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What is Anthropology? The study of humankind in all times and places. The integrated study of human nature, human society and human history
What are the 6 sub-fields of Anthropology? Socio-cultural, Ethnography, Biological, Archaeology, Linguistics & Applied.
Culture The knowledge that is learned, shared, and used by people to interpret experience and generate behaviour
Explicit vs. Tacit Explicit: what we know, a level of knowledge that can be communicated with ease vs. Tacit, our outside awareness
Naive Realism The almost universal belief that all people define everything in the same way
Dualism The philosophical view that reality consists of two equal, irreducible forces
Holism Assumes that mind/body, individual/society, individual/environment, interpenetrate and define one another
Ethnology The comparative study of two or more cultures
Ethnography An anthropologist's written description of a particular culture
Ethnocentrism The opinion that one's own way of life is the most natural, correct or fully human way of life.
Armchair anthropologists They sat and watched as opposed to participating and gaining perspective
John Locke The idea that culture is learned
Auguste Comte That social facts can be observed - positivism
Saint Simone Comparison of society to a biological organism
Capitalism An economic system dominated by a supply and demand, market designed to create capital and profit
Colonialism The cultural domination of a people by a larger, wealthier powers
Political Economy Economic interest underlay political control of natives and others
Levi-Strauss Anthropology was the outcome of a process which made the larger part of mankind subservient to the other
Salvaging Preserving a culture/cultural traits before they became extinct
Three Major Schools of thought British - evolutionists, structural functionalists and functionalists French - structuralists American
Why don't questions always work? They might just tell you what you want to hear
Three Modes of Ethnographic Fieldwork Positivism, Reflexivity, Multi-Sited research
Positivism The view that there is a reality out there that can be detected through the senses
Reflexivity Reflecting on the anthropologist's own culture, thinking about thinking
Multi-sited research Studying many sites simultaneously
Effects of Fieldwork Those being studied - no harm, anonymity The researcher - culture shock, relationships Humanity - nature, society, history
Created by: k.anne
Popular Anthropology sets




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