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Auriemma Citizenship

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

civics   the study or science of the privileges and obligations of citizens.  
citizen   a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to its government and is entitled to its protection  
Citizenship   the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen  
Government   the form or system of rule by which a state, community, etc., is governed  
Public Policy   the fundamental policy on which laws rest  
Democracy   government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system  
Dictatorship   a country or government that has absolute, imperious, or overbearing power or control  
Alien   a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization  
Naturalization   to receive (an alien) the rights and privileges of a citizen.  
Illegal Alien   a foreigner who has entered or resides in a country unlawfully or without the country's authorization.  
Popular Sovereignty   the doctrine that sovereign power is vested in the people and that those chosen to govern, as trustees of such power, must exercise it in conformity with the general will- the power comes from the people.  
Immigrant   a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.  
Representative Democracy   a person who represents a constituency or community in a legislative body, especially a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or a lower house in certain state legislatures.  
Personal Rights   the rights that a person has over their own body  
Deport   to expel (an alien) from a country; banish.  
value   relative worth, merit, or importance:  
E Pluribus Unum   Latin . out of many, one (motto of the U.S.)  
common good   What is in the best interest for the entire population not just a few.  
veteran   a person who has served in a military force, especially one who has fought in a war  
Civic Responsibility   the responsibilities of a citizen  
Civil Rights   rights to personal liberty established by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and certain Congressional acts, especially as applied to an individual or a minority group.  
jury duty   the obligation to serve on a jury;  
taxes   a sum of money demanded by a government for its support or for specific facilities or services, levied upon incomes, property, sales,  
Majority rule   the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group  
Which groups of Europeans did the majority of the colonization in the United States? (think of the language we speak)   The English  
Which group of Europeans did the majority of colonization in Canada?   The French  
Which group of people were forced to move here by the Europeans?   The Africans  
Which group of people walked here over a land bridge in search of food?   The Native Americans  
What is a citizen?   Someone that belongs to a country and is loyal to their government.  
What difficulties did women experience in past decades while attempting to serve in the military.   Many job positions were limited so it was hard to move up in rank and pay.  
Why did people move to America in the 1800's?   searching for land, gold, fleeing poverty and disease, looking for wealth or they were forced here into slavery.  
What are the three natural rights that Americans value?   People have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  
What is the basis around all American values?   All men are created equal.  
What are institutions?   the key practices, relationships and organizations in society.  
What institution gives us our core values?   Families  
What are the two ways you can become a US Citizen?   Natural born or Naturalization  
What are the qualifications of being a natural born citizen?   Born in the US, Puerto Rico, Us territories, US military base or if you are born to a US citizen.  
What is the first step to become a naturalized citizen?   Fill out a declaration of Intention.  
What is the second step in becoming a naturalized citizen?   Live in the United States for five years.  
What is the third step in becoming a naturalized citizen?   Take Citizenship classes  
What is the fourth step in becoming a naturalized citizen?   Fill out an application of citizenship  
How old do you need to be to apply for citizenship?   18  
What is the fifth step in becoming a naturalized citizen?   Be interviewed with Immigration to see if you have good moral character  
What is the sixth step in becoming a naturalized citizen?   Take a citizenship test  
What language is the citizenship test in?   English  
What is the fianl step in becoming a naturalized citizen?   The Oath of Allegience  
Can you lose your citizenship?   Yes  
Who can take away a naturalized citizen's citizenship?   the national government  
How can you lose your citizenship?   Expatriation, Denaturalization, or committing serious crimes  
What is expatriation?   Becoming a citizen of another country  
What is denaturalization?   losing your citizenship because you lied on your application  
What is a resident alien?   Someone from another country who permanently lives in the US and can stay as long as they wish  
What is a non-residnet alien?   Someone who has a specific amount of time they can live int he US (they might come to the US for 4 years for college).  
What limits do aliens have on them that citizens do not?   they cannot vote, they cannot serve on a jury or work for the government  
How many estimated illegal aliens live in the US?   12 Million  
What is a refugee?   Someone that flees their country because of war, disaster or danger  
Who was Dred Scott?   An African American slave that lived in two free states with his master an army surgeon  
Why did Dred Scott go to court?   To fight for his freedom  
Why didn't the Supreme Court recognize him as a free man?   Under the law African Americans did not have citizenship  
Which Amendment was established after the Dred Scott case?   The 14th- Rights of Citizens  
What is a duty?   Something we are required to do  
What are some examples of duties?   paying taxes, obeying the law, defending the nation, serving in court,and attending school  
What is a responsibility?   Something we should do  
What are some examples of responsibilities of citizens?   being informed, voting, participating in your community, contributing to the common good, and volunteering  
What is the purpose of government?   To keep order and provide security, provide services, and to guide the community  
What is the highest level of government?   The national government  
Which level of government takes care of Okaloosa county?   Local government  
In which type of government can citizens choose their own Senators and representatives?   representative democracy  
Which type of government has a king or queen with limited power?   Constitutional Monarch  
Which type of government has absolute power?   Authoritarianism  
Which type of government controls almost all aspects of people's lives?   Totalitarianism  
What are the five basic rights in t he first amendment?   Freedom of religion, assembly, petition, press, and speech  
When was the American flag adopted?   June 14, 1776  


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Created by: jauriemma
Popular U.S. History sets