1/8 Spanish U1E1 Word Scramble
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Term | Definition |
mimado(a) | spoiled |
sociable | sociable |
resolver (o ---> ue) | to resolve |
ovalado(a) | oval |
los lentes de contacto | contact lenses |
triangukar | triangular |
atrevido(a) | daring |
ondulado(a) | wavy |
las pecas | freckles |
redondo(a) | round |
vaindoso(a) | vain |
descarado(a) | insolent, shameless |
considerado(a) | considerate |
lo mejor/peor | the best/worst |
rojizo(a) | reddish |
los anteojos | glasses |
la barba | beard |
el balón | soccer ball |
la más/menos | the most/leost |
amable | nice |
por otro lado | on the other hand |
10 bueno/lo malo | the good thing/bad thing |
influir | to influence |
impaciente | impatient |
por un lado | on the one hand |
el flequillo | bangs |
verse | to look, to appear |
semejante a | similar to |
a diferencia de | as contrasted with |
modesto(a) | modest |
cudrado(a) | square |
al contrario | on the contrary |
teñido(a) | dyed |
fiel | faithful |
obediente | obedient |
el bigote | mustache |
calvo(a) | bald |
cómico(a) | funny |
timido(a) | shy |
discutir | to discuss, to argue |
tener en común | to hove in common |
el lunar | beauty mark |
grueso(a) | heavy |
desagradable | unplesant |
hacerie caso a | to obey, to pay attention to |
el cabello | hair |
paciente | patient |
opuesto(a) | opposite |
la cola de caballo | ponytail |
esbeltp(a) | slender |
respetar | to respect |
comprensivo(a) | understanding |
compartir | to share |
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