Meaning of Verbs |
LC: German common verbs |
German |
2023-10-10 |
Siobhan Hickey |
29 |
0 |
edit |
Comp Eigenschaften |
LC Eigenschaften for Meine Familie |
German |
2023-10-10 |
Siobhan Hickey |
24 |
0 |
edit |
Comp Aural Worksheet |
Aural Workbook for LC |
German |
2023-10-15 |
Siobhan Hickey |
61 |
0 |
edit |
Comp LC phrases |
Phrases for written & oral work LC |
German |
2023-10-15 |
Siobhan Hickey |
33 |
0 |
edit |
Comp Gesundheit 3rd |
JC Gesundheit |
German |
2023-10-10 |
Siobhan Hickey |
43 |
0 |
edit |
Irregular Verbs |
Irregular Verbs in the many tenses LC |
German |
2023-09-30 |
Siobhan Hickey |
16 |
0 |
edit |
Comp: Listening |
Listening Vocabulary LC |
German |
2023-10-16 |
Siobhan Hickey |
28 |
0 |
edit |
5th Year Vocab |
5th Year General Vocabulary Term 1 |
German |
2023-12-06 |
Siobhan Hickey |
165 |
0 |
edit |
1st yr German Term 1 |
1st Year German term 1 Vocabulary |
German |
2024-02-07 |
Siobhan Hickey |
104 |
0 |
edit |
Hausarbeit |
LC German Hausarbeit phrases |
German |
2023-10-10 |
Siobhan Hickey |
12 |
0 |
edit |
3rd year Vocabulary |
3rd year Vocabulary from exam papers |
Unfinished |
2024-03-28 |
Siobhan Hickey |
126 |
0 |
edit |
Perfect Tense Irreg |
3rd Year: Perfect Tense of Irregular verbs |
German |
2023-11-09 |
Siobhan Hickey |
11 |
0 |
edit |
3rd yr German |
Mein Urlaub |
Unfinished |
2023-11-24 |
Siobhan Hickey |
7 |
0 |
edit |
5th year Vocab |
5th year Vocab - Term 2 |
German |
2024-02-07 |
Siobhan Hickey |
15 |
0 |
edit |
LC German phrases |
Important phrases for essays & oral work |
German |
2024-12-19 |
Siobhan Hickey |
70 |
0 |
edit |
Wo wohne ich? |
1st year German term 2 vocabulary |
German |
2024-04-10 |
Siobhan Hickey |
20 |
0 |
edit |
Charaktereigenschaft |
Charaktereigenschaft |
German |
2024-09-13 |
Siobhan Hickey |
27 |
0 |
edit |
Schule |
Schule |
German |
2024-10-05 |
Siobhan Hickey |
76 |
0 |
edit |
Introduction to Germ |
Introduction to Germ |
German |
2024-09-25 |
Siobhan Hickey |
39 |
0 |
edit |
LC German Verbs |
Common verbs for LC German |
German |
2024-10-07 |
Siobhan Hickey |
57 |
0 |
edit |
6th yr German Vocabu |
6th year German Vocabulary Term 1 |
German |
2024-09-24 |
Siobhan Hickey |
42 |
0 |
edit |
5th year German |
Term 1 Vocabulary Sep-Dec 2024 |
German |
2024-10-01 |
Siobhan Hickey |
24 |
0 |
edit |
1st year German |
Familie & Describing people |
Unfinished |
2024-11-14 |
Siobhan Hickey |
57 |
0 |
edit |