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AA Airport Codes

American Airline Domestic and International Airport Codes

BirmingHaM, alabama (AL) BHM
HuntSVille, alabama (AL) HSV
MOBile, alabama (AL) MOB
MontGoMery, alabama (AL) MGM
ANChorage, alaska (AK) ANC
FAIrbanks, alaska (AK) FAI
JuNeaU, alaska (AK) JNU
KeTchikaN, alaska (AK) KTN
PHoeniX, arizona (AZ) PHX
TUcSon, arizona (AZ) TUS
fayetteville/beNtonville, Arkansas (AR) XNA
Ft. SMith, arkansas (AR) FSM
LITtle rock, arkansas (AR) LIT
TeXarKana, arkansas (AR) TXK
BURbank, california (CA) BUR
Fresno, cAlifornia (CA) FAT
Los Angeles, california (CA) LAX
MonteReY, california (CA) MRY
ONTario, california (CA) ONT
oraNge county, cAlifornia (CA) SNA
Palm SPrings, california (CA) PSP
SacraMento, caliFornia (CA) SMF
Santa BArbara, california (CA) SBA
SAN diego, california (CA) SAN
San FranciscO, california (CA) SFO
San Jose, California (CA) SJC
COlorado Springs, colorado (CO) COS
DENver, colorado (CO) DEN
Grand JuncTion, colorado (CO) GJT
GUnnison/Crested butte, colorado (CO) GUC
MonTrose (also services telluride area), colorado (CO) MTJ
steamboat spriNgs, colorado (CO) HDN
vail/EaGlE, colorado (CO) EGE
hartforD, connecticut (ct) BDL
washington, dulles, district of columbIA (Dc) IAD
washington, ronald reagan national, District of ColumbiA (DC) DCA
Ft. LauderdaLe, florida (FL) FLL
ft. meyeRS, florida (FL) RSW
fort walton beach, florida (fl) VPS
GaiNesVille, florida (FL) GNV
JAcksonville, florida (FL) JAX
kEY West, florida (FL) EYW
MIAmi, florida (FL) MIA
orlandO, florida (fl) MCO
PeNSacola, florida (FL) PNS
TaLlaHassee, florida (FL) TLH
TamPA, florida (FL) TPA
west Palm Beach, florIda (FL) PBI
ATLanta, georgia (GA) ATL
AuGuSta, georgia (GA) AGS
Columbus, Georgia (GA) CGS
SAVannah, georgia (GA) SAV
hIlO, hawaii (HI) ITO
HoNoLulu, hawaii (HI) HNL
KOnA, hawaii (HI) KOA
LIHue, hawaii (HI) LIH
maui (kahului), hawaii (hi) OGG
BOIse, idaho (ID) BOI
SUN valley, Idaho (ID) SUN
BlooMington, Illinois (IL) BMI
ChaMpaign, Illinois (IL) CMI
chicago, O'haRe, illinois (il) ORD
MArion, illinois (IL) MWA
MoLIne, illinois (IL) MLI
PeorIA, illinois (IL) PIA
qUINcy, illinois, (IL) UIN
SPringfield, Illinois, (IL) SPI
EVansVille, indiana (IN) EVV
Ft. WAyne, indiana (IN) FWA
INDianapolis, indiana (IN) IND
Cedar rapIDs, iowa (IA) CID
DeS Moines, iowa (IA) DSM
DuBuQue, iowa (IA) DBQ
ManHattan, Kansas (KS) MHK
wIChiTa, kansas (KS) ICT
LEXington , kentucky (KY) LEX
louisville, kentucky (ky) SDF
AlEXandria, Louisiana (LA) AEX
LaFayeTte, louisiana (LA) LFT
Lake CHarles, louisiana (LA) LCH
Monroe, LoUisiana (LA) MLU
new orleanS, louisiana (la) MSY
SHreVeport, louisiana (LA) SHV
Baltimore, maryland (MA) BWI
BOSton, massachusettts (MA) BOS
DeTroit, michigan (MI) DTW
FliNT, michigan (MI) FNT
GRand Rapids, michigan (MI) GRR
kalamAZOo, michigan (MI) AZO
MarQueTte, michigan (MI) MQT
TraVerse City, michigan (MI) TVC
MinneapoliS, minnesota (mn) MSP
RocheSTer, minnesota (MN) RST
GulfPorT/biloxi, mississippi (MS) GPT
JAcksoN, mississippi (MS) JAN
Cape GIrardeau, missouri (MO) CGI
fT. leoNard wood, missouri (mo) TBN
kansas CIty, missouri (MO) MCI
kIRKsville, missouri (MO) IRK
JopLiN, missouri (MO) JLN
SprinGField, missouri (MO) SGF
ST. Louis, missouri (MO) STL
OMAha, nebraska (NE) OMA
LAS vegas (NV) LAS
ReNO, nevada (NV) RNO
nEWaRk, new jersey (NJ) EWR
AlBuQuerque, new mexico (NW) ABQ
ROsWell, new mexico (NM) ROW
SAnta Fe new mexico (NM) SAF
BUFfalo, new york (NY) BUF
new york, John F. Kennedy, new york (NY) JFK
new york, La GuardiA, new york (NY) LGA
ROChester, new york ROC
SYRacuse, new york (NY) SYR
wHite PlaiNs, west chester county, new york (NY) HPN
AsheViLle, north carolina (NC) AVL
CharLoTte, north carolina (NC) CLT
FAYetteville, north carolina (NC) FAY
GreenSborO, north carolina (NC) GSO
Raleigh/DUrham, north carolina (NC) RDU
FARgo, north dakota (ND) FAR
Cincinnati, ohio (oh) CVG
CLEveland, ohia (OH) CLE
ColuMbus, oHio (OH) CMH
DAYton, ohio (OH) DAY
TOLedo, ohio (OH) TOL
LAWton/ft. sill, oklahoma (OK) LAW
OKlahoma City, oklahoma (OK) OKC
TULsa, oklahoma (OK) TUL
EUGene, oregon (OR) EUG
MedFoRd, oregon (OR) MFR
PortlanD, oregon (or) PDX
Allentown, pEnnsylvania (PA) ABE
harrisburg, pennsylvania (pa) MDT
PHiLadelphia, pennsylvania (PA) PHL
PITtsburgh, pennsylvania (PA) PIT
scranton, pennsylvania (PA) AVP
San JUan, puerto rico SJU
CHarleston, South carolina (SC) CHS
ColumbiA, south carolina (sc) CAE
Greenville/SPartanburg, south carolina (SC) GSP
MYRtle beach, south carolina (SC) MYR
RAPid city, south dakota (SD) RAP
sioux Falls, South Dakota (SD) FSD
CHAttanooga, tennessee (TN) CHA
knoxville, TenneSsee (TN) TYS
MEMphis, tennessee (TN) MEM
NAshville, tennessee (TN) BNA
TRI-cities, tennessee (TN) TRI
ABIlene, texas (TX) ABI
AMArillo, texas (TX) AMA
AUStin, texas (TX) AUS
BROwnsville, texas (TX) BRO
CoLLege station, texas (TX) CLL
CoRPus christi, texas (TX) CRP
Dallas/Ft. Worth, texas (TX) DFW
EL Paso, texas (TX) ELP
HOUston, hobby, texas (TX) HOU
houston, george bush IntercontinentAl, texas (TX) IAH
killeen, texas (TX) GRK
LaReDo, texas (TX) LRD
longview, texas (tx) GGG
LuBBock, texas (TX) LBB
Mcallen, tExas (tx) MFE
MidlAnd/odessa, texas (tx) MAF
San angelo, Texas (tx) SJT
San Antonio, Texas (TX) SAT
TYleR, texas (TX) TYR
wACo, Texas (TX) ACT
wichita fallS, texas (tx) SPS
Salt Lake City, utah (UT) SLC
nORFolk, virginia (VA) ORF
RIChmond, virginia (VA) RIC
ST. croiX, virgin islands (VI) STX
ST. Thomas, virgin islands (VI) STT
BelLIngham, washington (WA) BLI
PaSCo, washington (WA) PSC
SEAttle-Tacoma, washington (WA) SEA
spokane, washington (WA) GEG
YaKiMa, washington (WA) YKM
ChaRleston, West virginia (WV) CRW
Central Wisconsin Airport, wisconsin (WI) CWA
GReen Bay, wisconsin (WI) GRB
La crosSE, wisconsin (WI) LSE
MadiSoN, wisconsin (WI) MSN
MilwauKEe, wisconsin (WI) MKE
CheYenne, wyoming (WY) CYS
JACkson hole, wyoming (WY) JAC
BaTon Rouge, louisina (LA) BTR
tokyo HaNeDa, japan (JP) HND
tokyo NaRiTa, japan (JP) NRT
bEijing, china (CN) PEK
shanghai, china (CN) PVG
DELhi, india (IN) DEL
Calgary, alberta, canada (CA) YYC
VancouveR, british columbia, canada (CA) YVR
Halifax, nova scotia, canada (CA) YHZ
toronto, ontario, canada (CA) YYZ
OttaWa, ontario, canada (CA) YOW
montreal, qUebec, canada (CA) YUL
AnguillA, anguilla (leeward islands) (AI) AXA
ANtigUa, antigua & barbuda, west indies (AG) ANU
ArUbA, aruba (AW) AUA
FreePOrt, bahamas (BS) FPO
GeorGeTown, bahamas (BS) GGT
north ELeutHera, bahamas (BS) ELH
MarsH Harbor, bahamas (BS) MHH
NASsau, bahamas (BS) NAS
Barbados, barbados (BB) BGI
BermuDA, bermuda BDA
tortola, british virgin ISland (VG) EIS
Grand CayMan, cayman islands (KY) GCM
La RoMana/casa de campo, dominican republic (DO) LRM
PuertO Plata, dominican republic (DO) POP
PUnta cana, dominican republic (DO) PUJ
SanTIago, dominican republic (DO) STI
Santo Domingo, dominican republic (DO) SDQ
DOMinica, dominica (DM) DOM
Fort-De-France, martinique (MQ) FDF
GreNaDa, grenada (GD) GND
PoinTe-a-Pitre, guadeloupe (GP) PTP
Port-Au-Prince, haiti (HT) PAP
KINgston, jamaica (JM) KIN
Montego Bay, Jamaica (JM) MBJ
CURacao, netherlands antilles (AN) CUR
St. Maarten, netherlands antilles (AN) SXM
St. Kitts, st. kitts/nevis (KN) SKB
St. LUcia/george charles, st. lucia (LC) SLU
st. lUcia/hewanorra airport, st.lucia (LC) UVF
Port Of Spain, trinidad & tobago (TT) POS
ProvidenciaLeS, turks & caicos (TC) PLS
AGUascalientes, mexico (MX) AGU
ACApulco, mexico (MX) ACA
canCUN, mexico (MX) CUN
ChihUahUa, mexico (MX) CUU
CoZuMel, mexico (MX) CZM
GuaDaLajara, mexico (MX) GDL
ixtapa/ZIHuatanejo, mexico (MX) ZIH
leon, meXico (MX) BJX
MEXico city, mexico (MX) MEX
MonTerreY, mexico (MX) MTY
Puerto VallaRta, mexico (MX) PVR
QueretaRO, mexico (MX) QRO
San Jose Del cabo, mexico (MX) SJD
San Luis Potosi, mexico (MX) SLP
ToRreon, mexiCo (MX) TRC
VERacruz, mexico (MX) VER
BeliZE city, belize (BZ) BZE
LIbeRia, costa rica (CR) LIR
San JOse, costa rica (CR) SJO
san SALvado, el salvador (SV) SAL
GUAtemala city, guatemala (GT) GUA
SAn Pedro sula, honduras (HN) SAP
TeGUcigalpa, honduras (HN) TGU
ManaGuA, nicaragua (NI) MGA
Panama ciTY, panama (PA) PTY
BRUssels, belgium (BE) BRU
London/HeathRow airport, england (GR) LHR
MANchester, england (GR) MAN
HELsinki, finland HEL
paris/Charles De Gaulle, france (FR) CDG
FRAnkfurt, germany (DE) FRA
BUDapest, hungary BUD
DUBlin, Ireland (IE) DUB
Milan/malPensa airport, italy (IT) MXP
rOme, italy (IT) FCO
BarCeloNa, spain (ES) BCN
MADrid, spain (ES) MAD
ZuRicH, switzerland (CH) ZRH
buEnos airEs, argentina (AR) EZE
La Paz, Bolivia (BO) LPB
santa cruz, bolivIa (BO) VVI
belo horizoNte, brazil (BR) CNF
BraSilia, Brazil (BR) BSB
RECife, brazil (BR) REC
rio de janeIro, brazil (BR) GIG
Salvador, brAzil (BR) SSA
sao paUlo, brazil (BR) GRU
Santiago, ChiLe (CL) SCL
BOGota, colombia (CO) BOG
CaLi, cOlombia (CO) CLO
MeDEllin, colombia (CO) MDE
GuaYaquil, Ecuador (EC) GYE
LIMa, peru (PE) LIM
MonteViDeo, uruguay (UY) MVD
CaraCaS, venezuela (VE) CCS
MARacaibo, venezuela (VE) MAR
ACCra, ghana, africa ACC
NairoBi, kenya, africa NBO
CaPeTown, south africa, africa CPT
JohaNnesBurg, south africa, africa JNB
DAR es salaam, tanzania, africa DAR
EnteBBe, uganda, africa EBB
LUsaka, zambia, africa LUN
ADeLaide, australia ADL
Alice SPrings, australia ASP
BrisbaNE, australia BNE
CairNS, australia CNS
HoBArt, australia HBA
MELbourne, australia MEL
PERth, australia PER
SYDney, australia SYD
ChengdU, china (CN) CTU
ChongqinG, china (CN) CKG
DaLian, China (CN) DLC
Hong KonG, china (CN) HKG
SHEnyang, china (CN) SHE
ShenZhen, china (CN) SZX
XI an xianYang, china (CN) XIY
BangaLoRe, india (IN) BLR
chennAi, indiA (IN) MAA
HYDerabad, india (IN) HYD
kolkata, indai (IN) CCU
mumBai, india (in) BOM
DenPaSar bali, indonesia DPS
jaKarta, indonesia CGK
NaGOya, japan (JP) NGO
osaKa, japan (jp) KIX
osaka ITaMi, japan (JP) ITM
Sapporo, japan (JP) CTS
KUaLa lumpur, malaysia KUL
PENang, malaysia PEN
AucKLand, new zealand AKL
ISlamaBad, pakistan ISB
KaracHI, pakistan KHI
LaHorE, pakistan LHE
SINgapore, singapore SIN
bUSan, south korea republic PUS
seoul south korea republIC ICN
KaoHsiung, taiwan KHH
TaiPEi, taiwan TPE
BangKoK, thailand BKK
HANoi, vietnam HAN
ho chi miNh, vietnam SGN
Edmonton, alberta, canada (CA) YEG
victoria, british columbia, canada (CA) YYJ
VIEnna, austria VIE
SOFia vrazhdebna, bulgaria SOF
LarnaCA, cyprus LCA
PRaGue, czech republic PRG
CoPenHagen, denmark CPH
BirmingHam, england (GR) BHX
BRiStol, england (GR) BRS
JERsy, england (GR) JER
London/GatWick airport, england (GR) LGW
london/STaNsted airport, england (GR) STN
NewCastLe, england, (GR) NCL
LYon, france (FR) LYS
MaRSeille, france (FR) MRS
NiCE, france (FR) NCE
paris/ORlY, france (FR) ORY
aiX en provence train station, france (fr) QXB
anGers train station, france (fr) QXG
avignoN train staion, france (fr) QXN
bordeaux train staion, france (fr) ZFQ
Le maNs train station, france (FR) ZLN
lille/europe train station, france (fr) XDB
LYon, france (FR) LYS
maRseille train station, France (fr) XRF
montPellier train station, france (fr) XPJ
nantes train station, france (fr) QJZ
nimes train statioN, france (fr) ZYN
Poitiers train station, france (fr) XOP
rennes train station, france (fr) ZFJ
tours, france (fr) XSH
valence trin station, france (fr) XHK
berLin, germany (de) TXL
DUSseldor, germany (DE) DUS
HAMburg, germany (DE) HAM
MUniCh, germany (DE) MUC
STuttgaRt, germany (DE) STR
BoNn, germany (DE) BNJ
cologne/KeoLn train station, germany (DE) QKL
DorTMund train station, germany (DE) DTM
DUsseldorf train station, germany (DE) QDU
ESSen train station, germany (DE) ESS
FreiBurg train station, germany (DE) QFB
goEttingen train station, germany (DE) ZEU
haMBurg train station, germany, (DE) ZMB
KaSsel train station, germany (DE) KSF
MannHeim train station, germany (DE) MHG
MUnich train station, germany (DE) ZMU
stuttgart train Station, germany (de) ZWS
VeniCE, italy (IT) VCE
AMSterdam, netherlans AMS
OSLo, norway OSL
WArsaW, poland WAW
LISbon, portugal LIS
bucharesT, romania OTP
ABerdeen, scotland (GR) ABZ
GLAsgow, scotland (GR) GLA
EDInburgh, scotland (GR) EDI
BElGrade, serbia and montenegro BEG
Palma de Mallorca, spaIn (ES) PMI
malAGa, sPain (ES) AGP
stockholm BromMA, sweden BMA
stockholm, swedeN ARN
BaSeL, switzerland (CH) BSL
HUatulco, meXico (MX) HUX
MerIDa, mexico (MX) MID
OAXaca, mexico (MX) OAX
TAMpico, mexico (MX) TAM
Tuxtla GutierreZ, mexico (MX) TGZ
VillahermoSA, mexico (MX) VSA
BAHrain, bahrain BAH
AMMan, jordan AMM
KuWaIt, kuwait KWI
DOHa, qatar DOH
ISTanbul, turkey IST
AbU dHabi, united arab emirates AUH
DuBai, united arab emirates DXB
ConCePcion, chile (CL) CCP
easter Island, Chile (CL) IPC
IQuiQue, chile (CL) IQQ
PUnta arenas, chile (CL) PUQ
AreQuiPa, peru (PE) AQP
CUZco, peru (PE) CUZ
Created by: AAHelper
Popular Aviation sets




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