In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: , alabama (AL)Answer: Question: , alabama (AL)Answer: HSV Question: , alabama (AL)Answer: Question: , alabama (AL)Answer: Question: , alaska (AK)Answer: ANC Question: , alaska (AK)Answer: Question: , alaska (AK)Answer: Question: , alaska (AK)Answer: Question: , arizona (AZ)Answer: PHX Question: , arizona (AZ)Answer: TUS Question: fayetteville/beNtonville, (AR)Answer: Question: Ft. , arkansas (AR)Answer: Question: rock, arkansas (AR)Answer: Question: , arkansas (AR)Answer: TXK Question: BURbank, (CA)Answer: BUR Question: Fresno, (CA)Answer: FAT Question: Los , california (CA)Answer: LAX Question: , california (CA)Answer: MRY Question: , california (CA)Answer: ONT Question: oraNge , cAlifornia (CA)Answer: SNA Question: Palm , california (CA)Answer: PSP Question: SacraMento, (CA)Answer: SMF Question: BArbara, california (CA)Answer: SBA Question: SAN , california (CA)Answer: SAN Question: San , california (CA)Answer: SFO Question: San Jose, (CA)Answer: Question: COlorado Springs, (CO)Answer: Question: , colorado (CO)Answer: DEN Question: Grand JuncTion, (CO)Answer: GJT Question: GUnnison/Crested , colorado (CO)Answer: GUC Question: MonTrose (also telluride area), colorado (CO)Answer: Question: spriNgs, colorado (CO)Answer: HDN Question: vail/EaGlE, (CO)Answer: Question: , connecticut (ct)Answer: Question: , dulles, district of columbIA (Dc)Answer: IAD Question: washington, ronald reagan , District of ColumbiA (DC)Answer: Question: Ft. , florida (FL)Answer: FLL Question: ft. meyeRS, (FL)Answer: Question: fort beach, florida (fl)Answer: VPS Question: , florida (FL)Answer: Question: , florida (FL)Answer: JAX Question: kEY West, (FL)Answer: EYW Question: , florida (FL)Answer: Question: , florida (fl)Answer: Question: , florida (FL)Answer: Question: TaLlaHassee, (FL)Answer: TLH Question: , florida (FL)Answer: TPA Question: west Palm , florIda (FL)Answer: Question: ATLanta, (GA)Answer: Question: , georgia (GA)Answer: Question: , Georgia (GA)Answer: CGS Question: SAVannah, (GA)Answer: Question: hIlO, (HI)Answer: ITO Question: HoNoLulu, (HI)Answer: HNL Question: KOnA, (HI)Answer: KOA Question: LIHue, (HI)Answer: LIH Question: maui (kahului), (hi)Answer: OGG Question: , idaho (ID)Answer: BOI Question: SUN , Idaho (ID)Answer: SUN Question: , Illinois (IL)Answer: BMI Question: , Illinois (IL)Answer: CMI Question: chicago, O'haRe, (il)Answer: Question: , illinois (IL)Answer: Question: MoLIne, (IL)Answer: MLI Question: PeorIA, (IL)Answer: PIA Question: , illinois, (IL)Answer: UIN Question: , Illinois, (IL)Answer: SPI Question: EVansVille, (IN)Answer: Question: Ft. WAyne, (IN)Answer: FWA Question: INDianapolis, (IN)Answer: IND Question: rapIDs, iowa (IA)Answer: CID Question: DeS , iowa (IA)Answer: Question: , iowa (IA)Answer: Question: ManHattan, (KS)Answer: MHK Question: wIChiTa, (KS)Answer: Question: LEXington , (KY)Answer: Question: , kentucky (ky)Answer: SDF Question: , Louisiana (LA)Answer: AEX Question: , louisiana (LA)Answer: Question: Lake CHarles, (LA)Answer: Question: Monroe, (LA)Answer: Question: new , louisiana (la)Answer: MSY Question: , louisiana (LA)Answer: Question: , maryland (MA)Answer: Question: BOSton, (MA)Answer: Question: DeTroit, (MI)Answer: DTW Question: , michigan (MI)Answer: FNT Question: Rapids, michigan (MI)Answer: GRR Question: kalamAZOo, (MI)Answer: Question: , michigan (MI)Answer: Question: City, michigan (MI)Answer: Question: MinneapoliS, (mn)Answer: MSP Question: RocheSTer, (MN)Answer: RST Question: GulfPorT/biloxi, (MS)Answer: Question: JAcksoN, (MS)Answer: Question: Cape GIrardeau, (MO)Answer: CGI Question: fT. leoNard wood, (mo)Answer: Question: CIty, missouri (MO)Answer: MCI Question: kIRKsville, (MO)Answer: Question: , missouri (MO)Answer: JLN Question: , missouri (MO)Answer: Question: ST. , missouri (MO)Answer: Question: , nebraska (NE)Answer: OMA Question: LAS (NV)Answer: LAS Question: ReNO, (NV)Answer: Question: nEWaRk, new (NJ)Answer: Question: AlBuQuerque, new (NW)Answer: ABQ Question: , new mexico (NM)Answer: Question: Fe new mexico (NM)Answer: Question: , new york (NY)Answer: BUF Question: new york, John F. , new york (NY)Answer: JFK Question: new york, La , new york (NY)Answer: Question: ROChester, new Answer: ROC Question: , new york (NY)Answer: SYR Question: PlaiNs, west chester county, new york (NY)Answer: HPN Question: , north carolina (NC)Answer: AVL Question: CharLoTte, north (NC)Answer: CLT Question: FAYetteville, carolina (NC)Answer: FAY Question: , north carolina (NC)Answer: Question: /DUrham, north carolina (NC)Answer: Question: , north dakota (ND)Answer: FAR Question: , ohio (oh)Answer: Question: , ohia (OH)Answer: CLE Question: , oHio (OH)Answer: Question: , ohio (OH)Answer: DAY Question: , ohio (OH)Answer: TOL Question: LAWton/ft. sill, (OK)Answer: Question: OKlahoma City, (OK)Answer: OKC Question: TULsa, (OK)Answer: Question: , oregon (OR)Answer: Question: , oregon (OR)Answer: MFR Question: , oregon (or)Answer: Question: , pEnnsylvania (PA)Answer: Question: , pennsylvania (pa)Answer: Question: PHiLadelphia, (PA)Answer: Question: PITtsburgh, (PA)Answer: Question: , pennsylvania (PA)Answer: AVP Question: San JUan, ricoAnswer: Question: CHarleston, carolina (SC)Answer: CHS Question: ColumbiA, south (sc)Answer: Question: Greenville/SPartanburg, south (SC)Answer: Question: MYRtle beach, carolina (SC)Answer: MYR Question: RAPid city, dakota (SD)Answer: RAP Question: sioux Falls, Dakota (SD)Answer: FSD Question: CHAttanooga, (TN)Answer: CHA Question: knoxville, (TN)Answer: Question: , tennessee (TN)Answer: MEM Question: , tennessee (TN)Answer: Question: TRI-cities, (TN)Answer: TRI Question: , texas (TX)Answer: ABI Question: AMArillo, (TX)Answer: Question: , texas (TX)Answer: Question: BROwnsville, (TX)Answer: BRO Question: CoLLege station, (TX)Answer: Question: christi, texas (TX)Answer: Question: Dallas/Ft. , texas (TX)Answer: DFW Question: EL Paso, (TX)Answer: Question: , hobby, texas (TX)Answer: HOU Question: houston, george bush IntercontinentAl, (TX)Answer: IAH Question: , texas (TX)Answer: Question: , texas (TX)Answer: LRD Question: longview, (tx)Answer: Question: , texas (TX)Answer: LBB Question: , tExas (tx)Answer: Question: MidlAnd/odessa, (tx)Answer: MAF Question: San , Texas (tx)Answer: SJT Question: