Los Quehaceres Word Scramble
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Question | Answer |
El trabajo | The Work |
compartir | To share |
cortar el cesped | To mow the lawn |
Cocinar | To cook |
Preparar la comida | Prepare food |
Trabajar en el jardin | garden |
Lavar las ollas | Wash the pots |
Fregar | To wash, To scrub |
Doblar la ropa | fold clothes |
Colgar la ropa | Hang clothes |
Desempolvar | To dust |
Juntos | Together |
Planchar | To iron |
Limpiar la cocina | Clean the kitchen |
Subir algo al cuarto | Bring something up to the room |
Los Quehaceres | The Chores |
Regar las plantas | To water the plants |
Pasar la aspiradora | vacuuming |
Guardar | To pud away |
Recoger la mesa | Pink up the table |
Barrer | Sweep |
Dar de comer al perro | Feed the dog |
La aspiradora | vacuum cleaner |
Secar los patios | To dry the dishes |
Traer la leche a casa | Bring the milk home |
Hacer la cama | Make the bed |
Las personas | The people |
Adornar las paredes | Decorate the walls |
Sacar la basura | Take out the trash |
Created by:
Rodriguez Andrea
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