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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

suspension of liquid particles in gas   Aerosol  
device that produces uniform sized particles   Nebulizer  
device that breaks down large particles   baffle  
deposition of particles by collision   Inertial impaction  
retention of particels in the respiratory tract   Desposition  
measurement of average particle size   MMAD  
weight or mass produced by a nebulizer   Aerosol output  
particle size is dependent on   substance being nebulized type of nebulizer chosen method used to generate aerosol envoiromental conditions  
because medical aerosols contain different size partivles how are they expressed   MMAD (measured in micrometers) VMD Volum medican Diameter  
particles deposited when they leave suspension in gas   deposition  
amount of drug inhaled   inhaled mass  
poportion of drug mass of proper size to reach the lower respiratory tract   respirable mass  
intertail inpaction sedmentation brownian diffusion   aerosol depsosition  
suspended partivles in maotion collide and are deposited on the surface, TURBULENT, range of um   inertial impaction  
particles settle out of suspension and are deposited due to gravity, effects central airway 1-5 um range   sedimentation  
random drifiting of particles suspened in fluid <3 um, mainly in the respiratory region where bulk gas flow ceases ALVEOLI   Diffusion  
primary reaction to aerosol drug therapy   drug reaction infection airway reactivity  
pressurized canister that contains drug, most commonly prescribed aerosol therapy 80% lost 3-6 um produced   MDI  
autohaler, only medication available this way in the us only   pirbuterol ( Maxair) Flow triggered MDI  
reduce oropharyngal deposition, reduce need for hand- breath coordination increase pulmonary deposition   spacers and holding chamber  
simple extention device puts distance between the MDI and patients mouth   spacer  
incorporates a vavle that prevents the aerosol from being cleared by patient's exhalation   holding chamber  
breath actuated, meter dosing system patient creats aerosol particle size 1-2 um deposited in oropharynx   DPI  
Spinhaler   intal  
rotahaler   albuterol  
flexhaler   pulmicort  
diskus   advair, serevent  
aerolizer   foradil  
twisthaler   asmanex  
handihaler   spiriva  
produces aerosol droplets in range of 0.1-500um powered by high pressure stream, MOST Commom   SVN  
continuous delivering treatment, high- output aerosol MMAD 2.2-3.5um, slowly opens airways TX Q 20-30min   LVN, Heart, Hope  
specificaly for Ribavirin to treat RSV, Toxic to unborn fetus particle size of 1.2-1.4um   SPAG  
caplable of higher aerosol outputs   USNs  
Does not add extra flow to the ventilator   small volume USNs  
used mailnly for bland aerosoltherapy or sputum induction   Large volum USNs  
used to administer medication to upper airway ( nasal, pharynx, larynx) medication deliverd here before bronchoscopy   hand- bulb atomizer  
thumb control in compressed air line allows patient to divert gas flow to the nebulizer during inspiration only   BEN breath enhanced nebuliers  
sense inpiration and pulse airflow to jet orifice   Dosimeters (BANs)  
breath actuated jet nebulizer nebulizer ceases when patient's inspiratory flow decreases below a certain point   aeroeclipse  
monitors pressure changes and inspiratory time for the first 3 consecutive breaths, audible signal sounds   AAD  
pre assessment   breath sounds HR, RR, quality , cough spo2 WOB, SOB peak flow rate  
Post assessment   breath sounds HR, RR, quality, cough, aptients response to thearapy, WOB, SOB peak flow rate SPO2  
what should you do during treatment   communicate with the patient  


Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
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Created by: latoswats
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets