Srta Lynch Pre LC 25 Word Scramble
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Normal Size Small Size show me how
Normal Size Small Size show me how
Lograr | Achieve |
Consejos | Advice |
Fundas para móviles | Phone cases |
Enfrentarse a | Face (something) |
La temática de sus libros | The theme of their books |
Los residuos | Waste |
Salir adelante | Move forward |
Ayudan | They help |
Involucrar | Involve |
Burlarse | Mock/Make fun of |
Hablar con fluidez | Speak fluently |
Liberar | Release |
Aprobar | Pass (a test) |
Una guía | A guide |
Relojes | Watches |
El precio de salida | Starting price |
Qué libros quedan bien | Which books look good |
Encontrar | Find |
Intercambios | Exchanges |
Fundar | Found (establish) |
Evitar | Avoid |
Fundas | Cases |
Ingeniero | Engineer |
Anillos | Rings |
Según | According to |
Un informe | A report |
El tercio sur | The southern third |
El Ministerio de Sanidad | The Ministry of Health |
Foros | Forums |
Contenedores | Containers |
Lidiar | Deal with |
Fortalecer | Strengthen |
Mudarse | Move (relocate) |
Bisutería | Costume jewelry |
Débil | Weak |
Pulseras | Bracelets |
Los estiramientos | Stretches |
La espalda | The back |
El tamaño | The size |
Bajas laborales | Work leave |
Valerse por sí mismo | Fend for oneself |
Estanterías | Shelves |
Según temáticas | According to themes |
Idiomas | Languages |
Hemos habilitado | We have enabled |
Veinteañeros | Twenty-somethings |
Sobrecubiertas de diseño | Designer covers |
Empresas | Companies |
El propietario | The owner |
Revalorizar | Add value to |
El esfuerzo | Effort |
Sentir vergüenza | Feel embarrassed |
Las redes de pesca | Fishing nets |
Tenderán a subir | They will tend to rise |
Predominarán | Will predominate |
Sentadas | Sit-ins |
Aparecer | Appear |
El ayuntamiento | The city council |
Joyería | Jewelry |
Disponible | Available |
El miedo | Fear |
Los puertos | Ports |
Un reto | A challenge |
Sacar buenas notas | Get good results |
Sufrir dolencias de | Suffer from ailments of |
Colgantes | Pendants |
Sin tener nociones de español | Without knowing any Spanish |
Los objetos perdidos | Lost items |
Emprender negocios fallidos | Start failed businesses |
Subastarse | To be auctioned |
Debido a | Due to |
Pendientes | Earrings |
Levantarse del puesto de trabajo | Get up from the workstation |
Manejar | Manage/Handle |
Retirado de mares | Removed from seas |
Sacará subasta | Will put up for auction |
Cadenas | Chains |
Disfrutar | Enjoy |
La burbuja de cristal | The glass bubble |
Dispositivos | Devices |
Oro | Gold |
Lentes | Lenses |
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