located on the posterior thigh between the __ and ___ muscles | vastus lateralis, adductor magnus
8. In which direction does biceps femoris rotate the hip? | laterally
9. The ___ is the more superficial of the medial hamstrings. | semitendinosus
The origin of biceps femoris is? | ischial tuberosity, lateral lip of linea aspera
The insertion biceps femoris? | head of the fibula
The origin rectus femoris? | anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS)
The insertion of rectus femoris? | tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament)
The origin for semimembranosus is? | ischial tuberosity
The insertion semimembranosus is? | posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia
The origin semitendinosus is? | ischial tuberosity
The insertion of semitendinosus is? | proximal, medial shaft of the tibia at pes anserinus tendon
The vastus intermedius origin is? | anterior and lateral shaft of the femur
the vastus intermedius insertion is? | tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament)
The vastus lateralis origin is? | lateral lip of linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity, and greater trochanter
The vastus lateralis insertion is? | tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament)
The vastus medialis origin is? | medial lip of linea aspera
The vastus medialis insertion is? | tibial tuberosity (via the patella and patellar ligament)
The passive flexion of the knee would __ the vastus lateralis | lengthen
Passive tilting of the pelvis anteriorly would __ the biceps femoris | lengthen
Passive medial rotation of the hip would ___ the semitendinosus | shorten
Passive extension of knee would ___ the vastus intermedius | shorten
Passive lateral rotation if the flexed knee would ___ the biceps femoris | shorten
Passive flexion of the hop would ___ the semimembranosus, but ___ the rectus femoris | lengthen, shorten
1. Of the three gluteal muscles, the __ is the most posterior and superficial | gluteus maximus
2. Which gluteal muscle has the ability to flex and extend the hip (but not simultaneously) | gluteus medius
3. Locating the coccyx, the posterior two inches of the iliac crest and gluteal tuberosity will help you to outline which muscle? | gluteus maximus
4. To palpate gluteus minimus, you will need to sink your fingers deep to which muscle? | gluteal medius
5. To locate both gluteus medius and minimus in a side lying position, you could ask your partner to perform which movement? | adduct your hip
6. The adductor tendons form a connective tissue drape along the base of the pelvis extending from which two bony landmarks? | superior ramus of the pubis, ischial tuberosity
7. Located just anterior to the hamstrings, ___is the most posterior of teg adductor muscles, | adductor magnus
8. Gracilis is the only adductor to cross which joint, | knee
9. What are the two actions common to all the muscles of the adductor group? | adduct the hip, medially rotate the hip
10. You will find the prominent tendon(s) of the gracilis and adductor longus extending off of, or nearby, which bony landmark? | pubic tubercle
11. Which muscle can be located just anterior to the prominent adductor tendon | pectineus
12. Which muscle can be located between the ischial tuberosity and the adductor tubercle? | adductor magnus
The origin adductor brevis is? | inferior ramus of pubis
The insertion adductor brevis is? | pectineal line and medial lip of linea aspera
The adductor longus origin is? | pubic tubercle
The adductor longus insertion is? | medial lip of linea aspera
The adductor magnus origin? | inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium, and ischial tuberosity
The adductor magnus insertion? | medial lip of linea aspera and adductor tubercle
The gluteus maximus origin is? | coccyx, edge of sacrum, posterior iliac crest, sacrotuberous and sacroiliac ligaments
The gluteus maximus insertion is? | iliotibial tract (upper fibers) and gluteal tuberosity (lower fibers)
The gluteus medius origin is? | gluteal surface of the ilium, between posterior and anterior gluteal lines, just below iliac crest
The gluteus medius insertion? | lateral aspect of greater trochanter
The gluteus minimus origin is? | gluteal surface of the ilium between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines
The gluteus minimus insertion is? | anterior aspect of greater trochanter
The gracilis origin is? | inferior ramus of pubis (2)
The gracilis insertion is? | proximal, medial shaft of tibia at pes anserinus tendon
The pectineus origin is? | superior ramus of pubis
The pectineus insertion is? | pectineal line of femur
16. Passive abduction to the hip would ___ the adductor brevis and longus | lengthen
17. Passive lateral rotation of the hip would __ the gluteus maximus | shorten
18. Passive extension of the hip would __ the posterior fibers if the adductor magnus | shorten
19. Passive adduction of the hip would __ the gluteus medius | lengthen
20. Passive lateral rotation of the hip would ___ the gluteus minimus | lengthen
21. Passive extension and lateral rotation of the hip would ___ the gracilis | legthen
22. Passive medial rotation of the hip would __ the adductors | shorten
