capítulo 2 vocab Word Scramble
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Term | Definition |
protector | protective |
los valores | values |
la protección | protection |
el/la hijo/a adoptivo/a | adopted child |
envidioso/a | envious |
entrometido/a | meddlesome |
exigente | demanding |
quejarse (de) | to complain (about) |
quejón/quejona | complaining |
portarse | to behave |
disfuncional | dysfunctional |
egoísta | selfish |
el/la medio/a hermano/a | half-brother, half-sister |
pertenecer (pertenezco) | to belong |
criar(se) | to bring up, to be raised |
sumiso/a | submissive |
rebelde | rebellious |
mudarse | to move (residence) |
abierto/a | open |
sólido | solid |
el padrastro | stepfather |
la unidad | unity |
ensimismado/a | self-centered |
el/la hijo/a único/a | only child |
inquieto/a | restless |
cooperador/a | cooperative |
conservador | conservative |
el/la gemelo/a | twin |
cortés | polite |
asimilarse | to assimilate |
obedecer (obedezco) | to obey |
volverle loco/a | to drive (someone) crazy |
el/la hermanastro/a | stepbrother, stepsister |
indulgente | indulgent |
pelearse | to fight |
orgulloso/a | proud |
apoyar | to support (emotionally) |
ilusionante | exciting, hopeful |
la estabilidad | stability |
experimentar | to experience |
abrumado/a | overwhelmed |
la armonía | harmony |
los antepasados | ancestors |
perdido/a | lost |
decepcionado/a | disappointed |
involucrado/a | involved |
la esperanza | hope |
estricto | strict |
comprensivo/a | understanding |
heredar | to inherit |
cuidar (de) | to take care of |
castigar | to punish |
confundido/a | confused |
estable | stable |
mimar | to spoil |
malcriado/a | ill-mannered |
el malentendido | misunderstanding |
soportar | to tolerate |
insoportable | unbearable |
la expectativa | expectation |
las raíces | roots |
cariñoso/a | loving |
regañar | to scold |
el comportamiento | behavior |
enriquecedor/a | enriching |
unido/a | close-knit |
los modales | manners |
compartir | to share |
travieso/a | mischievous |
aislado/a | isolated |
la comprensión | understanding |
mimado/a | spoiled |
extrañar (a) | to miss |
cercano/a | close |
acostumbrarse (a) | to adjust (to) |
obediente | obedient |
desafiante | challenging |
la madrastra | stepmother |
la desilusión | disappointment |
pésimo/a | abysmal, terrible |
rechazado/a | rejected |
mantenerse en contacto | to keep in touch |
mandón/mandona | bossy |
la brecha generacional | generation gap |
alabar | to praise |
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