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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

今天媽媽喝了三杯水。 jīn tiān mā ma hē le sān bēi shuǐ   Today mom drank 3 cups of water  
星期一小高請我喝了一瓶可樂。 xīng qī yī xiǎo gāo qǐng wǒ hē le yì píng kě lè   monday xiao gao offert me a bottle of coke  
昨天晚上你去打球了嗎﹖ zuó tiān wǎn shàng nǐ qù dǎ qiú le ma?   Last night did you go play ball ?  
昨天晚上我去打球了。 zuó tiān wǎn shàng wǒ qù dǎ qiú le   Last night I went play ball ?  
明天我們吃了晚飯去看電影。 míng tiān wǒ men chī le wǎn fàn qù kàn diàn yǐng   Tomorrow we eat dinner and watch a movie  
我昨天看了哈利波特,那部電影很好。 wǒ zuó tiān kàn le hā lì bō tè nà bù diàn yǐng hěn hǎo   Yesterday I watched harry potter and it was very good  
昨天我沒有聽音樂了。 zuó tiān wǒ méi yǒu tīng yīn yuè le   I didnt listen to music yesterday  
你吃飯了嗎﹖ nǐ chī fàn le ma?   Have you eaten or not ?  
你吃飯了沒有﹖ nǐ chī fàn le méi yǒu?   You haven't eat ?  
我沒吃。 wǒ méi chī   I haven't eat  
你喝了幾杯水﹖ nǐ hē le jǐ bēi shuǐ   How many cup of water have you drank ?  
我喝了一杯水。 wǒ hē le yì bēi shuǐ   I drank one  
我請他六點吃晚飯,他六點半才來。 wǒ qǐng tā liù diǎn chī wǎn fàn tā liù diǎn bàn cái lái   I invite him out for dinner at 6 O'clock and i didn't come before 6:30  
小高常常晚上十二點才回家。 xiǎo gāo cháng cháng wǎn shàng shí èr diǎn cái huí jiā   Usually Xiao gao didn't come home before 12 O'clock  
他晚上很晚才睡覺。 tā wǎn shàng hěn wǎn cái shuì jiào   He does not go to sleep untill very late.  
小高昨天喝了四杯咖啡。 xiǎo gāo zuó tiān hē le sì bēi kā fēi   Yesterday Xiao Gao drank four cups of coffee.  
你昨天去朋友家玩兒了嗎﹖ nǐ zuó tiān qù péng yǒu jiā wán ér le ma?   Yesterday did you go home with a friend to play?  
你昨天去哪兒了﹖ nǐ zuó tiān qù nǎ ér le?   Where did you go yesterday?  
你喝了什麼﹖ nǐ hē le shén me?   What do you drink ?  
你喝了幾杯牛奶﹖ nǐ hē le jǐ bēi niú nǎi?   How many cups of milk did you drink?  
你喝了幾瓶可樂﹖ nǐ hē le jǐ píng kě lè?   How many bottles of cola did you drink?  
他昨天晚上去朋友家玩了。 tā zuó tiān wǎn shàng qù péng yǒu jiā wán le   Yesterday night went home to play with his friend.  
他們昨天晚上沒有去朋友家玩兒。 tā men zuó tiān wǎn shàng méi yǒu qù péng yǒu jiā wán ér   They didn't go visit their friend at home last night.  
可口可樂 kě kǒu kě lè   Coca cola  
百事可樂 bǎi shì kě lè   Pepsi  
雪碧 xuě bì   sprite  
汽水 qì shuǐ   Soda  
礦泉水 kuàng quán shuǐ   Mineral Spring Water  
果汁 guǒ zhī   Juice  
菊花茶 jú huā chá   Chrisanthanium Tea  
龍井茶 lóng jǐng chá   Long Jing Tea  
星巴克 xīng bā kè   Starbucks  
明天我們去打球,怎麼樣﹖ míng tiān wǒ men qù dǎ qiú zěn me yàng   Tomorrow we go hit ball how is that What about go hit ball tomorrow  
明天我很忙。 míng tiān wǒ hěn máng   Tomorrow I very Busy I'm very busy tomorrow  
那算了。 nà suàn le   Then Forget it  
你今年多大﹖ nǐ jīn nián duō dà   You this years how big How old are you ?  
你為什麼問我多大﹖ nǐ wéi shén me wèn wǒ duō dà   You why ask me how big\ Why do you want to know my age ?  
算了,我不問了。 suàn le wǒ bú wèn le   Foget it i don't ask  
算了,算了,你回家吧, 我來做。 suàn le suàn le nǐ huí jiā ba wǒ lái zuò   Forget it nevermind you go home i come too Nevermind , let's go home  
誰呀﹖ shéi yā   Who  
是我, 李友。 shì wǒ lǐ yǒu   is me li you It's me li you  
請進。 qǐng jìn   Please come in  
誰呀﹖ shéi yā   Who  
我,小王。 wǒ xiǎo wáng   Me Xiao wang it's me xian wang  
進來。 jìn lái   In come Come in  
你的英文老師不是美國人。 nǐ de yīng wén lǎo shī bú shì měi guó rén   Your english teacher no is american Your english teacher isn't american  
是嗎﹖他是哪國人﹖ shì ma tā shì nǎ guó rén?   is that so he is witch country person Really ? Where is he from ?  
他是英國人。 tā shì yīng guó rén   He is british man  
學校的圖書館很漂亮。 xué xiào de tú shū guǎn hěn piào liàng   School library very pretty School library is very pretty  
是嗎﹖我明天去看看。 shì ma wǒ míng tiān qù kàn kàn   Is that so i tomorrow go look look Really ,i'm gonna check tomorrow  


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Created by: huaihuai
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