23. Passive flexion of the hip would __ the gluteus maximus | lengthen
1. Which muscle is most accessible between the upper fibers of the rectus femoris and gluteus medius? | tensor fascia latae
2. Which cablelike band of fascia can be isolated just anterior to the biceps femoris tendon? | iliotibial tract
3. In order to feel the tensor fasciae latae contract, position your partner in a supine position and ask him to perform what action? | medially rotate your hip
4. Which muscle stretches from the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the medial knee? | sartorius
5. The proximal fibers of the sartorius are just lateral to which artery. | femoral
6. Which three tendons blend together to becomes to pes anserinus tendon? | semitendinosus, gracilis, sartorius
7. Which muscle lies superficial to the sciatic nerve and can compress the nerve if overcontracted? | piriformis
8. To locate the piriformis, form a T with which three bony landmarks? | coccyx, posterior superior iliac spine, greater trochanter
9. Which rectangular muscle can be isolated by placing your fingerpads between the distal, posterior aspect of the greater trochanter and the ischial tuberosity? | quadratus femoris
10. which muscle spans from the anterior surface of the lumbar vertebrae to the lesser trochanter? | psoas major
11. To access the psoas major, place your fingerpads between the ___ and __ before slowly compressing toward the muscle | anterior superior iliac spine navel
13. What action could you ask your partner to perform to confirm that you have located the psoas major? | flex your hip ever so slightly
The gemellus inferior origin is? | ischial tuberosity
The gemellus inferior insertion? | medial surface of greater trochanter (3)
The gemellus superior origin is? | ischial spine
The gemellus superior insertion is? | medial surface of greater trochanter (3)
The iliacus origin is? | iliac fossa
The iliacus insertion is? | lesser trochanter (2)
The obturator externus origin is? | rami of pubis and ischium, obturator membrane
The obturator externus insertion is? | trochanteric fossa of femur
The obturator internus origin is? | obturator membrane and inferior surface of obturator foramen
The obturator internus insertion is? | medial surface of greater trochanter (3)
The piriformis origin is? | anterior surface of sacrum
The piriformis insertion is? | superior aspect of greater trochanter
The psoas major origin is? | bodies and transverse processes of lumbar vertebra
The psoas major insertion? | lesser trochanter (2)
The psoas minor origin? | body and transverse process of first lumbar vertebra
The psoas minor insertion? | superior ramus of pubis
Quadratus femoris origin is? | lateral border of ischial tuberosity
Quadratus femoris insertion is? | intertrochanteric crest, between the greater and lesser trochanters
Satorius origin is? | anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
Satorius insertion is? | proximal, medial shaft of the tibia at pes anserinus tendone
Tensor fasciae latae origin? | iliac crest, posterior to the ASIS
Tensor fasciae latae insertion? | iliotibial tract
1. Passive medial rotation of the flexed knee would ___ the sartorius | shorten
2. Passive adduction of the hip would ____ the tensor fasciae latae? | lengthen
3. Passive extension of the hip would ___ the iliopsoas muscles? | lengthen
4. Passive lateral rotation of the hip would __ the piriformis | shorten
5. Passive extension of the hip would __ the psoas major. | lengthen
6. Passive flexion of the hip would __ the sartoriuis | shorten
7. Passive lateral rotation of the hip would __ the iliacus | shorten
8. Passive medial rotation of the hip would ___ the tensor fascia latae | shorten
9. Passive medial rotation of the hip would __ the quadratus femoris | lengthen
10. Passive abduction of the hip would ___ the sartorius | shorten
1. The inguinal ligament stretches from the __ to the __ | anterior superior iliac supine, pubic tubercle
2. Which three vessels pass through the femoral triangle? | femoral artery, femoral nerve, femoral vein
3. Where should you position your fingers to feel the pulse of the femoral artery? | between ASIS and pubic tubercle, just distal to the inguinal ligament
4. What structure spans from the ischial tuberosity to the edge of the sacrum | sacrotuberous ligament
5. The ___ ligaments help to reinforce the union of the sacrum and the ilium? | sacroiliac
6. The transverse processes of the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae and the posterior iliac crest are helpful landmarks in finding which ligament? | iliolumbar
7. Which structure spans from the lower lumbar vertebrae, between the ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter and down the posterior thigh? is the largest nerve in body. | sciatic nerve
8. Which structure reduces friction between the greater trochanter and the gluteus maximus? | trochanteric bursa
The ___ is the only quadriceps located anterior on the thigh that crosses two joints-- hip and knee | rectus femoris
the palpable aspect of the __ forms a "teardrop" shape at the distal portion of the medial thigh | vastus medialis
The ___ is the longest muscle in the body. | sartorius
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