Srta Lynch LC 22 Def Word Scramble
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Normal Size Small Size show me how
Normal Size Small Size show me how
brillará | it will shine |
el microondas | the microwave |
pidió que se quedara | asked to stay |
debido al | because of |
firmado | signed |
Cómo empezaste | how did you start |
premio | prize |
sin tener que | without having to |
utiliza | it uses |
cartón | cardboard |
hispanoamericana | Hispano |
será | it will be |
Hemos tocado por todo el mundo | we have played all over the world |
en directo | live |
calentar | to heat |
granizo | hailstone |
emisiones | emissions |
la nevera | the fridge |
vespertino | afternoon (adjective) |
el aspiradora | the vacuum cleaner |
ganar carreras | to win races |
Con un poco de suerte | with a little luck |
te muestra | it shows you |
el incremento / aumento | the increase |
se quedó en paro | he became unemployed |
chubascos | showers |
bandidos | bandits |
están dirigidos a | they are directed towards |
parecido/a | similar |
se pueden | you can |
un ahorro | a saving |
encontrar | to find |
los gustos | tastes |
mi propio | my own |
electrodomésticos inteligentes | intelligent household applicances |
efecto invernadero | the greenhouse effect |
poesía | poetry |
las facturas | the bills |
ya no son necesarias | are no longer necessary |
siglo | century |
el resilencia | resilience |
te alerta | it alerts you |
correo electrónico | |
la luz | the light |
dentro | inside |
adquerir | to acquire |
la lavadora | the dryer |
bancos de niebla matinales | banks of fog in the morning |
combatir | to combat |
alimentos | food (supplies) |
al cumplir los nueve años | when turning 9 |
latas | tins/cans |
se recicla | it recycles |
energía solar | solar energy |
localizar | to locate |
gratuitos | free |
desrrollan | they develop |
me siento como en mi propia casa | I feel at home |
habrá | there will be |
descender | to descend |
la vida cotidiana | the everyday life |
una pantalla digital | a digital screen |
música Celta | Celtic music |
la feria | the fair/festival |
la sierra | the mountain range |
conseguir | to get |
el calamiento global | global warning |
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