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Name Description Category Updated User Cards Stars
BSCS10GLebstdugesund BSCS10G Lebst du gesund? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 26 0 edit
BSCS8F1.1countries 8F1.1countries French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 16 5 edit
BSCS8F1.2adjectives 8F1.2adjectives French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 19 2 edit
12Fr Cyber société Cyber société Unfinished 2022-09-13 mflatbscs 51 0 edit
BSCS10F1 Ou j'habite 10F1 Ou j'habite French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 24 0 edit
BSCS8F1.3weather 8F1.3weather French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 11 2 edit
BSCS8F1.4verbspast 8F1.4verbspast French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 15 2 edit
BSCS8F1.5sequencers 8F1.5timesequencers French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS8F2.1town1 8F2.1placesintown1 French 2022-11-15 mflatbscs 12 1 edit
BSCS8F2.2town2 8F2.2placesintown2 French 2022-11-15 mflatbscs 12 1 edit
BSCS8F2.3infinitives 8F2.3infinitives French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 13 0 edit
BSCS8F2.4adjectives 8F2.4adjectives French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 17 0 edit
BSCS7G1.1Greetings 7G1.1Greetings German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS7G1.2sein 7G1.2sein German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 10 0 edit
BSCS7G1.3numbers 7G1.3numbers German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 31 0 edit
BSCS7G1.4daysmonths 7G1.4daysmonths German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 19 0 edit
BSCS7G2.1family 7G2.1closefamily German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 16 0 edit
BSCS7G2.1bfamily 7G2.1bmorefamily German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 17 0 edit
BSCS7G2.2description 7G2.2describingpeople German 2022-11-23 mflatbscs 23 0 edit
BSCS7G2.3personality 7G2.3describingpersonality German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS7G2.4animals 7G2.4animals German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS7G2.5verbs 7G2.5keyverbs German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 13 0 edit
BSCS9G1.1opinionsall BSCS9G1.1School subject opinions (full sentence builder) German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 70 0 edit
BSCS9G1.1opinions BSCS9G1.1School subject opinions (less complex sentences) German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 47 0 edit
BSCS11G1derSchultag BSCS11G1 ein typischer Schultag German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 21 0 edit
BSCS11GV1.1verbs BSCS11GVocab book 1.1 verbs part 1 German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 25 0 edit
BSCS10F1.2 Ma region BSCS10F1.2 Ma region French 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 13 0 edit
BSCS11GV1.2verbs BSCS11GVocab book 1.1 verbs part 2 German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 15 0 edit
Welsh school subject Welsh school subject Unfinished 2022-10-04 mflatbscs 10 0 edit
BSCS9G1.2sichfreuen BSCS9G1.2sichfreuen German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 16 0 edit
BSCS9G1.3pastpart BSCS9G1.3pastparticiples German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS10FPros and cons BSCS10FPros and cons Unfinished 2022-11-02 mflatbscs 43 0 edit
12Fr Cyber société 2 12Fr Cyber société 2 Unfinished 2022-11-23 mflatbscs 30 0 edit
12Fr Cyber société 3 12Fr Cyber société 3 Unfinished 2022-10-25 mflatbscs 33 0 edit
BSCS9Gsubjectsadj BSCS9G adjectives for describing school subjects German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 13 0 edit
BSCS9Gsichfreuenauf BSCS9G sich freuen auf German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS9Gpastverbs BSCS9G past tense verbs German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS9Ginfinitives BSCS9G infinitive verbs German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS9Gmodalverbs BSCS9G modal verbs German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 10 0 edit
BSCS9GFreizeit BSCS9G was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 25 0 edit
BSCS9GwasfüreinePers BSCS9G was für eine Person bist du? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS9Gwasliestdu BSCS9G was liest du? German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 15 0 edit
BSCS9Glesenwieoftwie BSCS9G wie oft und wie liest du? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS9GMusik BSCS9G was für Musik hörst du? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS9GWeihnachten BSCS9G Weihnachten verbs German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 20 0 edit
BSCS9GTV&Film BSCS9G TV and film German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 56 0 edit
BSCS9GTechnologie BSCS9G technology vocabulary German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 28 0 edit
BSCS9GBeschreibFam BSCS9G Beschreib deine Familie German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 20 0 edit
BSCS9GWiesiehteraus BSCS9G Wie sieht er/sie aus? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 18 0 edit
BSCS9GWieister/sie BSCS9G wie ist er/sie? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 26 0 edit
BSCS9GeinFreundist BSCS9G wie ist ein guter Freund? Unfinished 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS9GFamilieversteh BSCS9G Wie verstehst du dich mit deiner Familie? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 15 0 edit
