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Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

ACAA   Air Carrier Access Act-Fed regs prohibite discrim by airports & lines on basis of disabil  
ADA   Americans with Disabilities Act-prohibits carrieres from discrim against disabl  
ATC   Air Traffic Control-arrivals & departsGov syst respons for controlling air traffic by regulating  
BST   Basic Station Training- OO traing for CS agents  
CDC   Center for Disease Control- Fed agen, in dept of health & heman services, Atl,Invest, diagn & tries to control or prevent disease9new & unusual  
CFR   Code of Fed Regulations-The codificaton of general & permanent rules & regs publ in Fed Register by Exec Dpts & agencies of US fed gov.  
CMO   Certificate Management Office- FAA office oversees air carrier's opertions.  
COMAIL   Company Mail- Co. Bus related envelopes transported internally from station to station on OO aircraft  
DEICE   Process of removing frozen contaminants from critical flight surfaces of aircraft.  
DOT   Dert of Transportation-Fed depart responsible for transportion laws & guidlines  
EAP   Employee Assistance Program-counceling service offered to all OO emps.  
EPA   Environmental Protection Agency- Independent fed agency est. to coord programs aimed at reduc pollution & protecting environ  
E-TICKET   Electr ticket used to represent the purchase of a seat on PAX airline  
FA   Flight Attendant- members of aircrew empl by airlines primarily to ensure safety but also comfort PAX on commer. flights  
FAR   Fed Aviation Regulations- rules prescribed by FAA governing all aviation activities in US Title 14 of CFR  
FBI   Fed Bur of Invest.-Police agency of US fed gov. responsible for investigation & preventing crimes in US  
FBO   Fixed Base Operator-Businesses offer aircraft refuel(line service)for reciprocating engine aircr fuel (10LL or Avgas) & turbine airct fuel (jet-a or Jet a1) parking, tiedown & comforts (restrm & phone)  
FFOD   First Flight of Day  
FLIFO   Flight Following-info regarding flight (time,PAX & cargo load, specials etc  
FLOW   An ATC delay in/out of a city, may be in min hrs of indefinite  
FO   First Officer- pilot 2nd in command, assists or relieves the PIC. Must be properly qualif & hold current effective airmans certif authorizing to serve as such, designated by Co. to serve as FO  
FSDO   Flight Standards District Office- regional office of US FAA. There are about 82 Reginal offices in US  
GSE   Ground Service Equipment-Equip used by empls to load & service aircraft  
HAZMAT   Hazerdous materials- Articles or Sunst. capable of posing sugnif rick to health, safety or property when transpoted on OO aircraft also DG/HM  
HR   Human Resources or Human Remains  
IATA   International Air Transport Assoc- Interntl trade group of airlines headq in Mntreal, Quebec Can.Mission to represent, lead & serve aieline indust.  
ICAO   Interntl Cival Aviation Org- UN agency concerned with civel aviation  
JSA   Jump Seat Authority- Policy permits qualified personnel to travel on OO aircraft  
LOAD   Doc of all items boarded on craft used by fl deck crew to determ. tolerable loading  
MANIFEST   Loading limits for departure (includes but not lim to : fuel, air cargo Baggage & PAX  
NRSA   Non-Revenue Space Available- Standby travel @ reduced rate. NRSA PAX can include OO emps & their eligibles & other airline emps  
NRPS   Non Revenue Positive Space- Confirmed air transp used by airline emps for bus. travel  
OJT   ON-the-Job-Training  
ORM   Other Related Material-A material not catig in hazmat classes 1-8, which presents a limited haz during transport, Catig under Class 9 hazmats  
PAR   Performance, Attitude Results- Keys to success in BST  
PAWOB   PAX Arriving w/o Baggage PAX arrives at dest. w/o baggaged due to Wt. restrict, missed connections, lost baggage etc  
PNR   Passenger Nme Record-Reservation containing PAX phone#, Name, itin, & ticketing info, May incl. SSR's  
PCFA   PAX Carrying Firearm-UA equv to LEO (law inforce officer)  
PTI   Positive Target Identification- Non-public info obtained during bomb threat or hijacking  
SKD   Schedule, shows arrival & depart times for flights  
WCHR   Wheelchair  


Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.

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Created by: flemingco
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