-ir verbs Word Scramble
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Question | Answer |
partir | to leave |
sentir | to smell |
cueillir | to seize, pick |
garnir | to decorate |
demolir | to demolish |
(s')evanouir | to faint |
fournir | to provide |
benir | to bless |
grandir | to grow taller |
recouvrir | to cover again |
tenir | to hold |
refroidir | to cool off |
obtenir | to obtain |
elargir | to expand |
hair | to hate |
rougir | to blush |
gemir | to whine |
devenir | to become |
perir | to perish |
ressentir | to feel (emotion) |
ouvrir | to open |
pourrir | to rot |
offrir | to offer |
subir | to undergo |
decouvrir | to discover |
mourir | to die |
punir | to punish |
palir | to become pale |
apercevoir | to see at a distnace |
ravir | to ravish (amaze) |
dormir | to sleep |
fleurir | to blossom (lit) |
garantir | to guarantee |
(se) souvenir | to remember |
enrichir | to enrich |
consentir | to consent |
obeir | to obey |
remplir | to fill out |
finir | to finish |
parvenir | to reach a point of success |
desobeir | to disobey |
souffrir | to suffer |
reussir | to succeed |
conquerir | to conquer |
provenir | to come from |
(se) rejouir | to rejoice, look forward to |
choisir | to choose |
affaiblir | to weaken |
reunir | to reunite |
unir | to unite |
grossir | to gain weight |
saisir | to grab |
concevoir | to conceive (fig) |
(s')enfuir | to escape |
falloir | to be necessary |
agir | to act |
avoir | to have |
mentir | to lie |
sortir | to go out |
acquerir | to acquire |
soutenir | to support |
vieillir | to get old |
(s')asseoir | to sit down |
vetir | to dress, clothe |
couvrir | to cover |
raccourcir | to shorten |
servir | to serve |
emouvoir | to affect emotionally |
reflechir | to reflect, think |
munir | to equip (with a tool) |
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