BSCS9Gheiraten BSCS9G willst du heiraten? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 34 0 edit
BSCS9Gwasfeierstdu BSCS9G was feierst du? German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 28 0 edit
BSCS10GAufAustausch BSCS10G Auf Austausch German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 35 0 edit
BSCS10GZuHause BSCS10G Zu Hause German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 27 0 edit
BSCS10GEssen&trinken BSCS10G Essen und trinken German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 29 0 edit
BSCS10GFrühstückAben BSCS10G Zum Frühstück oder Abendessen German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 21 0 edit
BSCS10GObst&Gemüse BSCS10G Obst und Gemüse German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 22 0 edit
BSCS10GSozialeNetzwe BSCS10G Soziale Netzwerke und Technologie German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 33 0 edit
BSCS10GTech-opinions BSCS10G Vor-und Nachteile der Technologie (opinions) German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 15 0 edit
BSCS10GSüßes-Nachsp BSCS10G Süßes und Nachspeisen German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 13 0 edit
BSCS10GT3/4phrases1 BSCS10G T3/4 key phrases 1 German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 25 0 edit
BSCS10GT3/4phrases2 BSCS10G T3/4 key phrases 2 German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 43 0 edit
BSCS10Gshops BSCS10G Shops German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 17 0 edit
BSCS10Gwoichwohne BSCS10G Wo ich wohne German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 35 0 edit
BSCS10Gtown-pro/con BSCS10G Vor- und Nachteile der Stadt German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 21 0 edit
BSCS10GtownVor/Nach BSCS10G Meine Stadt: Vor- und Nachteile German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 28 0 edit
BSCS10Gwoichwohne2 BSCS10G Wo ich wohne2 German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 16 0 edit
BSCS11GWorkExp BSCS11G Meine Arbeitserfahrung/Mein Arbeitspraktikum German 2022-10-29 mflatbscs 13 0 edit
BSCS9GinderSchule BSCS9G in der Schule - places German 2022-10-31 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS8F3.3food&drink BSCS8F3.3food&drink French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 22 0 edit
BSCS 10F2La maison La maison French 2022-11-23 mflatbscs 51 0 edit
BSCS8FOnpeut BSCS8FOnpeut French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 16 0 edit
BSCS10Fr2 Meubles BSCS10Fr2 Meubles French 2022-12-06 mflatbscs 26 0 edit
BSCS10Fr2 Meubles BSCS10Fr2 Meubles Unfinished 2022-12-06 mflatbscs 39 0 edit
BSCS8F2.4Noel BSCS8F2.4Noel Unfinished 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS8F3.1Xmashols BSCS8F3.1Describingwhathappenedintheholidays French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 13 0 edit
BSCS8F3.2Keyverbs BSCS8F3.2Keyverbs French 2023-01-19 mflatbscs 14 1 edit
BSCS8F3.4clothes BSCS8F3.4clothes French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS8F3.5transaction BSCS8F3.5transactionalphrases French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS8F4.1aller&infin BSCS8F4.1aller&infinitives French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 20 0 edit
BSCS8F4.2futureplans BSCS8F4.2futuretimephrases&futureplans French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 11 0 edit
BSCS8F4.3careerplans BSCS8F4.3careerplans French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 11 0 edit
BSCS8F4.4newinfins BSCS8F4.4newinfinitiveverbs French 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS7G3.1basicopins BSCS7G3.1basicopions&infinitivestructures German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 20 0 edit
BSCS7G3.2keyverbs BSCS7G3.2keyverbs German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 16 0 edit
BSCS7G3.2keyverbs2 BSCS7G3.2keyverbspart2 German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 20 0 edit
BSCS7G3.4timephrases BSCS7G3.4timephrases German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 11 0 edit
BSCS7G3.5reasons BSCS7G3.5reasons German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 11 0 edit
BSCS7G4.1subjects BSCS7G4.1schoolsubjects German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS7G4.2keyverbs BSCS7G4.2basicopinions&keyverbs German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 9 0 edit
BSCS7G4.3opinions BSCS7G4.3opinions&reasons German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 22 0 edit
BSCS7G4.4schoolday BSCS7G4.4schoolday German 2023-01-08 mflatbscs 14 0 edit
BSCS8Fr2Revision1&2 BSCS8Fr2Revision 1&2 Unfinished 2023-01-11 mflatbscs 115 0 edit
BSCS11GJobs BSCS11GJobs German 2023-01-15 mflatbscs 27 0 edit
12Fr Patrimoine 2 Patrimoine et tourisme Unfinished 2023-02-21 mflatbscs 32 0 edit
BSCS8F3.6TERM3 BSCS8F3.6TERM3 Unfinished 2023-03-14 mflatbscs 182 0 edit
BSCS8F5.1body BSCS8F5.1body French 2023-04-26 mflatbscs 13 1 edit
BSCS8Fr5LostProperty BSCS8FrLostProperty French 2023-06-12 mflatbscs 21 0 edit
BSCS8Fr6Cafe Problèmes au café French 2023-06-27 mflatbscs 17 0 edit
BSCSG8.1places Places you visited on holiday Unfinished 2023-09-12 mflatbscs 12 0 edit
BSCS7Frenchnumbers BSCS7Frenchnumbers Unfinished 2023-09-29 mflatbscs 16 0 edit
German Time phrases German Time phrases Unfinished 2023-10-31 mflatbscs 15 0 edit
Past Participles Past Participles Unfinished 2023-10-31 mflatbscs 32 0 edit

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