b1 Word Scramble
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spanish | english |
traer | to bring |
llegar | to arrive |
me pregunto | I wonder |
toser | to cough |
me das asco | you disgust me |
edad | age |
jamás | nunca |
perseguir | to chase |
arreglarse | to fix |
pegar | to hit |
girar | to spin |
gastar | to spend/waste |
apenas | barely |
pedir | to request |
ambos | los dos |
saltar | to jump |
hogar | home |
eso suena a genocidio | that sounds like genocide |
faltando | lacking |
da igual | it's all the same |
darse cuenta | to realize |
quejar | to complain |
mantener | to maintain |
sigue | keep going |
venir | to come |
parar | to stop/stand |
esconder | to hide |
me alegra | i'm glad |
peinar | to comb |
sentarse | to sit |
despegar | to take off |
lejos de ti | far from you |
arriba | up |
parecer | to seem |
firmar | to sign |
morder | to bite |
tontis | silly |
qué sucede | what's going on |
demás | the rest |
eliger | to choose |
cerrando el hocico | shut your trap |
pues | well |
mientras | while |
que tierno | how sweet/cute |
turnamos | we take turns |
decepcionado | disappointed |
no fue a propósito | It wasn't on purpose |
romper | to break |
repetir | to repeat |
no sabía qué hacer | i didn't know what to do |
cómo sea | anyway |
detrás | behind |
caerse | to fall |
atrapar | to catch |
sugerir | to suggest |
mentir | to lie |
llenar | to fill |
madura | mature |
asustar | to scare |
hubiera sido | I would/should have been |
merecer | to deserve |
monstrar | to show |
te juro | i swear to you |
acordarse de | recordar |
único | sólo |
perder | to lose/miss |
avísame | let me know |
de donde sacas que yo lo quiero | where do you get that i want it |
sacar | to take/get out |
oir | to hear |
pruébatela | try it on yourself |
no te ofendas | no offense |
convertir | to become |
ojalá | i hope |
lamentablemente | unfortunately |
te verías bien con uno | you would look good with one |
desear | to desire |
pudo haber sido peor | it could have been worse |
tirar | to throw |
basta ya | enough already |
ni siquiera | not even |
antes | before |
obtenar | to obtain |
ponte | get |
desagradable | disagreeable/unpleasant |
aunque sea | al menos |
época | time |
divertirse | to have fun |
sucio | dirty |
enseñar | to teach |
probar | tratar |
lamento | i'm sorry |
volar | to fly |
un rato más | a while more |
ahí | there (close) |
pero qué diablos pasó aquí | what the hell happened here |
atrás | back |
aguantar | to bear |
matutino | de la mañana |
asar | to grill |
pierdes tiempo | you're wasting time |
roto | broken |
cortar | to cut |
bromear | to joke |
haré | i will |
dentro | inside |
cerrado | closed |
quedarse | to stay |
despacio | slowly |
the culpo a ti por esto | i blame you for this |
osea | I mean |
déjalo en paz | leave him alone |
cada | each/every |
atentar contra | to attack |
fumar | to smoke |
valen | are worth it |
todavía/aún | still/yet |
manejar | to drive |
disfrutar | to enjoy |
está coqueteándole | she's flirting with him |
cualquiera | any/anyone |
encendida | lit |
orinar | to pee |
grosera | rude |
suéltame | let go of me |
vergüenza | shame |
soltar | to let go |
saborear | to taste |
colorín, colorado, este cuento se ha acabado | that's a wrap |
meta | goal |
contar | to count |
en cambio | on the other hand |
mandar | to send/order |
además | in addition |
soler | to tend to |
abajo/debajo | below |
tampoco | neither |
relájate | to relax |
por supuesto | of course |
tonto | stupid |
herir | to wound |
disparar | to shoot |
comportamiento | behavior |
evitar | to avoid |
quito | I remove |
agregar | to add |
solía ser | used to be |
lastimar | to hurt |
rodear | to surround |
rara vez | rarely |
en vez de | instead of |
acabar de | to have just |
enfriar | to cool |
qué acaba de pasar | what just happened |
qué opinas | what do you think |
vuelve a subirte | get back up |
si supieras cuáles son | if you knew of |
desperdiciar | to waste |
re | emphasis |
hervir | to boil |
calentar | to heat |
tal vez | maybe |
tener sed | to be thirsty |
castigo | punishment |
freir | to fry |
cuerdo | rational |
deletrear | to spell |
cruzar | to cross |
rendirse | to give up |
lo prometo | i promise |
caber | to fit |
apagar | to turn off/put out |
ya perdiste la cabeza | you already lost your mind |
cielos | gosh |
alguna vez | sometime/ever |
encima | over |
me equivoqué | I was wrong |
de todas formas/maneras/modos | in any case |
lastimarse | to get hurt |
no pasa nada | no te preocupes |
déjame ayudarte | let me help you |
ninguno/ningún | none |
tener éxito | to have success |
hace cinco horas | five hours ago |
me encargo | i'll handle it |
diario | daily |
acá | here |
el peor daño que puedes hacerles es | the worst damage you can do to them is |
estar a cargo de | to be in charge of |
jocoso | funny |
pagar | to pay |
lo vas a lograr | you will make it |
hazlo de nuevo | do it again |
cansar | to get tired |
reirse | to laugh |
alcanzar | to reach |
averiguarlo | to find out |
pasear | to walk |
allá | there (far) |
llevar | to wear/carry |
platicar | to chat |
y que harás al respecto | and what will you do about it |
prestar | to borrow |
de qué estás hablando | what are you talking about |
retrasar | to delay |
grabar | to record |
soportar | to support/tolerate |
próximo | next |
bueno, en este caso en particular... | well, in this case in particular... |
recién | newly |
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