San Antonio, (TX)Answer: Question: , texas (TX)Answer: TYR Question: wACo, (TX)Answer: Question: fallS, texas (tx)Answer: SPS Question: Salt Lake City, utah (UT)Answer: Question: , virginia (VA)Answer: Question: RIChmond, (VA)Answer: RIC Question: ST. , virgin islands (VI)Answer: STX Question: ST. Thomas, islands (VI)Answer: STT Question: BelLIngham, (WA)Answer: Question: PaSCo, (WA)Answer: Question: SEAttle-Tacoma, (WA)Answer: Question: spokane, (WA)Answer: GEG Question: , washington (WA)Answer: YKM Question: , West virginia (WV)Answer: CRW Question: Wisconsin Airport, wisconsin (WI)Answer: Question: Bay, wisconsin (WI)Answer: Question: La , wisconsin (WI)Answer: Question: MadiSoN, (WI)Answer: MSN Question: , wisconsin (WI)Answer: MKE Question: CheYenne, (WY)Answer: CYS Question: JACkson hole, (WY)Answer: Question: Rouge, louisina (LA)Answer: BTR Question: tokyo , japan (JP)Answer: Question: tokyo NaRiTa, (JP)Answer: Question: , china (CN)Answer: Question: , china (CN)Answer: PVG Question: , india (IN)Answer: Question: , alberta, canada (CA)Answer: YYC Question: VancouveR, columbia, canada (CA)Answer: Question: , nova scotia, canada (CA)Answer: Question: , ontario, canada (CA)Answer: Question: OttaWa, , canada (CA)Answer: Question: , qUebec, canada (CA)Answer: YUL Question: , anguilla (leeward islands) (AI)Answer: Question: ANtigUa, & barbuda, west indies (AG)Answer: Question: , aruba (AW)Answer: Question: , bahamas (BS)Answer: FPO Question: GeorGeTown, (BS)Answer: GGT Question: north ELeutHera, (BS)Answer: Question: Harbor, bahamas (BS)Answer: Question: , bahamas (BS)Answer: NAS Question: Barbados, (BB)Answer: Question: , bermudaAnswer: Question: , british virgin ISland (VG)Answer: Question: Grand CayMan, cayman (KY)Answer: Question: La RoMana/casa de , dominican republic (DO)Answer: Question: Plata, dominican republic (DO)Answer: Question: PUnta cana, dominican (DO)Answer: Question: SanTIago, republic (DO)Answer: STI Question: Santo Domingo, republic (DO)Answer: Question: DOMinica, (DM)Answer: Question: Fort-De-France, (MQ)Answer: Question: , grenada (GD)Answer: GND Question: PoinTe-a-Pitre, (GP)Answer: PTP Question: Port-Au-Prince, (HT)Answer: PAP Question: , jamaica (JM)Answer: KIN Question: Bay, Jamaica (JM)Answer: MBJ Question: CURacao, antilles (AN)Answer: CUR Question: St. Maarten, netherlands (AN)Answer: SXM Question: St. , st. kitts/nevis (KN)Answer: SKB Question: St. /george charles, st. lucia (LC)Answer: SLU Question: st. /hewanorra airport, st.lucia (LC)Answer: Question: Port Of Spain, trinidad & (TT)Answer: Question: , turks & caicos (TC)Answer: PLS Question: AGUascalientes, (MX)Answer: Question: ACApulco, (MX)Answer: Question: , mexico (MX)Answer: Question: , mexico (MX)Answer: CUU Question: CoZuMel, (MX)Answer: Question: , mexico (MX)Answer: Question: ixtapa/ZIHuatanejo, (MX)Answer: ZIH Question: leon, (MX)Answer: Question: city, mexico (MX)Answer: MEX Question: MonTerreY, (MX)Answer: MTY Question: VallaRta, mexico (MX)Answer: Question: QueretaRO, (MX)Answer: QRO Question: San Jose Del cabo, (MX)Answer: Question: San Luis , mexico (MX)Answer: Question: , mexiCo (MX)Answer: Question: , mexico (MX)Answer: Question: BeliZE city, (BZ)Answer: BZE Question: LIbeRia, rica (CR)Answer: Question: San JOse, rica (CR)Answer: SJO Question: san , el salvador (SV)Answer: SAL Question: city, guatemala (GT)Answer: Question: SAn Pedro sula, (HN)Answer: SAP Question: TeGUcigalpa, (HN)Answer: TGU Question: , nicaragua (NI)Answer: MGA Question: ciTY, panama (PA)Answer: Question: , belgium (BE)Answer: Question: /HeathRow airport, england (GR)Answer: Question: , england (GR)Answer: Question: , finlandAnswer: HEL Question: paris/Charles De Gaulle, (FR)Answer: CDG Question: , germany (DE)Answer: Question: , hungaryAnswer: Question: , Ireland (IE)Answer: Question: /malPensa airport, italy (IT)Answer: Question: rOme, (IT)Answer: FCO Question: BarCeloNa, (ES)Answer: BCN Question: , spain (ES)Answer: MAD Question: , switzerland (CH)Answer: Question: airEs, argentina (AR)Answer: Question: La Paz, (BO)Answer: Question: santa cruz, (BO)Answer: VVI Question: belo horizoNte, (BR)Answer: CNF Question: , Brazil (BR)Answer: BSB Question: RECife, (BR)Answer: REC Question: rio de , brazil (BR)Answer: Question: Salvador, (BR)Answer: Question: sao , brazil (BR)Answer: GRU Question: , ChiLe (CL)Answer: Question: , colombia (CO)Answer: Question: CaLi, (CO)Answer: CLO Question: , colombia (CO)Answer: Question: , Ecuador (EC)Answer: Question: LIMa, peru (PE)Answer: Question: MonteViDeo, (UY)Answer: Question: CaraCaS, (VE)Answer: CCS Question: MARacaibo, (VE)Answer: MAR Question: , ghana, africaAnswer: Question: NairoBi, kenya, Answer: Question: , south africa, africaAnswer: Question: JohaNnesBurg, africa, africaAnswer: Question: DAR es salaam, , africaAnswer: DAR Question: EnteBBe, , africaAnswer: Question: LUsaka, , africaAnswer: Question: ADeLaide, Answer: Question: SPrings, australiaAnswer: Question: , australiaAnswer: Question: , australiaAnswer: Question: , australiaAnswer: HBA Question: , australiaAnswer: MEL Question: , australiaAnswer: PER Question: , australiaAnswer: SYD Question: ChengdU, (CN)Answer: CTU Question: ChongqinG, (CN)Answer: CKG Question: , China (CN)Answer: DLC Question: Hong KonG, (CN)Answer: HKG Question: , china (CN)Answer: SHE Question: ShenZhen, (CN)Answer: Question: XI an , china (CN)Answer: XIY Question: , india (IN)Answer: BLR Question: , indiA (IN)Answer: MAA Question: HYDerabad, (IN)Answer: Question: kolkata, (IN)Answer: CCU Question: mumBai, (in)Answer: Question: bali, indonesiaAnswer: Question: , indonesiaAnswer: CGK Question: , japan (JP)Answer: NGO Question: osaKa, (jp)Answer: Question: osaka , japan (JP)Answer: Question: , japan (JP)Answer: CTS Question: KUaLa lumpur, Answer: Question: PENang, Answer: PEN Question: AucKLand, new Answer: AKL Question: , pakistanAnswer: ISB Question: , pakistanAnswer: Question: LaHorE, Answer: LHE Question: SINgapore, Answer: SIN Question: bUSan, south korea Answer: Question: seoul korea republICAnswer: Question: , taiwanAnswer: KHH Question: , taiwanAnswer: TPE Question: , thailandAnswer: BKK Question: HANoi, Answer: HAN Question: ho chi miNh, Answer: SGN Question: , alberta, canada (CA)Answer: Question: , british columbia, canada (CA)Answer: Question: , austriaAnswer: VIE Question: SOFia vrazhdebna, Answer: Question: LarnaCA, Answer: Question: PRaGue, czech Answer: Question: , denmarkAnswer: Question: , england (GR)Answer: BHX Question: , england (GR)Answer: BRS Question: JERsy, (GR)Answer: JER Question: /GatWick airport, england (GR)Answer: Question: /STaNsted airport, england (GR)Answer: STN Question: NewCastLe, , (GR)Answer: NCL Question: LYon, (FR)Answer: Question: , france (FR)Answer: MRS Question: NiCE, (FR)Answer: Question: /ORlY, france (FR)Answer: ORY Question: aiX en train station, france (fr)Answer: Question: anGers train , france (fr)Answer: Question: train staion, france (fr)Answer: QXN Question: bordeaux staion, france (fr)Answer: ZFQ Question: Le maNs train station, (FR)Answer: ZLN Question: lille/europe train , france (fr)Answer: XDB Question: LYon, (FR)Answer: LYS Question: maRseille train station, (fr)Answer: XRF Question: montPellier station, france (fr)Answer: Question: train station, france (fr)Answer: Question: train statioN, france (fr)Answer: Question: Poitiers train station, (fr)Answer: Question: rennes train , france (fr)Answer: ZFJ Question: , france (fr)Answer: XSH Question: valence trin station, (fr)Answer: Question: berLin, (de)Answer: TXL Question: , germany (DE)Answer: DUS Question: HAMburg, (DE)Answer: HAM Question: , germany (DE)Answer: Question: STuttgaRt, (DE)Answer: STR Question: BoNn, (DE)Answer: Question: cologne/KeoLn station, germany (DE)Answer: Question: DorTMund station, germany (DE)Answer: DTM Question: DUsseldorf station, germany (DE)Answer: Question: ESSen station, germany (DE)Answer: ESS Question: train station, germany (DE)Answer: Question: goEttingen station, germany (DE)Answer: Question: haMBurg train , germany, (DE)Answer: ZMB Question: KaSsel station, germany (DE)Answer: KSF Question: MannHeim train , germany (DE)Answer: MHG Question: train station, germany (DE)Answer: Question: stuttgart Station, germany (de)Answer: ZWS Question: VeniCE, (IT)Answer: VCE Question: AMSterdam, Answer: AMS Question: OSLo, Answer: OSL Question: WArsaW, Answer: Question: LISbon, Answer: LIS Question: bucharesT, Answer: Question: , scotland (GR)Answer: Question: , scotland (GR)Answer: Question: EDInburgh, (GR)Answer: EDI Question: , serbia and montenegroAnswer: BEG Question: de Mallorca, spaIn (ES)Answer: PMI Question: , sPain (ES)Answer: Question: stockholm , swedenAnswer: BMA Question: stockholm, Answer: Question: , switzerland (CH)Answer: BSL Question: HUatulco, (MX)Answer: HUX Question: , mexico (MX)Answer: MID Question: , mexico (MX)Answer: Question: TAMpico, (MX)Answer: TAM Question: GutierreZ, mexico (MX)Answer: Question: VillahermoSA, (MX)Answer: Question: , bahrainAnswer: BAH Question: AMMan, Answer: Question: , kuwaitAnswer: KWI Question: DOHa, Answer: Question: ISTanbul, Answer: IST Question: AbU dHabi, united arab Answer: AUH Question: DuBai, united arab Answer: Question: , chile (CL)Answer: CCP Question: easter Island, (CL)Answer: Question: , chile (CL)Answer: Question: arenas, chile (CL)Answer: PUQ Question: , peru (PE)Answer: AQP Question: , peru (PE)Answer: |
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