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fertilization, fetal circulation, placental hormones

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Normal number of chromosomes in each mature sperm   Haploid  
Normal number of chromosomes in nonreproductive cells   Diploid  
Cell division in sex cells   Meiosis  
Cell division in nom sex cells to allow growth and replacement of cells   Mitosis  
Formation of spermatozoa   Spermatogenesis  
Formation of ova   Oogenesis  
An ovum or spermatozoon   Gamete  
If the ovum is being fertilized by a sperm bearing a Y chromosome, the baby will be   Male (XY)  
If the ovum is being fertilized by a sperm bearing a X chromosome, the baby will be   Female (XX)  
Fertilization occurs   in the outer third of the fallopian tube, near the ovary  
How does fertilization occur?   Occurs when sperm penetrates the ovum and unites with it, restoring total # of chromosomes to 46.  
How long do sperm live after ejaculation?   Up to 5 days (in the cervix)  
How long does ovum live?   up to 24 hours  
What are the 5 functions of the amniotic fluid?   1-Maintains an even temperature. 2-Prevents the amniotic sac from adhering to the fetal skin 3-Allows symmetrical growth 4-Allows bouyancy & fetal movement 5-Acts as a cushion to protect the fetus & umbilical cord from injury  
What are the 4 functions of the placenta?   1- Temporary organ for fetal respiration, nutrition, & excretion 2-Functions as an endocrine gland 3-Hormones are produced: estrogen & progesteron 4-Protects and supports fetus  
What does Progesteron do?   Maintains uterine lining for implantation, reduces uterine contractions to prevent spontaneous abortion, prepares gland of the breast fpr lactation, Stimulates testes to produce testosterone which helps male fetus to develop reproductive tract.  
What does estrogen do?   Stimulates uterine growth, increases blood flow to uterine vessels, stimulates breasts for lactation, increases skin pigmentation (mask of pregnancy), increase salivation, vascular change in the skin and mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.  
Bheredtiary or genetic traits are passed from one generation to the next with in the   chromosome  
After six weeks gestation, fetal red blood cells are manufactured in the   liver  
Before 6 weeks fetal red blood cells are manufactured in the   yolk sac  
Which is the outer fetal membrane?   Chorion  
The primary function of wharton's jelly is to?   allow the best blood flow through the placental vessels  
Most fetal blood bypasses circulation to the lungs by way of the   foramen ovale  
The fetal circulatory structure that carries blood with the lowest oxygen saturation is the   umbilical artery  
After fertilization, the zygote grows by   meiosis  
The primary purpose of amniotic fluid is   to protect the fetus during development  
Fetal waste products are disposed of by the   placenta  
Inadequate progestrone is likely to result in   spontaneuos abortion  
Fraternal (dizygotic twins result when   2 sperm fertilize two ova  
The sex of identical twins (monozygotic) is   always the same  
The umbilical cords shold have ____ Veins and ____ Arteries   1 vein, 2 arteries  
Uterine lining after implantation that gives rise to the maternal placenta   Decidua basalis  
Inner fetal membrane that envelops the embryo and fetus   Amnion  
Outer fetal membrane that envelopes the amnion and embyo/fetus   Chorion  
Solid cluster of cells that is approximately the same size as the zygote   Morula  
Eight-cell stage of prenatal development   Blastomere  
Projections on the outer part of the fetal placenta that extend into the decidua baslis   Chorionic villi  
Prenatal development from the 2nd week to the 8th week after fertilization   Embryo  
Prenatal development from the ninth week after fertilization until birth   Fetus  
Zygote containing an inner cell mass that will develop into the embryo   Blastocyte  
Cell formed by union of a sperm and ovum   Zygote  
When does the foramen ovale close functionally and permanently?   Functionally 2 hours after birth Permanently 3 month  
When does the Ductus arteriosus close functionally and permanantly?   Functionally 15 hours Permanenetly 3 weeks  
When does the ductus venousus close permanaetly and functionally?   Functionally When the cord is cut Permanently 1 week  
At what gestational age does basic structure of all systems establish?   8 weeks  
At what gestational age is it possible to monitor fetal status with kick counts?   20 weeks  
At what gestational age do fetal eyes open?   28 weeks  
At what gestational age does the tubular heart begin to beat; earliest evidence of brain and spinal cord   3 weeks  
At what gestational age does the external genetalia may be determined by ultrasound   10 weeks  
At what gestational age do extremities move in response to external stimuli   14 weeks  
At what gestational age does the heart have all four chambers?   6 weeks  
At what gestational age is fetus considered full term   38 weeks  
What hormone is a "signal" that is sent to the corpus lutuem that conception has occured, continues the production of estrogen and progesterone to sustain pregnancy, peaks at 50-70(nausea), basis for pregnancy tests, and is deteched in blood and urine?   hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin  
What hormone causes a decreased insulin sensitivity & utilization of glucose by the mother, making more glucose available to the frtus to meet growth needs?   hPL (Human Placental Lactogen)  
What is    


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Created by: AngelaThompson
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